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fastaq_to_perfect_reads - Make perfect paired reads from reference


usage: fastaq_to_perfect_reads [options] <infile> <outfile> <mean insert size> <insert std deviation> <mean coverage> <read length>

Makes perfect paired end fastq reads from a sequence file, with insert sizes sampled from a normal distribution. Read orientation is innies. Output is an interleaved FASTQ file.

positional arguments:

Name of input file
Name of output file
Mean insert size of read pairs
Standard devation of insert size
Mean coverage of the reads
Length of each read

optional arguments:

show this help message and exit
Write FASTA sequences of fragments (i.e. read pairs plus sequences in between them) to the given filename
Don't allow any N or n characters in the reads
Seed for random number generator. Default is to use python's default
September 2021 fastaq_to_perfect_reads 3.17.0