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ns_file(3aolserver) AOLserver Built-In Commands ns_file(3aolserver)


ns_chmod, ns_cp, ns_cpfp, ns_ftruncate, ns_link, ns_mkdir, ns_rename, ns_rmdir, ns_symlink, ns_truncate, ns_unlink - File manipulation commands


ns_chmod option ?arg arg ...?

ns_cp option ?arg arg ...?

ns_cpfp option ?arg arg ...?

ns_ftruncate option ?arg arg ...?

ns_link option ?arg arg ...?

ns_mkdir option ?arg arg ...?

ns_rename option ?arg arg ...?

ns_rmdir option ?arg arg ...?

ns_symlink option ?arg arg ...?

ns_truncate option ?arg arg ...?

ns_unlink option ?arg arg ...?


Change a file's access permissions. ns_chmod changes the specified file's permissions to mode, in the same manner as the Unix chmod(1) command-line utility.

Copy one file to another. ns_cp copies the contents of file1 to file2, just like the Unix "cp" command. The default directory is the home directory for the server. If -preserve is specified, the copied file will retain the creation time, modification time, owner, and mode of the original file, just like the Unix "cp -p" command.

Copy a specified number of bytes from one file to another. ns_cpfp copies information from one file (fileid1) to another (fileid2). If you specify a number of bytes in the nbytes argument, only the specified number of bytes will be copied. By default, the entire file is copied.

Truncate an open file to a specified length. ns_ftruncate causes the open file specified by fileid to have a size of length bytes. If length is not specified, it causes the file to have a size of zero bytes. The file must be open and be a regular file.

Create a link. ns_link creates a link named filename2 that points to the file specified by filename1. If the link fails, a Tcl error is generated, unless -nocomplain is specified.

Create a directory. ns_mkdir creates the directory named PATH, just like the Unix mkdir command. By default, under Unix the directory is created with the file permissions set to 0755 (rwxr-xr-x.). These permissions can be modified by setting the umask parameter for the server.

Rename a file. ns_rename renames the first file (file1) to the file name specified by file2. Make sure that the files and the directories in which the files exist are read/write accessible to the username that's running the AOLserver.

Remove a directory. ns_rmdir removes the directory named path, just like the Unix rmdir command. The directory must already be empty.

Remove a file. ns_unlink attempts to remove the file filename. If -nocomplain is not passed in and the removal fails, a Tcl error is generated.

Truncate a file to a specified length. ns_truncate causes the file specified by filename to have a size of length bytes. If length is not specified, it causes filename to have a size of zero bytes. The file must exist and be a regular file.

Remove a file. ns_unlink attempts to remove the file filename. If -nocomplain is not passed in and the removal fails, a Tcl error is generated.


ns_chmod, ns_cp, ns_cpfp, ns_ftruncate, ns_link, ns_mkdir, ns_rename, ns_rmdir, ns_symlink, ns_truncate, ns_unlink


4.0 AOLserver