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svm_learn - learns SVM models


svm_learn [options] training-file model-file


TinySVM - tiny SVM package Copyright © 2000-2002 Taku Kudo, All rights reserved.

Solver Type:

select type of solver. TYPE: 0 - C-SVM (default)
1 - C-SVR 2 - One-Class-SVM (experimental)

Kernel Parameter:

select type of kernel function. TYPE: 0 - linear (w * x) (default)
1 - polynomial
(s w * x + r)^d
2 - neural
tanh (s w * x + r)
3 - RBF
exp (-s * ||w-x||^2)
(sum_i [exp(-s * ||w_i-x_i||^2)])^d
set INT for parameter d in polynomial kernel. (default 1)
set FLOAT for parameter r in polynomial kernel. (default 1)
set FLOAT for parameter s in polynomial kernel. (default 1)

Optimization Parameter:

set FLOAT for cache memory size (MB). (default 40.0)
set FLOAT for cost C of constraints violation, trade-off between training error and margin. (default 1.0)
set FLOAT for tolerance of termination criterion. (default 0.001)
set INT for number of iterations variable needs to be optimal before considered for shrinking. (default 100)
set FLOAT for initial threshold value of shrinking process. (default 2.0)
do final optimality check for variables removed by shrinking. (default 1)
set FLOAT for epsilon in epsilon-insensitive loss function used in C-SVR cost evaluation. (default 0.1)


set FILE, FILE.idx for initial condition model file.
write all alpha and gradient to MODEL.idx.
calculate vector w (w * x + b), instead of alpha.
set verbose mode.
show the version of TinySVM and exit.
show this help and exit.

TinySVM - tiny SVM package Copyright © 2000-2002 Taku Kudo, All rights reserved.

February 2013 svm_learn of 0.09