Constructor. The following data structure may be passed to new():
{ # ONVIF::Device::Types::AnalyticsEngineInput
SourceIdentification => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::SourceIdentification
Name => $some_value, # string
Token => $some_value, # ReferenceToken
Extension => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::SourceIdentificationExtension
VideoInput => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoEncoderConfiguration
Encoding => $some_value, # VideoEncoding
Resolution => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoResolution
Width => $some_value, # int
Height => $some_value, # int
Quality => $some_value, # float
RateControl => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoRateControl
FrameRateLimit => $some_value, # int
EncodingInterval => $some_value, # int
BitrateLimit => $some_value, # int
MPEG4 => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Mpeg4Configuration
GovLength => $some_value, # int
Mpeg4Profile => $some_value, # Mpeg4Profile
H264 => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::H264Configuration
GovLength => $some_value, # int
H264Profile => $some_value, # H264Profile
Multicast => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::MulticastConfiguration
Address => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::IPAddress
Type => $some_value, # IPType
IPv4Address => $some_value, # IPv4Address
IPv6Address => $some_value, # IPv6Address
Port => $some_value, # int
TTL => $some_value, # int
AutoStart => $some_value, # boolean
SessionTimeout => $some_value, # duration
MetadataInput => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::MetadataInput
MetadataConfig => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Config
Parameters => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::ItemList
SimpleItem => ,
ElementItem => {
Extension => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::ItemListExtension
Extension => { # ONVIF::Device::Types::MetadataInputExtension