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SASS(1) User Commands SASS(1)


Sass - Sass compiles CSS from SASS or SCSS files


sass-convert [options] [INPUT] [OUTPUT]



Converts between CSS, indented syntax, and SCSS files. For example, this can convert from the indented syntax to SCSS, or from CSS to SCSS (adding appropriate nesting).

Common Options:

-F, --from FORMAT
The format to convert from. Can be css, scss, sass. By default, this is inferred from the input filename. If there is none, defaults to css.
-T, --to FORMAT
The format to convert to. Can be scss or sass. By default, this is inferred from the output filename. If there is none, defaults to sass.
-i, --in-place
Convert a file to its own syntax. This can be used to update some deprecated syntax.
-R, --recursive
Convert all the files in a directory. Requires --from and --to.
-?, -h, --help
Show this help message.
-v, --version
Print the Sass version.


Convert underscores to dashes.
--indent NUM
How many spaces to use for each level of indentation. Defaults to 2. "t" means use hard tabs.
Output the old-style ":prop val" property syntax. Only meaningful when generating Sass.

Input and Output:

-s, --stdin
Read input from standard input instead of an input file. This is the default if no input file is specified. Requires --from.
-E, --default-encoding ENCODING
Specify the default encoding for input files.
Use Unix-style newlines in written files. Always true on Unix.


--cache-location PATH
The path to save parsed Sass files. Defaults to .sass-cache.
-C, --no-cache
Don't cache to sassc files.
-q, --quiet
Silence warnings and status messages during conversion.
Show a full Ruby stack trace on error
January 2017 Sass 3.4.23 (Selective Steve)