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libcidr(3) | Library Functions Manual | libcidr(3) |
CIDR-style IP address manipulation functions
Library libcidr (-lcidr)
is a C library implementing a
variety of functions to manipulate IP addresses and netblocks. It handles
both IPv4 and IPv6 networks, will transform them to and from text strings in
a variety of formats, cram them into and lever them out of
in_addr and in6_addr structures,
and give you all sorts of stats about them. Functions are provided also to
tell you a few things about the network any given CIDR block is in, what its
parent and child networks are, and so on. If you're really nice,
may even cook you breakfast.
The primary documentation for libcidr
maintained elsewhere, with a full description of the functions, their
options, and their return values. Your installation probably has a copy of
the reference manual installed somewhere, perhaps in
/usr/share/libcidr/docs. Documentation is also
available on the webpage (see below). This manpage is provided as a quick
CIDR *cidr_addr_broadcast(const CIDR *cidr)
- Return a CIDR structure describing the broadcast address of the network represented by cidr.
CIDR *cidr_addr_hostmax(const CIDR *cidr)
- Return a CIDR structure describing the "highest" host in the subnet represented by cidr.
CIDR *cidr_addr_hostmin(const CIDR *cidr)
- Return a CIDR structure describing the "lowest" host in the subnet represented by cidr.
CIDR *cidr_addr_network(const CIDR *cidr)
- Return a CIDR structure describing the network address of the network represented by cidr.
CIDR *cidr_alloc(void)
- Allocate and initialize a CIDR structure.
int cidr_contains(const CIDR *big, const CIDR *little)
- Determine whether little is a CIDR block entirely contained within the block described by big. Return 0 if so, else non-zero.
CIDR *cidr_dup(const CIDR *cidr)
- Return a duplicate of cidr.
int cidr_equals(const CIDR *first, const CIDR *second)
- Determine whether first and second describe the same CIDR block. Return 0 if they do, else non-zero.
void cidr_free(CIDR *cidr)
- Free the memory used by a CIDR *.
CIDR *cidr_from_inaddr(const struct in_addr *in)
- Generate a CIDR * based on a struct in_addr.
CIDR *cidr_from_in6addr(const struct in6_addr *in)
- Generate a CIDR * based on a struct in6_addr.
CIDR *cidr_from_str(const char *str)
- Parse str and return a CIDR * representing it.
uint8_t *cidr_get_addr(const CIDR *cidr)
- Return the address in an array of binary octets.
uint8_t *cidr_get_mask(const CIDR *cidr)
- Return the netmask in an array of binary octets.
int cidr_get_pflen(const CIDR *cidr)
- Return the length of the netmask prefix of cidr.
int cidr_get_proto(const CIDR *cidr)
- Return the protocol of an address.
int cidr_is_v4mapped(const CIDR *addr)
- Checks if an IPv6 address is in the IPv4-mapped range.
CIDR **cidr_net_subnets(const CIDR *cidr)
- Return a 2-element array of CIDR * 's representing the two immediate subnets of the network described by cidr. That is to say, the two networks, within cidr, which have a netmask 1 bit longer.
CIDR *cidr_net_supernet(const CIDR *cidr)
- Return a CIDR * describing the "parent" network of cidr. That is, the network with a netmask 1 bit shorter, which wholly contains cidr.
const char *cidr_numaddr(const CIDR *cidr)
- Return a pointer to a static string giving the number of total addresses available in the network described by cidr. Do not attempt to alter or free(3) this string.
const char *cidr_numaddr_pflen(int pflen)
- Return a pointer to a static string giving the number of total addresses available in a network having a prefix length of pflen. Do not attempt to alter or free(3) this string. You probably don't want to call this function manually often.
const char *cidr_numhost(const CIDR *cidr)
- Return a pointer to a static string giving the number of addresses available for hosts available in the network described by cidr. Do not attempt to alter or free(3) this string.
const char *cidr_numhost_pflen(int pflen)
- Return a pointer to a static string giving the number of addresses available for hosts in a network having a prefix length of pflen. Do not attempt to alter or free(3) this string. You probably don't want to call this function manually often.
struct in_addr *cidr_to_inaddr(const CIDR *cidr, struct in_addr *in)
- Fill in a struct in_addr with the address given in cidr. A user-supplied struct in_addr is used if passed in; if a null pointer is passed, a new one will be allocated, filled in, and returned.
struct in6_addr *cidr_to_in6addr(const CIDR *cidr, struct in6_addr *in)
- Fill in a struct in6_addr with the address given in cidr. A user-supplied struct in6_addr is used if passed in; if a null pointer is passed, a new one will be allocated, filled in, and returned.
char *cidr_to_str(const CIDR *cidr, int flags)
- Return a string version of the passed-in cidr, as described by flags. By default, it will print in the standard address form for whatever address family cidr represents, followed by a slash, and then the prefix length of the netmask.
const char *cidr_version(void)
- Return a static string containing version information.
is written and maintained by
Matthew Fuller
⟨⟩. Its home on the web is at
⟨⟩; check
there for updates and additional documentation.
May 7, 2012 | Debian |