EBOOK-VIEWER(1) | calibre | EBOOK-VIEWER(1) |
ebook-viewer - ebook-viewer
ebook-viewer [options] file
`ebook-viewer`传递参数时,用引号括起这些参数。例如: "/some path/with spaces"
- --continue
- 继续读上次打开的书
- --detach
- 從控制終端中斷連線( 如果有 )( 僅限Linux )
- --force-reload
- 强制重新载入所有已打开书籍
- --full-screen, --fullscreen, -f
- 如果指定了此选项,则“电子书查看器”窗口将在启动时尝试全屏打开。
- --help, -h
- 顯示說明訊息並退出
- --open-at
- The position at which to open the specified book. The position is a location or position you can get by using the Go to->Location action in the viewer controls. Alternately, you can use the form toc:something and it will open at the location of the first Table of Contents entry that contains the string "something". The form toc-href:something will match the href (internal link destination) of toc nodes. The matching is exact. If you want to match a substring, use the form toc-href-contains:something. The form ref:something will use Reference mode references. The form search:something will search for something after opening the book. The form regex:something will search for the regular expression something after opening the book.
- --raise-window
- 如果指定了此选项,则“电子书查看器”窗口将在启动时尝试移到最前面。
- --version
- 顯示程式版本編號並退出
Kovid Goyal
Kovid Goyal
2月 17, 2023 | 6.13.0 |