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GOTD.CONF(5) File Formats Manual GOTD.CONF(5)


gotd.confgotd configuration file


gotd.conf is the run-time configuration file for gotd(8).

The file format is line-based, with one configuration directive per line. Comments can be put anywhere in the file using a hash mark (‘#’), and extend to the end of the current line. Arguments names not beginning with a letter, digit or underscore, as well as reserved words (such as listen, repository or user), must be quoted. Arguments containing whitespace should be surrounded by double quotes (").


The available global configuration directives are as follows:

Set the specified options and limits for connections to the gotd(8) unix socket.

The connection directive may be specified multiple times, and multiple option arguments may be specified within curly braces:

connection {...}

Each option should only be specified once. If a given option is listed multiple times, the last line which sets this option wins.

Valid connection options are:

Specify the inactivity timeout for operations between client and server. If this timeout is exceeded while a Git protocol request is being processed, the request will be aborted and the connection will be terminated.

The timeout value may also have a suffix indicating its unit of measure. Supported suffixes are:

s or S
m or M
h or H

The default timeout is 1h (3600 seconds, one hour). This should only be changed if legitimate requests are exceeding the default timeout for some reason, such as the server spending an extraordinary amount of time generating a pack file.

user identity number
Limit the maximum amount of concurrent connections by the user with the username identity to number. Numeric user IDs are also accepted.

The default per-user limit is 4. This should only be changed if concurrent connections from a given user are expected to exceed the default limit, for example if an anonymous user is granted read access and many concurrent connections will share this anonymous user identity.

Set the path to the unix socket which gotd(8) should listen on. If not specified, the path /var/run/gotd.sock will be used.
Set the user which will run gotd(8). Initially, gotd(8) requires root privileges in order to create its unix socket. Afterwards, gotd(8) drops privileges to the specified user. If not specified, the user _gotd will be used. Numeric user IDs are also accepted.


At least one repository context must exist for gotd(8) to function. For each repository, access rules must be configured using the permit and deny configuration directives. Multiple access rules can be specified, and the last matching rule determines the action taken. If no rule matches, access to the repository is denied.

A repository context is declared with a unique name, followed by repository-specific configuration directives inside curly braces:

repository name {...}

got(1) and git(1) clients can connect to a repository by including the repository's unique name in the request URL. Clients appending the string “.git” to the name will also be accepted.

If desired, the name may contain path-separators, “/”, to expose repositories as part of a virtual client-visible directory hierarchy.

The available repository configuration directives are as follows:

Deny repository access to users with the username identity. Group names may be matched by prepending a colon (‘:’) to identity. Numeric IDs are also accepted.
Set the path to the Git repository. Must be specified.
mode identity
Permit repository access to users with the username identity. The mode argument must be set to either ro for read-only access, or rw for read-write access. Group names may be matched by prepending a colon (‘:’) to identity. Numeric IDs are also accepted.
The protect directive may be used to protect branches and tags in a repository from being overwritten by potentially destructive client-side commands, such as when got send -f and git push -f are used to change the history of a branch.

To build a set of protected branches and tags, multiple protect directives may be specified per repository and multiple protect directive parameters may be specified within curly braces.

The available protect parameters are as follows:

Protect the named branch. The branch may be created if it does not exist yet. Attempts to delete the branch or change its history will be denied.

If the name does not already begin with “refs/heads/” it will be looked up in the “refs/heads/” reference namespace.

namespace namespace
Protect the given reference namespace, assuming that references in this namespace represent branches. New branches may be created in the namespace. Attempts to change the history of branches or delete them will be denied.

The namespace argument must be absolute, starting with “refs/”.

namespace namespace
Protect the given reference namespace, assuming that references in this namespace represent tags. New tags may be created in the namespace. Attempts to change or delete existing tags will be denied.

The namespace argument must be absolute, starting with “refs/”.

The special reference namespaces “refs/got/” and “refs/remotes/” do not need to be listed in gotd.conf. These namespaces are always protected and even attempts to create new references in these namespaces will always be denied.

The notify directive enables notifications about new commits or tags added to the repository.

Notifications via email require an SMTP daemon which accepts mail for forwarding without requiring client authentication or encryption. On OpenBSD the smtpd(8) daemon can be used for this purpose. The default content of email notifications looks similar to the output of the got log -d command.

Notifications via HTTP require a HTTP or HTTPS server which is accepting POST requests with or without HTTP Basic authentication. Depending on the use case a custom server-side CGI script may be required for the processing of notifications. HTTP notifications can achieve functionality similar to Git's server-side post-receive hook script with gotd(8) by triggering arbitrary post-commit actions via the HTTP server.

The notify directive expects parameters which must be enclosed in curly braces. The available parameters are as follows:

Send notifications about commits to the named branch. The name will be looked up in the “refs/heads/” reference namespace. This directive may be specified multiple times to build a list of branches to send notifications for. If neither a branch nor a reference namespace are specified then changes to any reference will trigger notifications.
namespace namespace
Send notifications about commits or tags within a reference namespace. This directive may be specified multiple times to build a list of namespaces to send notifications for. If neither a branch nor a reference namespace are specified then changes to any reference will trigger notifications.
[from sender] to recipient [reply to responder] [relay hostname [port port]]
Send notifications via email to the specified recipient. This directive may be specified multiple times to build a list of recipients to send notifications to.

The recipient must be an email addresses that accepts mail. The sender will be used as the From address. If not specified, the sender defaults to an email address composed of the user account running gotd(8) and the local hostname.

If a responder is specified via the reply to directive, the responder will be used as the Reply-to address. Setting the Reply-to header can be useful if replies should go to a mailing list instead of the sender, for example.

By default, mail will be sent to the SMTP server listening on the loopback address on port 25. The relay and port directives can be used to specify a different SMTP server address and port.

URL [auth label [insecure]] [hmac label]
Send notifications via HTTP. This directive may be specified multiple times to build a list of HTTP servers to send notifications to.

The notification will be sent as a POST request to the given URL, which must be a valid HTTP URL and begin with either “http://” or “https://”. If HTTPS is used, sending of notifications will only succeed if no TLS errors occur.

The optional auth directive enables HTTP Basic authentication. Authentication credentials must be specified in the separate gotd-secrets.conf(5) file, using the label as identifier. Unless the insecure option is specified the notification target URL must be a “https://” URL to avoid leaking of authentication credentials.

If a hmac secret is provided, the request body will be signed using HMAC, allowing the receiver to verify the notification message's authenticity and integrity. The HMAC secret to use must be specified in the separate gotd-secrets.conf(5) file, using the label as identifier. The signature uses HMAC-SHA256 and will be sent in the HTTP header “X-Gotd-Signature”.

The request body contains a JSON object with a “notifications” property containing an array of notification objects. The following notification object properties are always present:

The repository name as a string.
The committer's user account as authenticated by gotd(8) as a string.
The notification object type as a string.

Each notification object carries additional type-specific properties. The types and their type-specific properties are:

The commit notification object has the following fields. Except where noted, all are optional.
Boolean, indicates whether the object has all the fields set. When several commits are batched in a single send operation, not all of the fields are available for each commit object.
The commit ID as string, may be abbreviated.
An object with the committer information with the following fields:

Committer's full name.
Committer's name.
Committer's mail address.
Committer's username. This is the only field guaranteed to be set.
An object with the author information. Has the same fields as the ‘committer’ but may be unset.
Number, representing the number of seconds since the Epoch in UTC.
The first line of the commit message. This field is always set.
The complete commit message, may be unset.
An object with the summarized changes, may be unset. Contains a ‘files’ field with an array of objects describing the changes per-file and a ‘total’ field with the cumulative changes. The changes per-file contains the following fields:

A string describing the action, can be “added”, “deleted”, “modified”, “mode changed”, or “unknown”.
The file path.
The number of lines added.
The number of lines removed.

The ‘total’ object contains two fields: ‘added’ and ‘removed’ which are the number of added and removed lines respectively.

The branch deleted notifications has the following fields, all guaranteed to be set:
The removed branch reference.
The hash of the commit pointed by the deleted branch.
The tag notification has the following fields, all guaranteed to be set:
The tag reference.
The user information, with the same format of the ‘committer’ field for the ‘commit’ notification but with all the field guaranteed to be set.
Number, representing the number of seconds since the Epoch in UTC.
The object being tagged. It contains the fields ‘type’ with the object type and ‘id’ with the object id being tagged.
The tag message.


Location of the gotd.conf configuration file.


# Run as the default user:
user _gotd

# Listen on the default socket:
listen on "/var/run/gotd.sock"

# This repository can be accessed via ssh://
repository "src" {
	path "/var/git/src.git"
	permit rw flan_hacker
	permit rw :developers
	permit ro anonymous

	protect branch "main"
	protect tag namespace "refs/tags/"

# This repository can be accessed via
# ssh://
repository "openbsd/ports" {
	path "/var/git/ports.git"
	permit rw :porters
	permit ro anonymous
	deny flan_hacker

	protect {
		branch "main"
		tag namespace "refs/tags/"

	notify {
		branch "main"
		reference namespace "refs/tags/"
		email to

# Use a larger request timeout value:
connection request timeout 2h

# Some users are granted a higher concurrent connection limit:
connection {
	limit user flan_hacker 16
	limit user anonymous 32


got(1), gotsh(1), gotd-secrets.conf(5), gotd(8)

October 21, 2024 Debian