domainalign - Generate alignments (DAF file) for nodes in a DCF
-dcfinfile infile
-pdbdir directory
-node list
-mode list
-keepsinglets toggle
-dafoutdir outdir
-singletsoutdir outdir
-superoutdir outdir
-logfile outfile
domainalign -help
domainalign is a command line program from EMBOSS
(“the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite”). It is
part of the "Protein:3D Structure" command group(s).
-dcfinfile infile
This option specifies the name of DCF file (domain
classification file) (input). A 'domain classification file' contains
classification and other data for domains from SCOP or CATH, in DCF format
(EMBL-like). The files are generated by using SCOPPARSE and CATHPARSE. Domain
sequence information can be added to the file by using DOMAINSEQS.
-pdbdir directory
This option specifies the location of domain PDB files
(input). A 'domain PDB file' contains coordinate data for a single domain from
SCOP or CATH, in PDB format. The files are generated by using DOMAINER.
Default value: ./
Required section¶
-node list
This option specifies the node for redundancy removal.
Redundancy can be removed at any specified node in the SCOP or CATH
hierarchies. For example by selecting 'Class' entries belonging to the same
Class will be non-redundant. Default value: 1
-mode list
This option specifies the alignment algorithm to use.
Default value: 1
-keepsinglets toggle
This option specifies whether to write sequences of
singlet families to file. If you specify this option, the sequence for each
singlet family are written to file (output). Default value: Y
Output section¶
-dafoutdir outdir
This option specifies the location of DAF files (domain
alignment files) (output). A 'domain alignment file' contains a sequence
alignment of domains belonging to the same SCOP or CATH family. The files are
in clustal format and are annotated with domain family classification
information. The files generated by using SCOPALIGN will contain a
structure-based sequence alignment of domains of known structure only. Such
alignments can be extended with sequence relatives (of unknown structure) by
using SEQALIGN. Default value: ./
-singletsoutdir outdir
This option specifies the location of DHF files (domain
hits files) for singlet sequences (output). The singlets are written out as a
'domain hits file' - which contains database hits (sequences) with domain
classification information, in FASTA format. Default value: ./
-superoutdir outdir
This option specifies the location of structural
superimposition files (output). A file in PDB format of the structural
superimposition is generated for each family if the STAMP algorithm is used.
Default value: ./
-logfile outfile
This option specifies the name of log file (output). The
log file contains messages about any errors arising while domainalign ran.
Default value: domainalign.log
domainalign is fully documented via the tfm(1) system.
Debian Med Packaging Team
Wrote the script used to autogenerate this manual
This manual page was autogenerated from an Ajax Control Definition
of the EMBOSS package. It can be redistributed under the same terms as
EMBOSS itself.