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- stretch 1:19.2.1+dfsg-2+deb9u2
CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin(3erl) | Erlang Module Definition | CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin(3erl) |
CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ConsumerAdmin - This module implements the OMG CosNotifyChannelAdmin::ConsumerAdmin interface.DESCRIPTION¶
To get access to the record definitions for the structures use:-include_lib("cosNotification/include/*.hrl").
This module also exports the functions described in:
- *
- CosNotification_QoSAdmin
- *
- CosNotifyComm_NotifySubscribe
- *
- CosNotifyFilter_FilterAdmin
_get_MyID(ConsumerAdmin) -> AdminIDTypes:
AdminID = long()
The ID returned by the creating channel is equal to the value encapsulated by this readonly attribute.
_get_MyChannel(ConsumerAdmin) -> Channel
Channel = #objref
The creating channel's reference is maintained by this readonly attribute.
_get_MyOperator(ConsumerAdmin) -> OpType
OpType = 'AND_OP' | 'OR_OP'
When ConsumerAdmin's are created an operation type, i.e., 'AND_OP' or 'OR_OP', is supplied, which determines the semantics used by the target object concerning evaluation against any associated Filter objects.
_get_priority_filter(ConsumerAdmin) -> MappingFilter
If set, this operation returns the associated priority MappingFilter, otherwise a NIL object reference is returned.
_set_priority_filter(ConsumerAdmin, MappingFilter) -> ok
To associate a priority MappingFilter with the target object this operation must be used.
_get_lifetime_filter(ConsumerAdmin) -> MappingFilter
Unless a lifetime MappingFilter have been associated with the target object a NIL object reference is returned by this operation.
_set_lifetime_filter(ConsumerAdmin, MappingFilter) -> ok
This operation associate a lifetime MappingFilter with the target object.
_get_pull_suppliers(ConsumerAdmin) -> ProxyIDSeq
ProxyIDSeq = [ProxyID]
ProxyID = long()
This readonly attribute maintains the Id's for all PullProxies created by the target object and still alive.
_get_push_suppliers(ConsumerAdmin) -> ProxyIDSeq
ProxyIDSeq = [ProxyID]
ProxyID = long()
This attribute is similar to the _get_pull_suppliers attribute but maintains the Id's for all PushProxies created by the target object and still alive.
get_proxy_supplier(ConsumerAdmin, ProxyID) -> Reply
ProxyID = long()
Reply = Proxy | {'EXCEPTION', #'CosNotifyChannelAdmin_ProxyNotFound'{}}
Proxy = #objref
If a proxy with the given Id exists the reference to the object is returned, but if the object have terminated, or an incorrect Id is supplied, an exception is raised.
obtain_notification_pull_supplier(ConsumerAdmin, ConsumerType)
-> Reply
Reply = {Proxy, ProxyID}
Proxy = #objref
ProxyID = long()
Determined by the parameter ConsumerType, a proxy which will accept events of the defined type is created. Along with the object reference an Id is returned.
obtain_pull_supplier(ConsumerAdmin) -> Proxy
Proxy = #objref
This operation creates a new proxy which accepts #any{} events.
obtain_notification_push_supplier(ConsumerAdmin, ConsumerType)
-> Reply
Reply = {Proxy, ProxyID}
Proxy = #objref
ProxyID = long()
A proxy which accepts events of the type described by the parameter ConsumerType is created by this operation. A unique Id is returned as an out parameter.
obtain_push_supplier(ConsumerAdmin) -> Proxy
Proxy = #objref
The object created by this function is a proxy which accepts #any{} events.
destroy(ConsumerAdmin) -> ok
To terminate the target object this operation should be used. The associated Channel will be notified.
cosNotification 1.2.2 | Ericsson AB |