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GBTEST(1) | User Commands | GBTEST(1) |
gbtest - Compute statistical tests on data
gbtest [options] <tests list>
Compute statistical tests on data. Each test is specified by a unique name and optional parameters follows, separated by commas. Depending on the test, one, two or three columns of data are expected. '1 dist' tests expect data in [0,1] from a distribution function. '1 sample' tests expect a single columns. Test on 'pairs' expect two columns of equal length. Test on '2 samples' expect two columns of data, possibly of different length. Test on 2+ and 3+ samples expect a varying number of columns. If more columns are provided, the test is repeated for any column in the case of 1 sample test, and any couple of columns in the case of 2 sample tests. In the last case, the output is expressed in matrix format, with estimated statistics on the lower triangle and p-scores (if requested) on the upper. The removal of 'nan' entries is automatic, and is performed consistently with the nature of the test.
Tests typically assume 1, 2 or 3+ samples. Available tests are:
- D+,D-,D,V 1 dist
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests on cumulated data
- W2,A2,U2
- 1 dist Cramer-von Mises tests on cumulated data
- CHI2-1
- 1 samp Chi-Sqrd, 1 samp. 2nd column: th. prob.
- 1 samp Wilcoxon signed-rank test (mode=0)
- TS
- 1 samp Student's T (mean=0)
- 1 samp Test of randomness: turning points
- 1 samp Test of randomness: difference sign
- 1 samp Test of randomness: rank test
- R
- pairs Pearson's correlation coefficient
- pairs Spearman's Rho rank correlation
- pairs Kendall's Tau correlation
- CHI2-2
- pairs Chi-Sqrd, 2 samples
- TP
- pairs Student's T with paired samples
- pairs Wilcoxon test on paired samples
- KS
- 2 samp Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
- T
- 2 samp Student's T with same variances
- TH
- 2 samp Student's T with different variances
- F
- 2 samp F-Test for different variances
- 2 samp Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U
- FP
- 2 samp Fligner-Policello standardized U^
- 2+ samp Levene equality of variances using means
- 2+ samp Levene equality of variances using medians
- KW
- 3+ samp Kruscal-Wallis test on 3+ samples
- CHI2-N
- 3+ samp Multi-columns contingency table analysis
- gbtest FP < file
- compute the Fligner-Policello test on the columns of 'file', considering all possible pairings.
- gbtest KW -p < file
- compute the Kruscal-Wallis test and its p-score on the first three columns of data in 'file'
Written by Giulio Bottazzi
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Copyright © 2001-2018 Giulio Bottazzi This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation;
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
March 2022 | gbtest 6.3 |