These commands return values for simple state variables in GL. pname is a
symbolic constant indicating the state variable to be returned, and
data is a pointer to an array of the indicated type in which to place
the returned data.
Type conversion is performed if data has a different type
than the state variable value being requested. If glGetBooleanv is
called, a floating-point (or integer) value is converted to GL_FALSE
if and only if it is 0.0 (or 0). Otherwise, it is converted to
GL_TRUE. If glGetIntegerv is called, boolean values are
returned as GL_TRUE or GL_FALSE, and most floating-point
values are rounded to the nearest integer value. Floating-point colors and
normals, however, are returned with a linear mapping that maps 1.0 to the
most positive representable integer value and -1.0 to the most negative
representable integer value. If glGetFloatv or glGetDoublev is
called, boolean values are returned as GL_TRUE or GL_FALSE,
and integer values are converted to floating-point values.
The following symbolic constants are accepted by pname:
data returns a single value indicating the active
multitexture unit. The initial value is GL_TEXTURE0. See
data returns a pair of values indicating the range
of widths supported for aliased lines. See glLineWidth().
data returns a single value, the name of the
buffer object currently bound to the target GL_ARRAY_BUFFER. If no
buffer object is bound to this target, 0 is returned. The initial value is 0.
See glBindBuffer().
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether blending is enabled. The initial value is GL_FALSE. See
data returns four values, the red, green, blue,
and alpha values which are the components of the blend color. See
data returns one value, the symbolic constant
identifying the alpha destination blend function. The initial value is
GL_ZERO. See glBlendFunc() and
data returns one value, the symbolic constant
identifying the RGB destination blend function. The initial value is
GL_ZERO. See glBlendFunc() and
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating whether the RGB blend equation is GL_FUNC_ADD,
GL_MAX. See glBlendEquationSeparate().
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating whether the Alpha blend equation is GL_FUNC_ADD,
GL_MAX. See glBlendEquationSeparate().
data returns one value, the symbolic constant
identifying the alpha source blend function. The initial value is
GL_ONE. See glBlendFunc() and
data returns one value, the symbolic constant
identifying the RGB source blend function. The initial value is GL_ONE.
See glBlendFunc() and glBlendFuncSeparate().
data returns four values: the red, green, blue,
and alpha values used to clear the color buffers. Integer values, if
requested, are linearly mapped from the internal floating-point representation
such that 1.0 returns the most positive representable integer value, and -1.0
returns the most negative representable integer value. The initial value is
(0, 0, 0, 0). See glClearColor().
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether a fragment's RGBA color values are merged into the framebuffer using a
logical operation. The initial value is GL_FALSE. See
data returns four boolean values: the red, green,
blue, and alpha write enables for the color buffers. The initial value is
data returns a list of symbolic constants of
length GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS indicating which compressed
texture formats are available. See glCompressedTexImage2D().
data returns one value, the maximum number of
active shader storage blocks that may be accessed by a compute shader.
data returns one value, the maximum total number
of active shader storage blocks that may be accessed by all active
data returns one value, the maximum number of
uniform blocks per compute shader. The value must be at least 14. See
data returns one value, the maximum supported
texture image units that can be used to access texture maps from the compute
shader. The value may be at least 16. See glActiveTexture().
data returns one value, the maximum number of
individual floating-point, integer, or boolean values that can be held in
uniform variable storage for a compute shader. The value must be at least
1024. See glUniform().
data returns a single value, the maximum number of
atomic counters available to compute shaders.
data returns a single value, the maximum number of
atomic counter buffers that may be accessed by a compute shader.
data returns one value, the number of words for
compute shader uniform variables in all uniform blocks (including default).
The value must be at least 1. See glUniform().
data returns one value, the number of invocations
in a single local work group (i.e., the product of the three dimensions) that
may be dispatched to a compute shader.
Accepted by the indexed versions of glGet.
data the maximum number of work groups that may be dispatched to a
compute shader. Indices 0, 1, and 2 correspond to the X, Y and Z dimensions,
Accepted by the indexed versions of glGet.
data the maximum size of a work groups that may be used during
compilation of a compute shader. Indices 0, 1, and 2 correspond to the X, Y
and Z dimensions, respectively.
data returns a single value, the name of the
buffer object currently bound to the target
GL_DISPATCH_INDIRECT_BUFFER. If no buffer object is bound to this
target, 0 is returned. The initial value is 0. See
data returns a single value, the maximum depth of
the debug message group stack.
data returns a single value, the current depth of
the debug message group stack.
data returns one value, the flags with which the
context was created (such as debugging functionality).
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether polygon culling is enabled. The initial value is GL_FALSE. See
data returns one value, the name of the program
object that is currently active, or 0 if no program object is active. See
data returns one value, the value that is used to
clear the depth buffer. Integer values, if requested, are linearly mapped from
the internal floating-point representation such that 1.0 returns the most
positive representable integer value, and -1.0 returns the most negative
representable integer value. The initial value is 1. See
data returns one value, the symbolic constant that
indicates the depth comparison function. The initial value is GL_LESS.
See glDepthFunc().
data returns two values: the near and far mapping
limits for the depth buffer. Integer values, if requested, are linearly mapped
from the internal floating-point representation such that 1.0 returns the most
positive representable integer value, and -1.0 returns the most negative
representable integer value. The initial value is (0, 1). See
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether depth testing of fragments is enabled. The initial value is
GL_FALSE. See glDepthFunc() and glDepthRange().
data returns a single boolean value indicating if
the depth buffer is enabled for writing. The initial value is GL_TRUE.
See glDepthMask().
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether dithering of fragment colors and indices is enabled. The initial value
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether double buffering is supported.
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating which buffers are being drawn to. See glDrawBuffer(). The
initial value is GL_BACK if there are back buffers, otherwise it is
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating which buffers are being drawn to by the corresponding output color.
See glDrawBuffers(). The initial value of GL_DRAW_BUFFER0 is
GL_BACK if there are back buffers, otherwise it is GL_FRONT. The
initial values of draw buffers for all other output colors is
data returns one value, the name of the
framebuffer object currently bound to the GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER target.
If the default framebuffer is bound, this value will be zero. The initial
value is zero. See glBindFramebuffer().
data returns one value, the name of the
framebuffer object currently bound to the GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER target.
If the default framebuffer is bound, this value will be zero. The initial
value is zero. See glBindFramebuffer().
data returns a single value, the name of the
buffer object currently bound to the target GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER. If
no buffer object is bound to this target, 0 is returned. The initial value is
0. See glBindBuffer().
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating the mode of the derivative accuracy hint for fragment shaders. The
initial value is GL_DONT_CARE. See glHint().
data returns a single GLenum value indicating the
implementation's preferred pixel data format. See glReadPixels().
data returns a single GLenum value indicating the
implementation's preferred pixel data type. See glReadPixels().
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether antialiasing of lines is enabled. The initial value is
GL_FALSE. See glLineWidth().
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating the mode of the line antialiasing hint. The initial value is
GL_DONT_CARE. See glHint().
data returns one value, the line width as
specified with glLineWidth(). The initial value is 1.
data returns one value, the implementation
dependent specifc vertex of a primitive that is used to select the rendering
layer. If the value returned is equivalent to GL_PROVOKING_VERTEX, then
the vertex selection follows the convention specified by
glProvokingVertex(). If the value returned is equivalent to
GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION, then the selection is always taken from the
first vertex in the primitive. If the value returned is equivalent to
GL_LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION, then the selection is always taken from the
last vertex in the primitive. If the value returned is equivalent to
GL_UNDEFINED_VERTEX, then the selection is not guaranteed to be taken
from any specific vertex in the primitive.
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating the selected logic operation mode. The initial value is
GL_COPY. See glLogicOp().
data returns one value, the major version number
of the OpenGL API supported by the current context.
data returns one value, a rough estimate of the
largest 3D texture that the GL can handle. The value must be at least 64. Use
GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_3D to determine if a texture is too large. See
data returns one value. The value indicates the
maximum number of layers allowed in an array texture, and must be at least
256. See glTexImage2D().
data returns one value, the maximum number of
application-defined clipping distances. The value must be at least 8.
data returns one value, the maximum number of
samples in a color multisample texture.
data returns a single value, the maximum number of
atomic counters available to all active shaders.
data returns one value, the number of words for
fragment shader uniform variables in all uniform blocks (including default).
The value must be at least 1. See glUniform().
data returns one value, the number of words for
geometry shader uniform variables in all uniform blocks (including default).
The value must be at least 1. See glUniform().
data returns one value, the maximum supported
texture image units that can be used to access texture maps from the vertex
shader and the fragment processor combined. If both the vertex shader and the
fragment processing stage access the same texture image unit, then that counts
as using two texture image units against this limit. The value must be at
least 48. See glActiveTexture().
data returns one value, the maximum number of
uniform blocks per program. The value must be at least 70. See
data returns one value, the number of words for
vertex shader uniform variables in all uniform blocks (including default). The
value must be at least 1. See glUniform().
data returns one value. The value gives a rough
estimate of the largest cube-map texture that the GL can handle. The value
must be at least 1024. Use GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP to determine if a
texture is too large. See glTexImage2D().
data returns one value, the maximum number of
samples in a multisample depth or depth-stencil texture.
data returns one value, the maximum number of
simultaneous outputs that may be written in a fragment shader. The value must
be at least 8. See glDrawBuffers().
data returns one value, the maximum number of
active draw buffers when using dual-source blending. The value must be at
least 1. See glBlendFunc() and glBlendFuncSeparate().
data returns one value, the recommended maximum
number of vertex array indices. See glDrawRangeElements().
data returns one value, the recommended maximum
number of vertex array vertices. See glDrawRangeElements().
data returns a single value, the maximum number of
atomic counters available to fragment shaders.
data returns one value, the maximum number of
active shader storage blocks that may be accessed by a fragment shader.
data returns one value, the maximum number of
components of the inputs read by the fragment shader, which must be at least
data returns one value, the maximum number of
individual floating-point, integer, or boolean values that can be held in
uniform variable storage for a fragment shader. The value must be at least
1024. See glUniform().
data returns one value, the maximum number of
individual 4-vectors of floating-point, integer, or boolean values that can be
held in uniform variable storage for a fragment shader. The value is equal to
the value of GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS divided by 4 and must
be at least 256. See glUniform().
data returns one value, the maximum number of
uniform blocks per fragment shader. The value must be at least 12. See
data returns one value, the maximum width for a
framebuffer that has no attachments, which must be at least 16384. See
data returns one value, the maximum height for a
framebuffer that has no attachments, which must be at least 16384. See
data returns one value, the maximum number of
layers for a framebuffer that has no attachments, which must be at least 2048.
See glFramebufferParameter().
data returns one value, the maximum samples in a
framebuffer that has no attachments, which must be at least 4. See
data returns a single value, the maximum number of
atomic counters available to geometry shaders.
data returns one value, the maximum number of
active shader storage blocks that may be accessed by a geometry shader.
data returns one value, the maximum number of
components of inputs read by a geometry shader, which must be at least
data returns one value, the maximum number of
components of outputs written by a geometry shader, which must be at least
data returns one value, the maximum supported
texture image units that can be used to access texture maps from the geometry
shader. The value must be at least 16. See glActiveTexture().
data returns one value, the maximum number of
uniform blocks per geometry shader. The value must be at least 12. See
data returns one value, the maximum number of
individual floating-point, integer, or boolean values that can be held in
uniform variable storage for a geometry shader. The value must be at least
1024. See glUniform().
data returns one value, the maximum number of
samples supported in integer format multisample buffers.
data returns one value, the minimum alignment in
basic machine units of pointers returned fromglMapBuffer() and
glMapBufferRange(). This value must be a power of two and must be at
least 64.
data returns one value, the maximum length of a
label that may be assigned to an object. See glObjectLabel() and
data returns one value, the maximum texel offset
allowed in a texture lookup, which must be at least 7.
data returns one value, the minimum texel offset
allowed in a texture lookup, which must be at most -8.
data returns one value. The value gives a rough
estimate of the largest rectangular texture that the GL can handle. The value
must be at least 1024. Use GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE to determine if a
texture is too large. See glTexImage2D().
data returns one value. The value indicates the
maximum supported size for renderbuffers. See
data returns one value, the maximum number of
sample mask words.
data returns one value, the maximum
glWaitSync() timeout interval.
data returns one value, the maximum number of
shader storage buffer binding points on the context, which must be at least
data returns a single value, the maximum number of
atomic counters available to tessellation control shaders.
data returns a single value, the maximum number of
atomic counters available to tessellation evaluation shaders.
data returns one value, the maximum number of
active shader storage blocks that may be accessed by a tessellation control
data returns one value, the maximum number of
active shader storage blocks that may be accessed by a tessellation evaluation
data returns one value. The value gives the
maximum number of texels allowed in the texel array of a texture buffer
object. Value must be at least 65536.
data returns one value, the maximum supported
texture image units that can be used to access texture maps from the fragment
shader. The value must be at least 16. See glActiveTexture().
data returns one value, the maximum, absolute
value of the texture level-of-detail bias. The value must be at least
data returns one value. The value gives a rough
estimate of the largest texture that the GL can handle. The value must be at
least 1024. Use a proxy texture target such as GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D or
GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D to determine if a texture is too large. See
glTexImage1D() and glTexImage2D().
data returns one value, the maximum number of
uniform buffer binding points on the context, which must be at least 36.
data returns one value, the maximum size in basic
machine units of a uniform block, which must be at least 16384.
data returns one value, the maximum number of
explicitly assignable uniform locations, which must be at least 1024.
data returns one value, the number components for
varying variables, which must be at least 60.
data returns one value, the number 4-vectors for
varying variables, which is equal to the value of
GL_MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS and must be at least 15.
data returns one value, the maximum number of
interpolators available for processing varying variables used by vertex and
fragment shaders. This value represents the number of individual
floating-point values that can be interpolated; varying variables declared as
vectors, matrices, and arrays will all consume multiple interpolators. The
value must be at least 32.
data returns a single value, the maximum number of
atomic counters available to vertex shaders.
data returns one value, the maximum number of
4-component generic vertex attributes accessible to a vertex shader. The value
must be at least 16. See glVertexAttrib().
data returns one value, the maximum number of
active shader storage blocks that may be accessed by a vertex shader.
data returns one value, the maximum supported
texture image units that can be used to access texture maps from the vertex
shader. The value may be at least 16. See glActiveTexture().
data returns one value, the maximum number of
individual floating-point, integer, or boolean values that can be held in
uniform variable storage for a vertex shader. The value must be at least 1024.
See glUniform().
data returns one value, the maximum number of
4-vectors that may be held in uniform variable storage for the vertex shader.
The value of GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS is equal to the value of
GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS and must be at least 256.
data returns one value, the maximum number of
components of output written by a vertex shader, which must be at least
data returns one value, the maximum number of
uniform blocks per vertex shader. The value must be at least 12. See
data returns two values: the maximum supported
width and height of the viewport. These must be at least as large as the
visible dimensions of the display being rendered to. See
data returns one value, the maximum number of
simultaneous viewports that are supported. The value must be at least 16. See
data returns one value, the minor version number
of the OpenGL API supported by the current context.
data returns a single integer value indicating the
number of available compressed texture formats. The minimum value is 4. See
data returns one value, the number of extensions
supported by the GL implementation for the current context. See
data returns one value, the number of program
binary formats supported by the implementation.
data returns one value, the number of binary
shader formats supported by the implementation. If this value is greater than
zero, then the implementation supports loading binary shaders. If it is zero,
then the loading of binary shaders by the implementation is not
data returns one value, the byte alignment used
for writing pixel data to memory. The initial value is 4. See
data returns one value, the image height used for
writing pixel data to memory. The initial value is 0. See
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether single-bit pixels being written to memory are written first to the
least significant bit of each unsigned byte. The initial value is
GL_FALSE. See glPixelStore().
data returns one value, the row length used for
writing pixel data to memory. The initial value is 0. See
data returns one value, the number of pixel images
skipped before the first pixel is written into memory. The initial value is 0.
See glPixelStore().
data returns one value, the number of pixel
locations skipped before the first pixel is written into memory. The initial
value is 0. See glPixelStore().
data returns one value, the number of rows of
pixel locations skipped before the first pixel is written into memory. The
initial value is 0. See glPixelStore().
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether the bytes of two-byte and four-byte pixel indices and components are
swapped before being written to memory. The initial value is GL_FALSE.
See glPixelStore().
data returns a single value, the name of the
buffer object currently bound to the target GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER. If no
buffer object is bound to this target, 0 is returned. The initial value is 0.
See glBindBuffer().
data returns a single value, the name of the
buffer object currently bound to the target GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER. If
no buffer object is bound to this target, 0 is returned. The initial value is
0. See glBindBuffer().
data returns one value, the point size threshold
for determining the point size. See glPointParameter().
data returns one value, the current primitive
restart index. The initial value is 0. See
data an array of
GL_NUM_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS values, indicating the proram binary
formats supported by the implementation.
data a single value, the name of the currently
bound program pipeline object, or zero if no program pipeline object is bound.
See glBindProgramPipeline().
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether vertex program point size mode is enabled. If enabled, then the point
size is taken from the shader built-in gl_PointSize. If disabled, then the
point size is taken from the point state as specified by glPointSize().
The initial value is GL_FALSE.
data returns one value, the currently selected
provoking vertex convention. The initial value is
GL_LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION. See glProvokingVertex().
data returns one value, the point size as
specified by glPointSize(). The initial value is 1.
data returns one value, the size difference
between adjacent supported sizes for antialiased points. See
data returns two values: the smallest and largest
supported sizes for antialiased points. The smallest size must be at most 1,
and the largest size must be at least 1. See glPointSize().
data returns one value, the scaling factor used to
determine the variable offset that is added to the depth value of each
fragment generated when a polygon is rasterized. The initial value is 0. See
data returns one value. This value is multiplied
by an implementation-specific value and then added to the depth value of each
fragment generated when a polygon is rasterized. The initial value is 0. See
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether polygon offset is enabled for polygons in fill mode. The initial value
is GL_FALSE. See glPolygonOffset().
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether polygon offset is enabled for polygons in line mode. The initial value
is GL_FALSE. See glPolygonOffset().
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether polygon offset is enabled for polygons in point mode. The initial
value is GL_FALSE. See glPolygonOffset().
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether antialiasing of polygons is enabled. The initial value is
GL_FALSE. See glPolygonMode().
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating the mode of the polygon antialiasing hint. The initial value is
GL_DONT_CARE. See glHint().
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating which color buffer is selected for reading. The initial value is
GL_BACK if there is a back buffer, otherwise it is GL_FRONT. See
data returns a single value, the name of the
renderbuffer object currently bound to the target GL_RENDERBUFFER. If
no renderbuffer object is bound to this target, 0 is returned. The initial
value is 0. See glBindRenderbuffer().
data returns a single integer value indicating the
number of sample buffers associated with the framebuffer. See
data returns a single positive floating-point
value indicating the current sample coverage value. See
data returns a single boolean value indicating if
the temporary coverage value should be inverted. See
data returns a single value, the name of the
sampler object currently bound to the active texture unit. The initial value
is 0. See glBindSampler().
data returns a single integer value indicating the
coverage mask size. See glSampleCoverage().
data returns four values: the x and y window
coordinates of the scissor box, followed by its width and height. Initially
the x and y window coordinates are both 0 and the width and height are set to
the size of the window. See glScissor().
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether scissoring is enabled. The initial value is GL_FALSE. See
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether an online shader compiler is present in the implementation. All
desktop OpenGL implementations must support online shader compilations, and
therefore the value of GL_SHADER_COMPILER will always be
When used with non-indexed variants of glGet (such
as glGetIntegerv), data returns a single value, the name of the
buffer object currently bound to the target GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER.
If no buffer object is bound to this target, 0 is returned. When used with
indexed variants of glGet (such as glGetIntegeri_v), data
returns a single value, the name of the buffer object bound to the indexed
shader storage buffer binding points. The initial value is 0 for all targets.
See glBindBuffer(), glBindBufferBase(), and
data returns a single value, the minimum required
alignment for shader storage buffer sizes and offset. The initial value is 1.
See glShaderStorateBlockBinding().
When used with indexed variants of glGet (such as
glGetInteger64i_v), data returns a single value, the start
offset of the binding range for each indexed shader storage buffer binding.
The initial value is 0 for all bindings. See glBindBufferRange().
When used with indexed variants of glGet (such as
glGetInteger64i_v), data returns a single value, the size of the
binding range for each indexed shader storage buffer binding. The initial
value is 0 for all bindings. See glBindBufferRange().
data returns a pair of values indicating the range
of widths supported for smooth (antialiased) lines. See
data returns a single value indicating the level
of quantization applied to smooth line width parameters.
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating what action is taken for back-facing polygons when the stencil test
fails. The initial value is GL_KEEP. See
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating what function is used for back-facing polygons to compare the
stencil reference value with the stencil buffer value. The initial value is
GL_ALWAYS. See glStencilFuncSeparate().
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating what action is taken for back-facing polygons when the stencil test
passes, but the depth test fails. The initial value is GL_KEEP. See
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating what action is taken for back-facing polygons when the stencil test
passes and the depth test passes. The initial value is GL_KEEP. See
data returns one value, the reference value that
is compared with the contents of the stencil buffer for back-facing polygons.
The initial value is 0. See glStencilFuncSeparate().
data returns one value, the mask that is used for
back-facing polygons to mask both the stencil reference value and the stencil
buffer value before they are compared. The initial value is all 1's. See
data returns one value, the mask that controls
writing of the stencil bitplanes for back-facing polygons. The initial value
is all 1's. See glStencilMaskSeparate().
data returns one value, the index to which the
stencil bitplanes are cleared. The initial value is 0. See
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating what action is taken when the stencil test fails. The initial value
is GL_KEEP. See glStencilOp(). This stencil state only affects
non-polygons and front-facing polygons. Back-facing polygons use separate
stencil state. See glStencilOpSeparate().
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating what function is used to compare the stencil reference value with
the stencil buffer value. The initial value is GL_ALWAYS. See
glStencilFunc(). This stencil state only affects non-polygons and
front-facing polygons. Back-facing polygons use separate stencil state. See
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating what action is taken when the stencil test passes, but the depth
test fails. The initial value is GL_KEEP. See glStencilOp().
This stencil state only affects non-polygons and front-facing polygons.
Back-facing polygons use separate stencil state. See
data returns one value, a symbolic constant
indicating what action is taken when the stencil test passes and the depth
test passes. The initial value is GL_KEEP. See glStencilOp().
This stencil state only affects non-polygons and front-facing polygons.
Back-facing polygons use separate stencil state. See
data returns one value, the reference value that
is compared with the contents of the stencil buffer. The initial value is 0.
See glStencilFunc(). This stencil state only affects non-polygons and
front-facing polygons. Back-facing polygons use separate stencil state. See
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether stencil testing of fragments is enabled. The initial value is
GL_FALSE. See glStencilFunc() and glStencilOp().
data returns one value, the mask that is used to
mask both the stencil reference value and the stencil buffer value before they
are compared. The initial value is all 1's. See glStencilFunc(). This
stencil state only affects non-polygons and front-facing polygons. Back-facing
polygons use separate stencil state. See glStencilFuncSeparate().
data returns one value, the mask that controls
writing of the stencil bitplanes. The initial value is all 1's. See
glStencilMask(). This stencil state only affects non-polygons and
front-facing polygons. Back-facing polygons use separate stencil state. See
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether stereo buffers (left and right) are supported.
data returns one value, an estimate of the number
of bits of subpixel resolution that are used to position rasterized geometry
in window coordinates. The value must be at least 4.
data returns a single value, the name of the
texture currently bound to the target GL_TEXTURE_1D. The initial value
is 0. See glBindTexture().
data returns a single value, the name of the
texture currently bound to the target GL_TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY. The initial
value is 0. See glBindTexture().
data returns a single value, the name of the
texture currently bound to the target GL_TEXTURE_2D. The initial value
is 0. See glBindTexture().
data returns a single value, the name of the
texture currently bound to the target GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY. The initial
value is 0. See glBindTexture().
data returns a single value, the name of the
texture currently bound to the target GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE. The
initial value is 0. See glBindTexture().
data returns a single value, the name of the
texture currently bound to the target GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY.
The initial value is 0. See glBindTexture().
data returns a single value, the name of the
texture currently bound to the target GL_TEXTURE_3D. The initial value
is 0. See glBindTexture().
data returns a single value, the name of the
texture currently bound to the target GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER. The initial
value is 0. See glBindTexture().
data returns a single value, the name of the
texture currently bound to the target GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP. The initial
value is 0. See glBindTexture().
data returns a single value, the name of the
texture currently bound to the target GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE. The initial
value is 0. See glBindTexture().
data returns a single value indicating the mode of
the texture compression hint. The initial value is GL_DONT_CARE.
data returns a single value, the name of the
buffer object currently bound to the GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER buffer binding
point. The initial value is 0. See glBindBuffer().
data returns a single value, the minimum required
alignment for texture buffer sizes and offset. The initial value is 1. See
data returns a single value, the 64-bit value of
the current GL time. See glQueryCounter().
When used with non-indexed variants of glGet (such
as glGetIntegerv), data returns a single value, the name of the
buffer object currently bound to the target
GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER. If no buffer object is bound to this
target, 0 is returned. When used with indexed variants of glGet (such
as glGetIntegeri_v), data returns a single value, the name of
the buffer object bound to the indexed transform feedback attribute stream.
The initial value is 0 for all targets. See glBindBuffer(),
glBindBufferBase(), and glBindBufferRange().
When used with indexed variants of glGet (such as
glGetInteger64i_v), data returns a single value, the start
offset of the binding range for each transform feedback attribute stream. The
initial value is 0 for all streams. See glBindBufferRange().
When used with indexed variants of glGet (such as
glGetInteger64i_v), data returns a single value, the size of the
binding range for each transform feedback attribute stream. The initial value
is 0 for all streams. See glBindBufferRange().
When used with non-indexed variants of glGet (such
as glGetIntegerv), data returns a single value, the name of the
buffer object currently bound to the target GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER. If no
buffer object is bound to this target, 0 is returned. When used with indexed
variants of glGet (such as glGetIntegeri_v), data returns
a single value, the name of the buffer object bound to the indexed uniform
buffer binding point. The initial value is 0 for all targets. See
glBindBuffer(), glBindBufferBase(), and
data returns a single value, the minimum required
alignment for uniform buffer sizes and offset. The initial value is 1. See
When used with indexed variants of glGet (such as
glGetInteger64i_v), data returns a single value, the size of the
binding range for each indexed uniform buffer binding. The initial value is 0
for all bindings. See glBindBufferRange().
When used with indexed variants of glGet (such as
glGetInteger64i_v), data returns a single value, the start
offset of the binding range for each indexed uniform buffer binding. The
initial value is 0 for all bindings. See glBindBufferRange().
data returns one value, the byte alignment used
for reading pixel data from memory. The initial value is 4. See
data returns one value, the image height used for
reading pixel data from memory. The initial is 0. See
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether single-bit pixels being read from memory are read first from the least
significant bit of each unsigned byte. The initial value is GL_FALSE.
See glPixelStore().
data returns one value, the row length used for
reading pixel data from memory. The initial value is 0. See
data returns one value, the number of pixel images
skipped before the first pixel is read from memory. The initial value is 0.
See glPixelStore().
data returns one value, the number of pixel
locations skipped before the first pixel is read from memory. The initial
value is 0. See glPixelStore().
data returns one value, the number of rows of
pixel locations skipped before the first pixel is read from memory. The
initial value is 0. See glPixelStore().
data returns a single boolean value indicating
whether the bytes of two-byte and four-byte pixel indices and components are
swapped after being read from memory. The initial value is GL_FALSE.
See glPixelStore().
data returns a single value, the name of the
vertex array object currently bound to the context. If no vertex array object
is bound to the context, 0 is returned. The initial value is 0. See
Accepted by the indexed forms. data returns a
single integer value representing the instance step divisor of the first
element in the bound buffer's data store for vertex attribute bound to
Accepted by the indexed forms. data returns a
single integer value representing the byte offset of the first element in the
bound buffer's data store for vertex attribute bound to index.
Accepted by the indexed forms. data returns a
single integer value representing the byte offset between the start of each
element in the bound buffer's data store for vertex attribute bound to
data returns a single integer value containing the
maximum offset that may be added to a vertex binding offset.
data returns a single integer value containing the
maximum number of vertex buffers that may be bound.
When used with non-indexed variants of
glGet (such
data returns four values: the x and y window
coordinates of the viewport, followed by its width and height. Initially the x
and y window coordinates are both set to 0, and the width and height are set
to the width and height of the window into which the GL will do its rendering.
When used with indexed variants of glGet (such as
glGetIntegeri_v), data returns four values: the x and y window
coordinates of the indexed viewport, followed by its width and height.
Initially the x and y window coordinates are both set to 0, and the width
and height are set to the width and height of the window into which the GL
will do its rendering. See glViewportIndexedf().
data returns two values, the minimum and maximum
viewport bounds range. The minimum range should be at least [-32768,
data returns one value, the implementation
dependent specifc vertex of a primitive that is used to select the viewport
index. If the value returned is equivalent to GL_PROVOKING_VERTEX, then
the vertex selection follows the convention specified by
glProvokingVertex(). If the value returned is equivalent to
GL_FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION, then the selection is always taken from the
first vertex in the primitive. If the value returned is equivalent to
GL_LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION, then the selection is always taken from the
last vertex in the primitive. If the value returned is equivalent to
GL_UNDEFINED_VERTEX, then the selection is not guaranteed to be taken
from any specific vertex in the primitive.
data returns a single value, the number of bits of
sub-pixel precision which the GL uses to interpret the floating point viewport
bounds. The minimum value is 0.
data returns a single value, the maximum index
that may be specified during the transfer of generic vertex attributes to the
Many of the boolean parameters can also be queried more easily
using glIsEnabled().