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ROCM-SMI(1) User Commands ROCM-SMI(1)


rocm-smi - rocm-smi - a tool to monitor AMD accelerators and GPUs


usage: rocm-smi [-h] [-V] [-d DEVICE [DEVICE ...]] [--alldevices] [--showhw] [-a] [-i] [-v] [-e [EVENT ...]]

[--showdriverversion] [--showtempgraph] [--showfwinfo [BLOCK ...]] [--showmclkrange] [--showmemvendor] [--showsclkrange] [--showproductname] [--showserial] [--showuniqueid] [--showvoltagerange] [--showbus] [--showpagesinfo] [--showpendingpages] [--showretiredpages] [--showunreservablepages] [-f] [-P] [-t] [-u] [--showmemuse] [--showvoltage] [-b] [-c] [-g] [-l] [-M] [-m] [-o] [-p] [-S] [-s] [--showmeminfo TYPE [TYPE ...]] [--showpids [VERBOSE]] [--showpidgpus [SHOWPIDGPUS ...]] [--showreplaycount] [--showrasinfo [SHOWRASINFO ...]] [--showvc] [--showxgmierr] [--showtopo] [--showtopoaccess] [--showtopoweight] [--showtopohops] [--showtopotype] [--showtoponuma] [--showenergycounter] [--shownodesbw] [--showcomputepartition] [--showmemorypartition] [-r] [--resetfans] [--resetprofile] [--resetpoweroverdrive] [--resetxgmierr] [--resetperfdeterminism] [--resetcomputepartition] [--resetmemorypartition] [--setclock TYPE LEVEL] [--setsclk LEVEL [LEVEL ...]] [--setmclk LEVEL [LEVEL ...]] [--setpcie LEVEL [LEVEL ...]] [--setslevel SCLKLEVEL SCLK SVOLT] [--setmlevel MCLKLEVEL MCLK MVOLT] [--setvc POINT SCLK SVOLT] [--setsrange SCLKMIN SCLKMAX] [--setextremum min|max sclk|mclk CLK] [--setmrange MCLKMIN MCLKMAX] [--setfan LEVEL] [--setperflevel LEVEL] [--setoverdrive %] [--setmemoverdrive %] [--setpoweroverdrive WATTS] [--setprofile SETPROFILE] [--setperfdeterminism SCLK] [--setcomputepartition {CPX,SPX,DPX,TPX,QPX,cpx,spx,dpx,tpx,qpx}] [--setmemorypartition {NPS1,NPS2,NPS4,NPS8,nps1,nps2,nps4,nps8}] [--rasenable BLOCK ERRTYPE] [--rasdisable BLOCK ERRTYPE] [--rasinject BLOCK] [--gpureset] [--load FILE | --save FILE] [--autorespond RESPONSE] [--loglevel LEVEL] [--json] [--csv]

AMD ROCm System Management Interface | ROCM-SMI version: 2.2.0


show this help message and exit
Reset specified GPU (One GPU must be specified)
Load Clock, Fan, Performance and Profile settings from FILE
Save Clock, Fan, Performance and Profile settings to FILE
Show version information
Execute command on specified device

Display Options:


Show Hardware details
Show Temperature, Fan and Clock values


Show VBIOS version
Show event list
Show kernel driver version
Show Temperature Graph
Show FW information
Show mclk range
Show GPU memory vendor
Show sclk range
Show product details
Show GPU's Serial Number
Show GPU's Unique ID
Show voltage range
Show PCI bus number

Pages information:

Show retired, pending and unreservable pages
Show pending retired pages
Show retired pages
Show unreservable pages
Show current fan speed
Show current average or instant socket graphics package power consumption
Show current temperature
Show current GPU use
Show current GPU memory used
Show current GPU voltage

Software-related/controlled information:

Show estimated PCIe use
Show current clock frequencies
Show current GPU clock frequencies
Show Compute Profile attributes
Show maximum graphics package power this GPU will consume
Show current GPU Memory Clock OverDrive level
Show current GPU Clock OverDrive level
Show current DPM Performance Level
Show supported GPU and Memory Clocks and Voltages
Show supported GPU and Memory Clock
Show Memory usage information for given block(s) TYPE
Show current running KFD PIDs (pass details to VERBOSE for detailed information)
Show GPUs used by specified KFD PIDs (all if no arg given)
Show PCIe Replay Count
Show RAS enablement information and error counts for the specified block(s) (all if no arg given)
Show voltage curve
Show XGMI error information since last read
Show hardware topology information
Shows the link accessibility between GPUs
Shows the relative weight between GPUs
Shows the number of hops between GPUs
Shows the link type between GPUs
Shows the numa nodes
Energy accumulator that stores amount of energy consumed
Shows the numa nodes
Shows current compute partitioning
Shows current memory partition

Set options:

Set Clock Frequency Level(s) for specified clock (requires manual Perf level)
Set GPU Clock Frequency Level(s) (requires manual Perf level)
Set GPU Memory Clock Frequency Level(s) (requires manual Perf level)
Set PCIE Clock Frequency Level(s) (requires manual Perf level)
Change GPU Clock frequency (MHz) and Voltage (mV) for a specific Level
Change GPU Memory clock frequency (MHz) and Voltage for (mV) a specific Level
Change SCLK Voltage Curve (MHz mV) for a specific point
Set min and max SCLK speed
Set min/max of SCLK/MCLK speed
Set min and max MCLK speed
Set GPU Fan Speed (Level or %)
Set Performance Level
Set GPU OverDrive level (requires manual|high Perf level)
Set GPU Memory Overclock OverDrive level (requires manual|high Perf level)
Set the maximum GPU power using Power OverDrive in Watts
Specify Power Profile level (#) or a quoted string of CUSTOM Profile attributes "# # # #..." (requires manual Perf level)
Set clock frequency limit to get minimal performance variation
Set compute partition
Set memory partition
Enable RAS for specified block and error type
Disable RAS for specified block and error type
Inject RAS poison for specified block (ONLY WORKS ON UNSECURED BOARDS)

Reset options:

Reset clocks and OverDrive to default
Reset fans to automatic (driver) control
Reset Power Profile back to default
Set the maximum GPU power back to the device default state
Reset XGMI error count
Disable performance determinism
Resets to boot compute partition state
Resets to boot memory partition state

Auto-response options:

Response to automatically provide for all prompts (NOT RECOMMENDED)

Output options:

How much output will be printed for what program is doing, one of debug/info/warning/error/critical
Print output in JSON format
Print output in CSV format


The full documentation for rocm-smi is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and rocm-smi programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info rocm-smi

should give you access to the complete manual.

November 2024 rocm-smi 2.2.0