table of contents
datamodel-codegen - pydantic code generator from OpenAPI and more
- datamodel-codegen [options]
Generate Python data models from schema definitions or structured data
- --additional-imports ADDITIONAL_IMPORTS
- Custom imports for output (delimited list input). For example ",datetime.datetime"
- --custom-formatters CUSTOM_FORMATTERS
- List of modules with custom formatter (delimited list input).
- --http-headers HTTP_HEADER [HTTP_HEADER ...]
- Set headers in HTTP requests to the remote host. (example: "Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz")
- --http-ignore-tls
- Disable verification of the remote host's TLS certificate
- Set query parameters in HTTP requests to the remote host. (example: "ref=branch")
- --input INPUT
- Input file/directory (default: stdin)
- --input-file-type {auto,openapi,jsonschema,json,yaml,dict,csv,graphql}
- Input file type (default: auto)
- --output OUTPUT
- Output file (default: stdout)
- --output-model-type {pydantic.BaseModel,pydantic_v2.BaseModel,dataclasses.dataclass,typing.TypedDict,msgspec.Struct}
- Output model type (default: pydantic.BaseModel)
- --url URL
- Input file URL. `--input` is ignored when `--url` is used
Typing customization:¶
- --base-class BASE_CLASS
- Base Class (default: pydantic.BaseModel)
- --enum-field-as-literal {all,one}
- Parse enum field as literal. all: all enum field type are Literal. one: field type is Literal when an enum has only one possible value
- --field-constraints
- Use field constraints and not con* annotations
- --set-default-enum-member
- Set enum members as default values for enum field
- --strict-types {str,bytes,int,float,bool} [{str,bytes,int,float,bool} ...]
- Use strict types
- --use-annotated
- Use typing.Annotated for Field(). Also, `--fieldconstraints` option will be enabled.
- --use-generic-container-types
- Use generic container types for type hinting (typing.Sequence, typing.Mapping). If `--use-standardcollections` option is set, then import from instead of typing
- --use-non-positive-negative-number-constrained-types
- Use the Non{Positive,Negative}{FloatInt} types instead of the corresponding con* constrained types.
- --use-one-literal-as-default
- Use one literal as default value for one literal field
- --use-standard-collections
- Use standard collections for type hinting (list, dict)
- --use-subclass-enum
- Define Enum class as subclass with field type when enum has type (int, float, bytes, str)
- --use-union-operator
- Use | operator for Union type (PEP 604).
- --use-unique-items-as-set
- define field type as `set` when the field attribute has `uniqueItems`
Field customization:¶
- --capitalise-enum-members, --capitalize-enum-members
- Capitalize field names on enum
- --empty-enum-field-name EMPTY_ENUM_FIELD_NAME
- Set field name when enum value is empty (default: `_`)
- --field-extra-keys FIELD_EXTRA_KEYS [FIELD_EXTRA_KEYS ...]
- Add extra keys to field parameters
- Add extra keys with `x-` prefix to field parameters. The extra keys are stripped of the `x-` prefix.
- --field-include-all-keys
- Add all keys to field parameters
- --force-optional
- Force optional for required fields
- --no-alias
- Do not add a field alias. E.g., if --snake-case-field is used along with a base class, which has an alias_generator
- --original-field-name-delimiter ORIGINAL_FIELD_NAME_DELIMITER
- Set delimiter to convert to snake case. This option only can be used with --snake-case-field (default: `_` )
- --remove-special-field-name-prefix
- Remove field name prefix if it has a special meaning e.g. underscores
- --snake-case-field
- Change camel-case field name to snake-case
- --special-field-name-prefix SPECIAL_FIELD_NAME_PREFIX
- Set field name prefix when first character can't be used as Python field name (default: `field`)
- --strip-default-none
- Strip default None on fields
- --union-mode {smart,left_to_right}
- Union mode for only pydantic v2 field
- --use-default
- Use default value even if a field is required
- --use-default-kwarg
- Use `default=` instead of a positional argument for Fields that have default values.
- --use-field-description
- Use schema description to populate field docstring
Model customization:¶
- --allow-extra-fields
- Allow to pass extra fields, if this flag is not passed, extra fields are forbidden.
- --allow-population-by-field-name
- Allow population by field name
- --class-name CLASS_NAME
- Set class name of root model
- --collapse-root-models
- Models generated with a root-type field will be merged into the models using that root-type model
- --disable-appending-item-suffix
- Disable appending `Item` suffix to model name in an array
- --disable-timestamp
- Disable timestamp on file headers
- --enable-faux-immutability
- Enable faux immutability
- --enable-version-header
- Enable package version on file headers
- --keep-model-order
- Keep generated models' order
- --keyword-only
- Defined models as keyword only (for example dataclass(kw_only=True)).
- --output-datetime-class {datetime,AwareDatetime,NaiveDatetime}
- Choose Datetime class between AwareDatetime, NaiveDatetime or datetime. Each output model has its default mapping (for example pydantic: datetime, dataclass: str, ...)
- --reuse-model
- Reuse models on the field when a module has the model with the same content
- --target-python-version {3.6,3.7,3.8,3.9,3.10,3.11,3.12,3.13}
- target python version (default: 3.8)
- --treat-dot-as-module
- treat dotted module names as modules
- --use-exact-imports
- import exact types instead of modules, for example: "from .foo import Bar" instead of "from . import foo" with "foo.Bar"
- --use-pendulum
- use pendulum instead of datetime
- --use-schema-description
- Use schema description to populate class docstring
- --use-title-as-name
- use titles as class names of models
Template customization:¶
- --aliases ALIASES
- Alias mapping file
- --custom-file-header CUSTOM_FILE_HEADER
- Custom file header
- --custom-file-header-path CUSTOM_FILE_HEADER_PATH
- Custom file header file path
- --custom-formatters-kwargs CUSTOM_FORMATTERS_KWARGS
- A file with kwargs for custom formatters.
- --custom-template-dir CUSTOM_TEMPLATE_DIR
- Custom template directory
- --encoding ENCODING
- The encoding of input and output (default: utf-8)
- --extra-template-data EXTRA_TEMPLATE_DATA
- Extra template data
- --use-double-quotes
- Model generated with double quotes. Single quotes or your black config skip_string_normalization value will be used without this option.
- --wrap-string-literal
- Wrap string literal by using black `experimentalstring-processing` option (require black 20.8b0 or later)
OpenAPI-only options:¶
- --openapi-scopes {schemas,paths,tags,parameters} [{schemas,paths,tags,parameters} ...]
- Scopes of OpenAPI model generation (default: schemas)
- --strict-nullable
- Treat default field as a non-nullable field (Only OpenAPI)
- --use-operation-id-as-name
- use operation id of OpenAPI as class names of models
- --validation
- Deprecated: Enable validation (Only OpenAPI). this option is deprecated. it will be removed in future releases
General options:¶
- --debug
- show debug message (require "debug". `$ pip install 'datamodel-code-generator[debug]'`)
- --disable-warnings
- disable warnings
- --no-color
- disable colorized output
- --version
- show version
- -h, --help
- show this help message and exit
January 2025 | datamodel-codegen 0.26.4-2 |