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BLAEU(1) | User Commands | BLAEU(1) |
Blaeu - Traceroute using RIPE Atlas probes
blaeu-traceroute target-IP-address-or-name
General options are:¶
--verbose or -v : makes the program more talkative
--help or -h : this message
--displayprobes or -o : display the probes numbers (WARNING: big lists)
--displayprobeasns : display the (unique) probe ASNumbers (currently only for blaeu-resolve)
--cache-probes=<file.json> : cache probe data
--country=2LETTERSCODE or -c 2LETTERSCODE : limits the measurements to one country (default is world-wide)
--area=AREACODE or -a AREACODE : limits the measurements to one area such as North-Central (default is world-wide)
--asn=ASnumber or -n ASnumber : limits the measurements to one AS (default is all ASes)
--prefix=IPprefix or -f IPprefix : limits the measurements to one IP prefix (default is all prefixes) WARNING: it must be an *exact* prefix in the global routing table
--probes=N or -s N : selects the probes by giving explicit ID (one ID or a comma-separated list)
--requested=N or -r N : requests N probes (default is 5)
--percentage=X or -p X : stops the program as soon as X % of the probes reported a result (default is 90 %)
--measurement-ID=N or -m N : do not start a measurement, just analyze a former one
--old-measurement MSMID or -g MSMID : uses the probes of measurement MSMID
--include TAGS or -i TAGS : limits the measurements to probes with these tags (a comma-separated list)
--exclude TAGS or -e TAGS : excludes from measurements the probes with these tags (a comma-separated list)
--port=N or -t N : destination port for TCP (default is 80)
--size=N or -z N : number of bytes in the packet (default is 64 bytes)
--ipv4 or -4 : uses IPv4 (default is IPv6, except if the parameter or option is an IP address, then it is automatically found)
--tags TAGS : tag the measurement (no relationship with probes tags) (a comma-separated list)
--spread or -w : spreads the tests (add a delay before the tests)
--private : makes the measurement private
--resolve-on-probe : resolve names with the probe's DNS resolver
--machine-readable or -b : machine-readable output, to be consumed by tools like grep or cut
--format or -k : downloads the results and format them in a traditional traceroute way
--simpleformat : the same, but without looking up the AS (useful if you have no whois access)
--protocol=PROTO or -j PROTO : uses this protocol (UDP, TCP or ICMP, default is UDP)
--do_lookup or -d : Enables IP lookup feature (default is disabled, may become interactive if the machine has several addresses)
--do_reverse_lookup or -l : Enables reverse IP lookup feature for hops
The full documentation for Blaeu is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and Blaeu programs are properly installed at your site, the command
- info Blaeu
should give you access to the complete manual.
October 2024 | Blaeu version 2.1.1 |