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ociomakeclf - convert a LUT into CLF format and optionally add conversions from/to ACES2065-1 to make it an LMT.


ociomakeclf -- Convert a LUT into CLF format and optionally add conversions from/to ACES2065-1 to make it an LMT.

If the csc argument is used, the CLF will contain the transforms: [ACES2065-1 to CSC space] [the LUT] [CSC space to ACES2065-1].

usage: ociomakeclf inLutFilepath outLutFilepath --csc cscColorSpace

ociomakeclf inLutFilepath outLutFilepath
ociomakeclf --list


Print help message
Display general information
Measure (in ms) the CLF write
List of the supported CSC color spaces
The color space that the input LUT expects and produces
If the csc argument is used, the CLF will contain the transforms: [ACES2065-1 to CSC space] [the LUT] [CSC space to ACES2065-1].

usage: ociomakeclf inLutFilepath outLutFilepath --csc cscColorSpace

ociomakeclf inLutFilepath outLutFilepath
ociomakeclf --list
Print help message
Display general information
Measure (in ms) the CLF write
List of the supported CSC color spaces
The color space that the input LUT expects and produces


The full documentation for ociomakeclf is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and ociomakeclf programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info ociomakeclf

should give you access to the complete manual.

August 2022 ociomakeclf -- Convert a LUT into CLF format and optionally add conversions from/to ACES2065-1 to make it an LMT.