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docs::api::APR::URI(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation docs::api::APR::URI(3pm)


APR::URI - Perl API for URI manipulations


  use APR::URI ();
  my $url = '';
  # parse and break the url into components
  my $parsed = APR::URI->parse($r->pool, $url);
  print $parsed->scheme;
  print $parsed->user;
  print $parsed->password;
  print $parsed->hostname;
  print $parsed->port;
  print $parsed->path;
  print $parsed->rpath;
  print $parsed->query;
  print $parsed->fragment;
  # reconstruct the url, after changing some components and completely
  # removing other
  print $parsed->unparse;
  # get the password field too (by default it's not revealed)
  use APR::Const -compile => qw(URI_UNP_REVEALPASSWORD);
  print $parsed->unparse(APR::Const::URI_UNP_REVEALPASSWORD);
  # what the default port for the ftp protocol?
  my $ftp_port = APR::URI::port_of_scheme("ftp");


"APR::URI" allows you to parse URI strings, manipulate each of the URI elements and deparse them back into URIs.

All "APR::URI" object accessors accept a string or an "undef" value as an argument. Same goes for return value. It's important to distinguish between an empty string and "undef". For example let's say your code was:

  my $uri = '';
  my $parsed = APR::URI->parse($r->pool, $uri);

Now you no longer want to the query and fragment components in the final url. If you do:


followed by:

  my $new_uri = parsed->unparse;

the resulting URI will be:

which is probably not something that you've expected. In order to get rid of the separators, you must completely unset the fields you don't want to see. So, if you do:


followed by:

  my $new_uri = parsed->unparse;

the resulting URI will be:

As mentioned earlier the same goes for return values, so continuing this example:

  my $new_fragment = $parsed->fragment();
  my $new_query    = $parsed->query();

Both values now contain "undef", therefore you must be careful when using the return values, when you use them, as you may get warnings.

Also make sure you read through "the unparse() section" as various optional flags affect how the deparsed URI is rendered.


"APR::URI" provides the following functions and/or methods:


Get/set trailing "#fragment" string

  $oldval = $parsed->fragment($newval);


Get/set combined "[user[:password]@]host[:port]"

  $oldval = $parsed->hostinfo($newval);

The "hostinfo" value is set automatically when parse() is called.

It's not updated if any of the individual fields is modified.

It's not used when unparse() is called.


Get/set hostname

  $oldval = $parsed->hostname($newval);


Get/set password (as in http://user:password@host:port/)

  $oldval = $parsed->password($newval);


Parse the URI string into URI components

  $parsed = APR::URI->parse($pool, $uri);
The URI to parse
The parsed URI object

After parsing, if a component existed but was an empty string (e.g. empty query http://hostname/path?) -- the corresponding accessor will return an empty string. If a component didn't exist (e.g. no query part http://hostname/path) -- the corresponding accessor will return "undef".


Get/set the request path

  $oldval = $parsed->path($newval);
"/" if only "scheme://host"


Gets the "path" minus the "path_info"

  $rpath =  $parsed->rpath();
The path minus the path_info


Get/set port number

  $oldval = $parsed->port($newval);
If the port component didn't appear in the parsed URI, APR internally calls port_of_scheme() to find out the port number for the given scheme().


Return the default port for a given scheme. The recognized schemes are http, ftp, https, gopher, wais, nntp, snews and prospero.

  $port = APR::URI::port_of_scheme($scheme);
The scheme string
The default port for this scheme


Get/set the query string (the part starting after '?' and all the way till the end or the '#fragment' part if the latter exists).

  $oldval = $parsed->query($newval);


Get/set the protocol scheme ("http", "ftp", ...)

  $oldval = $parsed->scheme($newval);


Get/set user name (as in http://user:password@host:port/)

  $oldval = $parsed->user($newval);


Unparse the URI components back into a URI string

  $new_uri = $parsed->unparse();
  $new_uri = $parsed->unparse($flags);
By default the constant "APR::Const::URI_UNP_OMITPASSWORD" is passed.

If you need to pass more than one flag use unary "|", e.g.:


The valid "flags" constants are listed next

Valid "flags" constants:

To import all URI constants you could do:

  use APR::Const -compile => qw(:uri);

but there is a significant amount of them, most irrelevant to this method. Therefore you probably don't want to do that. Instead specify explicitly the ones that you need. All the relevant to this method constants start with "APR::URI_UNP_".

And the available constants are:

Don't show "scheme", "user", "password", "hostname" and "port" components (i.e. if you want only the relative URI)
Hide the "user" component
Hide the "password" component (the default)
Reveal the "password" component
Don't show "path", "query" and "fragment" components
Don't show "query" and "fragment" components

Notice that some flags overlap.

If the optional $flags argument is passed and contains no "APR::Const::URI_UNP_OMITPASSWORD" and no "APR::Const::URI_UNP_REVEALPASSWORD" -- the "password" part will be rendered as a literal "XXXXXXXX" string.

If the "port" number matches the port_of_scheme(), the unparsed URI won't include it and there is no flag to force that "port" to appear. If the "port" number is non-standard it will show up in the unparsed string.


Starting with the parsed URL:

  use APR::URI ();
  my $url = '';
  my $parsed = APR::URI->parse($r->pool, $url);

deparse it back including and excluding parts, using different values for the optional "flags" argument:

  • Show all but the "password" fields:

      print $parsed->unparse;


    Notice that the "port" field is gone too, since it was a default "port" for "scheme" "http://".

  • Include the "password" field (by default it's not revealed)

      use APR::Const -compile => qw(URI_UNP_REVEALPASSWORD);
      print $parsed->unparse(APR::Const::URI_UNP_REVEALPASSWORD);

  • Show all fields but the last three, "path", "query" and "fragment":

      use APR::Const -compile => qw(URI_UNP_REVEALPASSWORD
      print $parsed->unparse(


See Also

"Apache2::URI", mod_perl 2.0 documentation.


mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0.


The mod_perl development team and numerous contributors.

2024-09-25 perl v5.38.2