BASHACKS(1) | User Commands | BASHACKS(1) |
bashacks - collection of useful bash functions for programmers
Is a collection of Bash functions for UNIX systems, designed to simplify low-level operations. Ideal for programmers, security analysts, and users seeking concise commands, enhancing script readability and productivity.
- -h, --help
- Display help message and exit.
- -v, --version
- Display version information and exit.
The following Bashacks functions are available. Type the function name and press TAB to auto-complete: Examples of Options : bh_"TAB" bh_asc2dec bh_cmd_sha1 bh_hex2bin bh_rot bh_str2hex bh_asciitable bh_cmd_sha256 bh_hex2dec bh_rot13 bh_str2hexr bh_asmgrep bh_cmd_sha512 bh_hex2str bh_rotall bh_strxor bh_asminfo bh_cmd_wget bh_hexcalc bh_secretfile bh_unshort bh_bin2dec bh_dec2asc bh_hostcalc bh_sharefile bh_urldecode bh_bin2ip bh_dec2bin bh_ip2bin bh_skel_c bh_urlencode bh_bkp bh_dec2hex bh_ipinfo bh_skel_go bh_utf8table bh_charcalc bh_epoch bh_ipisblocked bh_skel_latex bh_wgetr bh_cmd_disasm bh_findmime bh_md5rename bh_skel_python bh_zerostring bh_cmd_md5 bh_hashcrack bh_myip bh_skel_yara bh_zipmal bh_cmd_sed_ext bh_hashes bh_replacestring bh_str2d
The Bashacks pack is organized into several subcategories for easy location of specific functions. Each subcategory addresses a set specific functionalities. Below the main subcategories are available. These subcategories help organize the package's functionalities, making it easier for users to find and use tools wanted.
Functions related to cryptography and hash manipulation.
bh_hashcrack - Analyzes various types of hashes.
bh_rot - Encrypts/Decrypts a string with the Caesar Cipher using n shifts to the right.
bh_strxor - Calculates the exclusive OR of each character in a string with a key.
For more details, see: file:///usr/share/doc/bashacks-doc/html/crypto.html
This section generally contains functions for file manipulation.
bh_bkp - Performs a quick backup of the file using the current date.
bh_findmime - Finds files by MIME type.
bh_hashes - Generates the md5, sha1, and sha256 message digest of the file or list of files.
bh_md5rename - Converts the filename to the equivalent md5 hash.
bh_secretfile - Use it to compress and send files, automatically generating a password.
bh_sharefile - Loads a file and provides a unique URL to access it without a password.
bh_zipmal - Compresses the file in zip format with password protection. The password is "virus".
For more details, see: file:///usr/share/doc/bashacks-doc/html/filesystem.html
Mathematical operations functions.
bh_bin2dec - Converts binary to decimal.
bh_charcalc - Performs operations with characters (char).
bh_dec2bin - Converts decimal to binary.
bh_dec2hex - Converts decimal to hexadecimal.
bh_hex2bi - Converts hexadecimal to binary.
bh_hex2dec - Converts hexadecimal to decimal.
bh_hexcalc - In the same way as bh_charcalc, however, works here with hexdigits.
For more details, see: file:///usr/share/doc/bashacks-doc/html/math.html
Network operations and related tools.
bh_bin2ip - Convert a binary string into a network IP address.
bh_hostcalc - Enter a network CIDR mask and determine the number of hosts.
bh_ip2bin - Convert a network IP address into a binary string.
bh_myip - Returns the external IP address of your network connection.
bh_wgetr - Operates recursively, building on a previous instance of wget.
bh_ipinfo - Queries and returns basic information about an address.
bh_unshort - Makes it possible to unzip a URL.
bh_ipisblacklisted - Finds the IP on a blacklist, returning [T] if positive and [F] if opposite.
For more details, see: file:///usr/share/doc/bashacks-doc/html/net.html
Session for the creation of facilitators for development in cli
bh_skel_c - Generates on the standard output a "C" skeleton.
bh_skel_go - Generates on the standard output a "go" skeleton.
bh_skel_latex - Generates on the standard output a "LaTeX" skeleton.
bh_skel_python - Generates on the standard output a "python" skeleton.
bh_skel_yara - Generates on the standard output a "yara" skeleton.
For more details, see: file:///usr/share/doc/bashacks-doc/html/programming.html
Reverse engineering utilities
bh_asmgrep - With the binary, attempts to find assembly instructions and prints 4 lines around.
bh_asminfo - Displays information about assembly instructions. Internet connection is required for help.
bh_replacestring - Finds and replaces occurrences of a string in the file.
bh_zerostring - Replaces occurrences with zero bytes in a block or a common file.
For more details, see: file:///usr/share/doc/bashacks-doc/html/reversing.html
Functions for string manipulation.
bh_asc2dec - Performs the conversion of a character into its decimal equivalent.
bh_asciitable - Displays the ASCII table in the terminal.
bh_dec2asc - Equivalent in ASCII for decimal numbers.
bh_hex2str - Converts one or more bytes into a hex string.
bh_str2dec - Converts one or more bytes to their decimal equivalent.
bh_str2hexr - Converts a string to its hex byte equivalent for each character (hex string).
bh_str2hex - Converts a string to its hex byte equivalent for each character (hex string).
bh_urldecode - Decodes strings to web standard human-readable format.
bh_urlencode - Encodes strings with bh_urlencode to web standard.
bh_utf8table - Displays the UTF-8 table.
For more details, see: file:///usr/share/doc/bashacks-doc/html/string.html
bh_hascrack [hash string] usage: $ bh_hashcrack e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e 123456 bh_rot [int] [string] usage: $ bh_rot 3 terra whuud bh_strxor [key] [string] usage: $ bh_strxor 15 'hack' gnld bh_bkp [filename] usage: $ bh_bkp $ ls -1 bh_findmime -[type] [directory] usage: $ bh_findmime -exe ~/Downloads /home/bashacks/Downloads//binario.ex bh_hashes [filename or list of files] usage: $ bh_hashes 5dab37cac730088fd959f8292636fc9b 38be74a4e710a3eeb24b4fa2015cea990d4eda67 587b713bb31e3bf32de0b734805c3dd247f49a14cd9e9a5f35008e4f620d3f82 bh_md5rename [filename or list of files] usage: $ touch ment.bin $ bh_md5rename ment.bin $ ls d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e bh_bin2dec [binary] usage: $ bh_bin2dec 1111111 bh_charcalc [char/string] [operator] [number] usage: $ bh_charcalc A + 2 C $ bh_charcalc A \* 255 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA bh_dec2bin [decimal] usage: $ bh_dec2bin 255 11111111 bh_dec2hex [decimal] $ bh_dec2hex 10 a bh_hex2dec [one or more hex digit] usage: $ bh_hex2dec A 10 bh_hex2cal [hex digit] [operator] [hex digit] usage: $ bh_hex2dec A \* 2 0xa0 bh_bin2ip [binary string] usage: $ bh_bin2ip 00001010.00001010.00000000.00000001 bh_hostcalc [mask cidr] usage: $ bh_hostcalc 24 256 bh_wgetr [url] usage: $ bh_wgetr 100%[==========================================>] 8.73K --.-KB/s in 0s 100%[==========================================>] 361 --.-KB/s in 0s 100%[==========================================>] 66.18K 132KB/s in 0.5s $ ls -1 $ ls -1 0x1e-maqengrevwin.html desktop.png bh_ipinfo [ipaddress] usage: $ bh_ipinfo {
"ip": "",
"hostname": "",
"anycast": true,
"city": "Mountain View",
"region": "California",
"country": "US",
"loc": "37.4056,-122.0775",
"org": "AS15169 Google LLC",
"postal": "94043",
"timezone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"readme": "" } bh_ipblacklisted [ipaddress] usage: $ bh_ipblacklist == == [F] TALOS [F] Malc0de [F] [F] [T] Alienvault [F] SANS-TOPSOURCE bh_skel_c usage: $ bh_skel_c #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return 0; } bh_skel_latex usage: $ bh_skel_latex \documentclass{article} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} \author{} \title{} bh_skel_python usage: $ bh_skel_python #!/usr/bin/env python # *-* coding: utf-8 *-* if __name__ == '__main__': bh_asmgrep [asm instruction] [binary path] usage: $ bh_asmgrep mov /bin/ls 409f2e:66 90 : xchg %ax,%ax 409f30:80 7c 13 ff 2f : cmpb $0x2f,-0x1(%rbx,%rdx,1) 409f35:48 8d 42 ff : lea -0x1(%rdx),%rax 409f39:75 08 : jne 409f43 <__sprintf_chk@plt+0x7783> 409f3b:48 89 c2 : mov %rax,%rdx 409f3e:48 39 d5 : cmp %rdx,%rbp 409f41:75 ed : jne 409f30 <__sprintf_chk@plt+0x7770> 409f43:48 83 c4 08 : add $0x8,%rsp -- bh_asminfo [asm instruction] usage: $ bh_asminfo mov mov |Code |Mnemonic |Description | |88 / r |MOV r/m8, r8 |Move r8 to r/m8 | |89 / r |MOV r/m16, r16 |Move r16 to r/m16 | |89 / r |MOV r/m32, r32 |Move r32 to r/m32 | |8A / r |MOV r8, r/m8 |Move r/m8 to r8 | |8B / r |MOV r16, r/m16 |Move r/m16 to r16 | bh_replacestring [file] [string to search] [string to replace] usage: $ hexdump -C MB_DEV 00000690 2e 00 54 00 58 00 54 00 2e 00 00 00 73 00 77 00 |..T.X.T.....s.w.| 000006a0 e5 45 53 54 45 54 7e 31 53 57 58 20 00 65 a1 9b |.ESTET~1SWX .e..| 000006b0 8b 54 8b 54 00 00 a1 9b 8b 54 00 00 00 00 00 00 |.T.T.....T......| 000006c0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................| * 00005e00 4d 65 6e 74 65 42 69 6e 61 72 69 61 0a 00 00 00 |MenteBinaria....| 00005e10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................| bh_zerostring [file] [string to replace] usage: # hexdump -C MB_DEV 00005860 41 4d 00 42 00 2d 00 66 00 69 00 0f 00 a1 6c 00 |AM.B.-.f.i....l.| 00005870 65 00 2e 00 74 00 78 00 74 00 00 00 00 00 ff ff |e...t.x.t.......| 00005880 4d 42 2d 46 49 4c 45 20 54 58 54 20 00 41 26 be |MB-FILE TXT .A&.| 00005890 69 54 69 54 00 00 26 be 69 54 05 00 1b 00 00 00 |iTiT..&.iT......| bh_asc2dec [char] usage: $ bh_asc2dec a 97 bh_dec2asc [decimal] usage: $ bh_dec2asc 65 A bh_hex2str [hex string] usage: $ bh_hex2str '72 6f 63 6b' rock bh_str2hex [-x] [-0x] [-c] [string] usage: $ bh_str2hex 'Fernando' 46 65 72 6e 61 6e 64 6f $ bh_str2hex -0x 'Fernado' 0x46 0x65 0x72 0x6e 0x61 0x6e 0x64 0x6f bh_urldecode [encoded string] usage: $ bh_urlencode '/zzz!@.#' %2fzzz%21%40%2e%23
For more information about bashacks visit:
Developed by Fernando Merces <>
This manual page was written by Josenison Ferreira da Silva <> for the Debian project (but may be used by others).
November 2023 | bashacks 1.5 |