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fnott(5) File Formats Manual fnott(5)


fnott - configuration file


fnott uses the standard unix configuration format, with section based key/value pairs. The default (global) section is unnamed (i.e. not prefixed with a [section]). However it can also be explicitly named [main], say if it needs to be reopened after any of the other sections.

fnott will search for a configuration file in the following locations, in this order:

  • XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fnott/fnott.ini (defaulting to
    ~/.config/fnott/fnott.ini if unset)
  • XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/fnott/fnott.ini (defaulting to
    /etc/xdg/fnott/fnott.ini if unset)

SECTION: default

Global options


The output to display notifications on. If left unspecified, the compositor will choose one for us.

Note that if you do not specify an output, and the output chosen by the compositor is scaled, then each new notification will flash a low-res frame before re-rendering with the correct scale factor. This is because fnott has no way of knowing what the scale factor is until after the notification has been mapped (i.e. shown).

Default: unspecified.

In Sway, you can use swaymsg -t get_outputs to get a list of available outputs.


Minimum notification width, in pixels. Default: 0.


Maximum notification width, in pixels. 0 means unlimited. Note that fnott will automatically word-wrap the notification text if set to a non-zero value. Default: 0.


Maximum notification height, in pixels. 0 means unlimited. Default: 0.


Icon theme to use when a notification has requested an non-embedded icon. Default: hicolor.


Maximum icon size, in pixels. Icons larger than this will be scaled down. Default: 32.


How to stack multiple notifications.

  • bottom-up : oldest, highest priority furthest away from the anchor point.
  • top-down: oldest, highest priority at the anchor point.

Thus, if the notifications are anchored at the top, bottom-up will have the most recent notification in the upper corner, while the oldest notification is in the bottom of the stack.

Default: bottom-up.


Where notifications are positioned: top-left, top-right, bottom-left or bottom-right. Default: top-right.


Vertical margin, in pixels, between the screen edge (top or bottom, depending on anchor pointer) and notifications. Default: 10.


Horizontal margin, in pixels, between the screen edge (left or right, depending on anchor pointer) and notifications. Default: 10.


Margin between notifications. Default: 10.


Command (and optionally arguments) to execute to display actions and let the user select an action to run.

The utility should accept (action) entries to display on stdin (newline separated), and write the selected entry on stdout.

It is strongly recommended that you enable selection-helper-uses-null-separator (see below), if your helper of choice supports it.

Default: dmenu.


Boolean. When enabled, the action strings passed to the selection helper will be NULL separated, instead of newline separated.

Note that you may also have to adjust selection-helper, to ensure the selection helper parses the action strings correctly. For example, instead of fuzzel --dmenu, you would have to use fuzzel --dmenu0.

Default: no.


Command to execute to play notification sounds. ${filename} will be expanded to the path to the audio file to play. Default: aplay ${filename}.


Which scaling filter to use when scaling non-SVG notification images.

Possible values are:

  • none
  • nearest
  • bilinear
  • cubic
  • lanczos3

none is the fastest, but also looks the worst. lanczos3 produces the best result, but is also, by far, the slowest option.

Default: lanczos3

Per-urgency default options

These options can also be specified in an urgency section, in which case they override the values specified in the default section.


Layer on which notifications will appear: background, bottom, top or overlay. Default: top.


Background color of the notification, in RGBA format. Default: 3f5f3fff.


Border color of the notification, in RGBA format. Default: 909090ff.


Corner radius on the border in pixels. Default: 0.


Border size, in pixels. Default: 1.


Vertical padding, in pixels, between the notification edge (top or bottom) and notification text. Default: 20.


Horizontal padding, in pixels, between the notification edge (left or right) and notification text. Default: 20.



When set to yes, fonts are sized using the monitor's DPI, making a font of a given size have the same physical size, regardless of monitor.

In this mode, the monitor's scaling factor is ignored; doubling the scaling factor will not double the font size.

When set to no, the monitor's DPI is ignored. The font is instead sized using the monitor's scaling factor; doubling the scaling factor does double the font size.

Note that this option typically does not work with bitmap fonts, which only contains a pre-defined set of sizes, and cannot be dynamically scaled. Whichever size (of the available ones) that best matches the DPI or scaling factor, will be used.

Also note that if the font size has been specified in pixels (:pixelsize=N, instead of :size=N), DPI scaling (dpi-aware=yes) will have no effect (the specified pixel size will be used as is). But, if the monitor's scaling factor is used to size the font (dpi-aware=no), the font's pixel size will be multiplied with the scaling factor.

Default: no


Font to use for the application title, in fontconfig format (see FONT FORMAT). Default: sans serif.


Text color to use for the application title, in RGBA format. Default: ffffffff.


Template string for the title portion of the notification (see FORMAT STRINGS). Default: <i>%a%A</i>.


Font to use for the summary, in fontconfig format (see FONT FORMAT). Default: sans serif.


Text color to use for the summary, in RGBA format. Default: ffffffff.


Template string for the summary portion of the notification (see FORMAT STRINGS). Default: <b>%s\n</b>.


Font to use for the text body, in fontconfig format (see FONT FORMAT). Default: sans serif.


Text color to use for the text body, in RGBA format. Default: ffffffff.


Template string for the body portion of the notification (see FORMAT STRINGS). Default: %b.


Height, in pixels, of progress bars (rendered when a notification has an int:value hint). Default: 20.


Color, in RGBA format, of progress bars. Default: ffffffff.


Time limit, in seconds, before notifications are automatically dismissed. Applications can provide their own timeout when they create a notification. This option can be used to limit that timeout. A value of 0 disables the limit. Default: 0.


Time, in seconds, before notifications are automatically dismissed if the notifying application does not specify a timeout. A value of 0 disables the timeout. I.e. if the application does not provide a timeout, the notification is never automatically dismissed (unless max-timeout has been set). Default: 0.


Time, in seconds, that you must be idle to prevent any notification from being dismissed. A value of 0 disables the timeout. Default: 0.


Absolute path to audio file to play when a notification is received. If unset, no sound is played. Default: unset.


Icon to use when none is provided by the notifications themselves. Can be either an absolute path, or a name (without extension).

In the latter case, it will be searched for in the selected icon theme, using the fallback rules defined by the XDG icon theme specification.

Default: unset.


This section allows you to override the options listed under per-urgency default options for low priority notifications.

By default, the following options are already overridden:

  • background: 2b2b2bff
  • title-color 888888ff
  • summary-color: 888888ff
  • body-color: 888888ff

SECTION: normal

This section allows you to override the options listed under per-urgency default options for normal priority notifications.

By default, the following options are already overridden: none.

SECTION: critical

This section allows you to override the options listed under per-urgency default options for critical priority notifications.

By default, the following options are already overridden:

background: 6c3333ff


The font is specified in FontConfig syntax. That is, a colon-separated list of font name and font options.


  • Dina:weight=bold:slant=italic
  • Courier New:size=12


The title-format, summary-format and body-format options allow you to configure what to display for the corresponding portion of the notification.

They are strings with placeholders that are expanded with attributes from the notification:

  • %a application name
  • %s notification summary
  • %b notification body text
  • %A action indicator ('*' if actions are present, empty string otherwise)
  • %% a literal '%'
  • \n a literal newline

Also supported are the following markup tags:

  • <b> bold
  • <i> italic
  • <u> underline


