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GitLab::API::v4(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation GitLab::API::v4(3pm)


GitLab::API::v4 - A complete GitLab API v4 client.


    use GitLab::API::v4;
    my $api = GitLab::API::v4->new(
        url           => $v4_api_url,
        private_token => $token,
    my $branches = $api->branches( $project_id );


This module provides a one-to-one interface with the GitLab API v4. Much is not documented here as it would just be duplicating GitLab's own API Documentation <>.

Note that this distribution also includes the gitlab-api-v4 command-line interface (CLI).


If you are upgrading from GitLab::API::v3 make sure you read:


Also, review the "Changes" file included in the distribution as it outlines the changes made to convert the v3 module to v4:


Finally, be aware that many methods were added, removed, renamed, and/or altered. If you want to review exactly what was changed you can use GitHub's compare tool:


Or clone the repo and run this command:

"git diff 72e384775c9570f60f8ef68dee3a1eecd347fb69..HEAD -- author/sections/"


Authentication credentials may be defined by setting either the "access_token" or "private_token" arguments.

If no credentials are supplied then the client will be anonymous and greatly limited in what it can do with the API.

Extra care has been taken to hide the token arguments behind closures. This way, if you dump your api object, your tokens won't accidentally leak into places you don't want them to.


The GitLab API, in rare cases, uses a hard-coded value to represent a state. To make life easier the GitLab::API::v4::Constants module exposes these states as named variables.


The API methods will all throw a useful exception if an unsuccessful response is received from the API. That is except for "GET" requests that return a 404 response - these will return "undef" for methods that return a value.

If you'd like to catch and handle these exceptions consider using Try::Tiny.


This module uses Log::Any and produces some debug messages here and there, but the most useful bits are the info messages produced just before each API call.

Project ID

Note that many API calls require a $project_id. This can be specified as a numeric project "ID" or, in many cases, maybe all cases, as a "NAMESPACE_PATH/PROJECT_PATH" string. The GitLab documentation on this point is vague.



The URL to your v4 API endpoint. Typically this will be something like "".



A GitLab API OAuth2 token. If set then "private_token" may not be set.

See <>.


A GitLab API personal token. If set then "access_token" may not be set.

See <>.


The number of times the request should be retried in case it fails (5XX HTTP response code). Defaults to 0 (false), meaning that a failed request will not be retried.


The user to execute API calls as. You may find it more useful to use the "sudo" method instead.

See <>.


An instance of GitLab::API::v4::RESTClient (or whatever "rest_client_class" is set to). Typically you will not be setting this as it defaults to a new instance and customization should not be necessary.


The class to use when constructing the "rest_client". Defaults to GitLab::API::v4::RESTClient.



    my $paginator = $api->paginator( $method, @method_args );
    my $members = $api->paginator('group_members', $group_id);
    while (my $member = $members->next()) {
    my $users_pager = $api->paginator('users');
    while (my $users = $users_pager->next_page()) {
    my $all_open_issues = $api->paginator(
        { state=>'opened' },

Given a method who supports the "page" and "per_page" parameters, and returns an array ref, this will return a GitLab::API::v4::Paginator object that will allow you to walk the records one page or one record at a time.



Returns a new instance of GitLab::API::v4 with the "sudo_user" argument set.

See <>.


Award Emoji

See <>.

    my $award_emojis = $api->issue_award_emojis(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/award_emoji" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emojis = $api->merge_request_award_emojis(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/award_emoji" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emojis = $api->snippet_award_emojis(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_id/award_emoji" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emoji = $api->issue_award_emoji(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/award_emoji/:award_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emoji = $api->merge_request_award_emoji(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/award_emoji/:award_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emoji = $api->snippet_award_emoji(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/award_emoji/:award_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emoji = $api->create_issue_award_emoji(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/award_emoji" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emoji = $api->create_merge_request_award_emoji(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/award_emoji" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emoji = $api->create_snippet_award_emoji(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/award_emoji" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emoji = $api->delete_issue_award_emoji(

Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_id/award_emoji/:award_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emoji = $api->delete_merge_request_award_emoji(

Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_id/award_emoji/:award_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emoji = $api->delete_snippet_award_emoji(

Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/award_emoji/:award_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emojis = $api->issue_note_award_emojis(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/notes/:note_id/award_emoji" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emoji = $api->issue_note_award_emoji(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/notes/:note_id/award_emoji/:award_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emoji = $api->create_issue_note_award_emoji(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/notes/:note_id/award_emoji" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emoji = $api->delete_issue_note_award_emoji(

Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/notes/:note_id/award_emoji/:award_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emojis = $api->merge_request_note_award_emojis(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes/:note_id/award_emoji" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emoji = $api->merge_request_note_award_emoji(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes/:note_id/award_emoji/:award_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emoji = $api->create_merge_request_note_award_emoji(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes/:note_id/award_emoji" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $award_emoji = $api->delete_merge_request_note_award_emoji(

Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes/:note_id/award_emoji/:award_id" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $branches = $api->branches(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/branches" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $branch = $api->branch(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/branches/:branch_name" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $branch = $api->create_branch(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/branches" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/branches/:branch_name".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/merged_branches".

Broadcast Messages

See <>.

    my $messages = $api->broadcast_messages(

Sends a "GET" request to "broadcast_messages" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $message = $api->broadcast_message(

Sends a "GET" request to "broadcast_messages/:message_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $message = $api->create_broadcast_message(

Sends a "POST" request to "broadcast_messages" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $message = $api->edit_broadcast_message(

Sends a "PUT" request to "broadcast_messages/:message_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "broadcast_messages/:message_id".

Project-level Variables

See <>.

    my $variables = $api->project_variables(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/variables" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $variable = $api->project_variable(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/variables/:variable_key" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $variable = $api->create_project_variable(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/variables" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $variable = $api->edit_project_variable(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/variables/:variable_key" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/variables/:variable_key".

Group-level Variables

See <>.

    my $variables = $api->group_variables(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/variables" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $variable = $api->group_variable(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/variables/:variable_key" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $variable = $api->create_group_variable(

Sends a "POST" request to "groups/:group_id/variables" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $variable = $api->edit_group_variable(

Sends a "PUT" request to "groups/:group_id/variables/:variable_key" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "groups/:group_id/variables/:variable_key".


See <>.

    my $snippets = $api->snippets();

Sends a "GET" request to "snippets" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $snippet = $api->snippet(

Sends a "GET" request to "snippets/:snippet_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $snippet = $api->create_snippet(

Sends a "POST" request to "snippets" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $snippet = $api->edit_snippet(

Sends a "PUT" request to "snippets/:snippet_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "snippets/:snippet_id".

    my $snippets = $api->public_snippets(

Sends a "GET" request to "snippets/public" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $user_agent = $api->snippet_user_agent_detail(

Sends a "GET" request to "snippets/:snippet_id/user_agent_detail" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $commits = $api->commits(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/commits" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $commit = $api->create_commit(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/commits" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $commit = $api->commit(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/commits/:commit_sha" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $refs = $api->commit_refs(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/commits/:commit_sha/refs" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $commit = $api->cherry_pick_commit(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/commits/:commit_sha/cherry_pick" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $diff = $api->commit_diff(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/commits/:commit_sha/diff" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $comments = $api->commit_comments(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/commits/:commit_sha/comments" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/commits/:commit_sha/comments".

    my $build_statuses = $api->commit_statuses(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/commits/:commit_sha/statuses" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $build_status = $api->create_commit_status(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/statuses/:commit_sha" and returns the decoded response content.

Container Registry

See <>.

    my $registry_repositories = $api->registry_repositories_in_project(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/registry/repositories" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $registry_repositories = $api->registry_repositories_in_group(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/registry/repositories" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/registry/repositories/:repository_id".

    my $tags = $api->registry_repository_tags(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/registry/repositories/:repository_id/tags" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $tag = $api->registry_repository_tag(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/registry/repositories/:repository_id/tags/:tag_name" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/registry/repositories/:repository_id/tags/:tag_name".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/registry/repositories/:repository_id/tags".

Custom Attributes

See <>.

    my $attributes = $api->custom_user_attributes(

Sends a "GET" request to "users/:user_id/custom_attributes" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $attributes = $api->custom_group_attributes(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/custom_attributes" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $attributes = $api->custom_project_attributes(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/custom_attributes" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $attribute = $api->custom_user_attribute(

Sends a "GET" request to "users/:user_id/custom_attributes/:attribute_key" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $attribute = $api->custom_group_attribute(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/custom_attributes/:attribute_key" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $attribute = $api->custom_project_attribute(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/custom_attributes/:attribute_key" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $attribute = $api->set_custom_user_attribute(

Sends a "PUT" request to "users/:user_id/custom_attributes/:attribute_key" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $attribute = $api->set_custom_group_attribute(

Sends a "PUT" request to "groups/:group_id/custom_attributes/:attribute_key" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $attribute = $api->set_custom_project_attribute(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/custom_attributes/:attribute_key" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "users/:user_id/custom_attributes/:attribute_key".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "groups/:group_id/custom_attributes/:attribute_key".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/custom_attributes/:attribute_key".


See <>.

    my $deployments = $api->deployments(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/deployments" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $deployment = $api->deployment(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/deployments/:deployment_id" and returns the decoded response content.

Deploy Keys

See <>.

    my $keys = $api->all_deploy_keys(

Sends a "GET" request to "deploy_keys" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $keys = $api->deploy_keys(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/deploy_keys" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $key = $api->deploy_key(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/deploy_keys/:key_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $key = $api->create_deploy_key(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/deploy_keys" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/deploy_keys/:key_id".

    my $key = $api->enable_deploy_key(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/deploy_keys/:key_id/enable" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $environments = $api->environments(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/environments" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $environment = $api->create_environment(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/environments" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $environment = $api->edit_environment(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/environments/:environments_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/environments/:environment_id".

    my $environment = $api->stop_environment(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/environments/:environment_id/stop" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $events = $api->all_events(

Sends a "GET" request to "events" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $events = $api->user_events(

Sends a "GET" request to "users/:user_id/events" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $events = $api->project_events(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/events" and returns the decoded response content.

Feature flags

See <>.

    my $features = $api->features();

Sends a "GET" request to "features" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $feature = $api->set_feature(

Sends a "POST" request to "features/:name" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $templates = $api->gitignores_templates(

Sends a "GET" request to "templates/gitignores" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $template = $api->gitignores_template(

Sends a "GET" request to "templates/gitignores/:template_key" and returns the decoded response content.

GitLab CI YMLs

See <>.

    my $templates = $api->gitlab_ci_ymls_templates(

Sends a "GET" request to "templates/gitlab_ci_ymls" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $template = $api->gitlab_ci_ymls_template(

Sends a "GET" request to "templates/gitlab_ci_ymls/:template_key" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $groups = $api->groups(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $subgroups = $api->group_subgroups(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/subgroups" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $projects = $api->group_projects(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/projects" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $group = $api->group(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "POST" request to "groups".


Sends a "POST" request to "groups/:group_id/projects/:project_id".

    my $group = $api->edit_group(

Sends a "PUT" request to "groups/:group_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "groups/:group_id".


Sends a "POST" request to "groups/:group_id/ldap_sync".


Sends a "POST" request to "groups/:group_id/ldap_group_links".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "groups/:group_id/ldap_group_links/:cn".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "groups/:group_id/ldap_group_links/:provider/:cn".


Sends a "POST" request to "groups/:group_id/share".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "groups/:group_id/share/:shared_with_group_id".

Group access requests

See <>.

    my $requests = $api->group_access_requests(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/access_requests" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $request = $api->request_group_access(

Sends a "POST" request to "groups/:group_id/access_requests" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $request = $api->approve_group_access(

Sends a "PUT" request to "groups/:group_id/access_requests/:user_id/approve" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "groups/:group_id/access_requests/:user_id".

Group badges

See <>.

    my $badges = $api->group_badges(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/badges" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $badge = $api->group_badge(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/badges/:badge_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $badge = $api->create_group_badge(

Sends a "POST" request to "groups/:group_id/badges" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $badge = $api->edit_group_badge(

Sends a "PUT" request to "groups/:group_id/badges/:badge_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "groups/:group_id/badges/:badge_id".

    my $preview = $api->preview_group_badge(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/badges/render" and returns the decoded response content.

Group members

See <>.

    my $members = $api->group_members(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/members" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $members = $api->all_group_members(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/members/all" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $member = $api->group_member(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:project_id/members/:user_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $member = $api->add_group_member(

Sends a "POST" request to "groups/:group_id/members" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $member = $api->update_group_member(

Sends a "PUT" request to "groups/:group_id/members/:user_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "groups/:group_id/members/:user_id".


See <>.

    my $issues = $api->global_issues(

Sends a "GET" request to "issues" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $issues = $api->group_issues(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/issues" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $issues = $api->issues(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/issues" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $issue = $api->issue(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $issue = $api->create_issue(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/issues" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $issue = $api->edit_issue(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid".

    my $issue = $api->move_issue(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/move" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $issue = $api->subscribe_to_issue(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/subscribe" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $issue = $api->unsubscribe_from_issue(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/unsubscribe" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $todo = $api->create_issue_todo(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/todo" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $tracking = $api->set_issue_time_estimate(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/time_estimate" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $tracking = $api->reset_issue_time_estimate(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/reset_time_estimate" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $tracking = $api->add_issue_spent_time(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/add_spent_time" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $tracking = $api->reset_issue_spent_time(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/reset_spent_time" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $tracking = $api->issue_time_stats(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/time_stats" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $merge_requests = $api->issue_closed_by(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/closed_by" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $user_agent = $api->issue_user_agent_detail(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/user_agent_detail" and returns the decoded response content.

Issue Boards

See <>.

    my $boards = $api->project_boards(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/boards" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $lists = $api->project_board_lists(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/boards/:board_id/lists" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $list = $api->project_board_list(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/boards/:board_id/lists/:list_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $list = $api->create_project_board_list(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/boards/:board_id/lists" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $list = $api->edit_project_board_list(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/boards/:board_id/lists/:list_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/boards/:board_id/lists/:list_id".

Group Issue Boards

See <>.

    my $boards = $api->group_boards(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/boards" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $board = $api->group_board(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/boards/:board_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $lists = $api->group_board_lists(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/boards/:board_id/lists" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $list = $api->group_board_list(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/boards/:board_id/lists/:list_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $list = $api->create_group_board_list(

Sends a "POST" request to "groups/:group_id/boards/:board_id/lists" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $list = $api->edit_group_board_list(

Sends a "PUT" request to "groups/:group_id/boards/:board_id/lists/:list_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "groups/:group_id/boards/:board_id/lists/:list_id".


See <>.

    my $jobs = $api->jobs(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/jobs" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $jobs = $api->pipeline_jobs(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/pipelines/:pipeline_id/jobs" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $job = $api->job(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/jobs/:job_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $artifacts = $api->job_artifacts(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/jobs/:job_id/artifacts" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $archive = $api->job_artifacts_archive(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/jobs/artifacts/:ref_name/download" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $file = $api->job_artifacts_file(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/jobs/:job_id/artifacts/:artifact_path" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $file = $api->job_trace_file(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/jobs/:job_id/trace" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $job = $api->cancel_job(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/jobs/:job_id/cancel" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $job = $api->retry_job(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/jobs/:job_id/retry" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $job = $api->erase_job(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/jobs/:job_id/erase" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $job = $api->keep_job_artifacts(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/jobs/:job_id/artifacts/keep" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $job = $api->play_job(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/jobs/:job_id/play" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $key = $api->key(

Sends a "GET" request to "keys/:key_id" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $labels = $api->labels(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/labels" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $label = $api->create_label(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/labels" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/labels".

    my $label = $api->edit_label(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/labels" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $label = $api->subscribe_to_label(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/labels/:label_id/subscribe" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/labels/:label_id/unsubscribe".


See <>.

    my $html = $api->markdown(

Sends a "POST" request to "markdown" and returns the decoded response content.

Merge requests

See <>.

    my $merge_requests = $api->global_merge_requests(

Sends a "GET" request to "merge_requests" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $merge_requests = $api->merge_requests(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $merge_request = $api->merge_request(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $commits = $api->merge_request_commits(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/commits" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $merge_request = $api->merge_request_with_changes(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/changes" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $merge_request = $api->create_merge_request(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $merge_request = $api->edit_merge_request(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid".

    my $merge_request = $api->accept_merge_request(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/merge" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $merge_request = $api->approve_merge_request(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/approve" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $merge_request = $api->unapprove_merge_request(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/unapprove" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $merge_request = $api->cancel_merge_when_pipeline_succeeds(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/cancel_merge_when_pipeline_succeeds" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $issues = $api->merge_request_closes_issues(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/closes_issues" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $merge_request = $api->subscribe_to_merge_request(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/subscribe" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $merge_request = $api->unsubscribe_from_merge_request(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/unsubscribe" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $todo = $api->create_merge_request_todo(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/todo" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $versions = $api->merge_request_diff_versions(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/versions" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $version = $api->merge_request_diff_version(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/versions/:version_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $tracking = $api->set_merge_request_time_estimate(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/time_estimate" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $tracking = $api->reset_merge_request_time_estimate(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/reset_time_estimate" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $tracking = $api->add_merge_request_spent_time(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/add_spent_time" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $tracking = $api->reset_merge_request_spent_time(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/reset_spent_time" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $tracking = $api->merge_request_time_stats(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/time_stats" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $milestones = $api->project_milestones(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/milestones" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $milestone = $api->project_milestone(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/milestones/:milestone_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $milestone = $api->create_project_milestone(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/milestones" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $milestone = $api->edit_project_milestone(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/milestones/:milestone_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $issues = $api->project_milestone_issues(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/milestones/:milestone_id/issues" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $merge_requests = $api->project_milestone_merge_requests(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/milestones/:milestone_id/merge_requests" and returns the decoded response content.

Group milestones

See <>.

    my $milestones = $api->group_milestones(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/milestones" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $milestone = $api->group_milestone(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/milestones/:milestone_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $milestone = $api->create_group_milestone(

Sends a "POST" request to "groups/:group_id/milestones" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $milestone = $api->edit_group_milestone(

Sends a "PUT" request to "groups/:group_id/milestones/:milestone_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $issues = $api->group_milestone_issues(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/milestones/:milestone_id/issues" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $merge_requests = $api->group_milestone_merge_requests(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/milestones/:milestone_id/merge_requests" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $namespaces = $api->namespaces(

Sends a "GET" request to "namespaces" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $namespace = $api->namespace(

Sends a "GET" request to "namespaces/:namespace_id" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $notes = $api->issue_notes(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/notes" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $note = $api->issue_note(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/notes/:note_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $note = $api->create_issue_note(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/notes" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/notes/:note_id".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/notes/:note_id".

    my $notes = $api->snippet_notes(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/notes" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $note = $api->snippet_note(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/notes/:note_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $note = $api->create_snippet_note(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/notes" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/notes/:note_id".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/notes/:note_id".

    my $notes = $api->merge_request_notes(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $note = $api->merge_request_note(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes/:note_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $note = $api->create_merge_request_note(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes/:note_id".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/notes/:note_id".


See <>.

    my $discussions = $api->issue_discussions(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/discussions" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $discussion = $api->issue_discussion(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/discussions/:discussion_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $discussion = $api->create_issue_discussion(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/discussions" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/discussions/:discussion_id/notes".


Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/discussions/:discussion_id/notes/:note_id".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/discussions/:discussion_id/notes/:note_id".

    my $discussions = $api->project_snippet_discussions(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/discussions" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $discussion = $api->project_snippet_discussion(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/discussions/:discussion_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $discussion = $api->create_project_snippet_discussion(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/discussions" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/discussions/:discussion_id/notes".


Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/discussions/:discussion_id/notes/:note_id".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/discussions/:discussion_id/notes/:note_id".

    my $discussions = $api->merge_request_discussions(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/discussions" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $discussion = $api->merge_request_discussion(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/discussions/:discussion_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $discussion = $api->create_merge_request_discussion(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/discussions" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/discussions/:discussion_id".


Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/discussions/:discussion_id/notes".


Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/discussions/:discussion_id/notes/:note_id".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/discussions/:discussion_id/notes/:note_id".

    my $discussions = $api->commit_discussions(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/commits/:commit_id/discussions" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $discussion = $api->commit_discussion(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/commits/:commit_id/discussions/:discussion_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $discussion = $api->create_commit_discussion(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/commits/:commit_id/discussions" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/commits/:commit_id/discussions/:discussion_id/notes".


Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/commits/:commit_id/discussions/:discussion_id/notes/:note_id".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/commits/:commit_id/discussions/:discussion_id/notes/:note_id".

Resource label events

See <>.

    my $events = $api->issue_resource_label_events(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/resource_label_events" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $event = $api->issue_resource_label_event(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/issues/:issue_iid/resource_label_events/:resource_label_event_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $events = $api->merge_request_resource_label_events(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/resource_label_events" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $event = $api->merge_request_resource_label_event(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/resource_label_events/:resource_label_event_id" and returns the decoded response content.

Notification settings

See <>.

    my $settings = $api->global_notification_settings();

Sends a "GET" request to "notification_settings" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $settings = $api->set_global_notification_settings(

Sends a "PUT" request to "notification_settings" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $settings = $api->group_notification_settings(

Sends a "GET" request to "groups/:group_id/notification_settings" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $settings = $api->project_notification_settings(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/notification_settings" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $settings = $api->set_group_notification_settings(

Sends a "PUT" request to "groups/:group_id/notification_settings" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $settings = $api->set_project_notification_settings(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/notification_settings" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $templates = $api->license_templates(

Sends a "GET" request to "templates/licenses" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $template = $api->license_template(

Sends a "GET" request to "templates/licenses/:template_key" and returns the decoded response content.

Pages domains

See <>.

    my $domains = $api->global_pages_domains(

Sends a "GET" request to "pages/domains" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $domains = $api->pages_domains(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/pages/domains" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $domain = $api->pages_domain(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/pages/domains/:domain" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $domain = $api->create_pages_domain(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/pages/domains" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $domain = $api->edit_pages_domain(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/pages/domains/:domain" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/pages/domains/:domain".


See <>.

    my $pipelines = $api->pipelines(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/pipelines" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $pipeline = $api->pipeline(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/pipelines/:pipeline_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $pipeline = $api->create_pipeline(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/pipeline" and returns the decoded response content.

Git ref (branch or tag) name must be specified in the "ref" field of the %params hash. It's also possible to pass variables to a pipeline in the "variables" field like in the following example:

    my $pipeline = $api->create_pipeline(
            'ref'     => 'master',
            variables => [
                { 'key' => 'VARIABLE1', 'value' => 'VALUE1' },
                { 'key' => 'VARIABLE2', 'value' => 'VALUE2' },
    my $pipeline = $api->retry_pipeline_jobs(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/pipelines/:pipeline_id/retry" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $pipeline = $api->cancel_pipeline_jobs(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/pipelines/:pipeline_id/cancel" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/pipelines/:pipeline_id".

Pipeline triggers

See <>.

    my $triggers = $api->triggers(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/triggers" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $trigger = $api->trigger(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/triggers/:trigger_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $trigger = $api->create_trigger(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/triggers" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $trigger = $api->edit_trigger(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/triggers/:trigger_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $trigger = $api->take_ownership_of_trigger(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/triggers/:trigger_id/take_ownership" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/triggers/:trigger_id".

    my $pipeline = $api->trigger_pipeline(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/trigger/pipeline" and returns the decoded response content.

The API authentication token ("private_token" or "access_token" parameters in a constructor) is not needed when using this method, however You must pass trigger token (generated at the trigger creation) as "token" field and git ref name as "ref" field in the %params hash. You can also pass variables to be set in a pipeline in the "variables" field. Example:

    my $pipeline = $api->trigger_pipeline(
            token => 'd69dba9162ab6ac72fa0993496286ada',
            'ref' => 'master',
            variables => {
                variable1 => 'value1',
                variable2 => 'value2',

Read more at <>.

Pipeline schedules

See <>.

    my $schedules = $api->pipeline_schedules(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/pipeline_schedules" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $schedule = $api->pipeline_schedule(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $schedule = $api->create_pipeline_schedule(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/pipeline_schedules" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $schedule = $api->edit_pipeline_schedule(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $schedule = $api->take_ownership_of_pipeline_schedule(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id/take_ownership" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $variable = $api->run_pipeline_schedule(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id/play" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $schedule = $api->delete_pipeline_schedule(

Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $variable = $api->create_pipeline_schedule_variable(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id/variables" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $variable = $api->edit_pipeline_schedule_variable(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id/variables/:variable_key" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $variable = $api->delete_pipeline_schedule_variable(

Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/pipeline_schedules/:pipeline_schedule_id/variables/:variable_key" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $projects = $api->projects(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $projects = $api->user_projects(

Sends a "GET" request to "users/:user_id/projects" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $project = $api->project(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $users = $api->project_users(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/users" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $project = $api->create_project(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "POST" request to "projects/user/:user_id".


Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id".


Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id".

The request will have "multipart/form-data" header set for uploading files.


Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/fork".

    my $forks = $api->project_forks(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/forks" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $project = $api->start_project(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/star" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $project = $api->unstar_project(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/unstar" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $languages = $api->project_languages(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/languages" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $project = $api->archive_project(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/archive" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $project = $api->unarchive_project(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/unarchive" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id".

    my $upload = $api->upload_file_to_project(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/uploads" and returns the decoded response content.

The "file" parameter must point to a readable file on the local filesystem.


Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/share".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/share/:group_id".

    my $hooks = $api->project_hooks(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/hooks" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $hook = $api->project_hook(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/hooks/:hook_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $hook = $api->create_project_hook(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/hooks" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $hook = $api->edit_project_hook(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/hooks/:hook_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/hooks/:hook_id".


Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/fork/:from_project_id".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/fork".


Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/housekeeping".


Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/transfer".

Project access requests

See <>.

    my $requests = $api->project_access_requests(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/access_requests" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $request = $api->request_project_access(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/access_requests" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $request = $api->approve_project_access(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/access_requests/:user_id/approve" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/access_requests/:user_id".

Project badges

See <>.

    my $badges = $api->project_badges(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/badges" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $badge = $api->project_badge(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/badges/:badge_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $badge = $api->create_project_badge(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/badges" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $badge = $api->edit_project_badge(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/badges/:badge_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/badges/:badge_id".

    my $preview = $api->preview_project_badge(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/badges/render" and returns the decoded response content.

Project import/export

See <>.


Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/export".

    my $status = $api->project_export_status(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/export" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $download = $api->download_project_export(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/export/download" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "POST" request to "projects/import".

    my $status = $api->project_import_status(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/import" and returns the decoded response content.

Project members

See <>.

    my $members = $api->project_members(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/members" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $members = $api->all_project_members(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/members/all" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $member = $api->project_member(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/members/:user_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $member = $api->add_project_member(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/members" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $member = $api->update_project_member(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/members/:user_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/members/:user_id".

Project snippets

See <>.

    my $snippets = $api->project_snippets(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $snippet = $api->project_snippet(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets".


Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id".

    my $content = $api->project_snippet_content(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/raw" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $user_agent = $api->project_snippet_user_agent_detail(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/snippets/:snippet_id/user_agent_detail" and returns the decoded response content.

Protected branches

See <>.

    my $branches = $api->protected_branches(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/protected_branches" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $branch = $api->protected_branch(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/protected_branches/:branch_name" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $branch = $api->protect_branch(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/protected_branches" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/protected_branches/:branch_name".

Protected tags

See <>.

    my $tags = $api->protected_tags(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/protected_tags" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $tag = $api->protected_tag(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/protected_tags/:tag_name" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $tag = $api->protect_tag(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/protected_tags" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/protected_tags/:tag_name".


See <>.

    my $releases = $api->releases(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/releases" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $release = $api->release(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/releases/:tag_name" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $release = $api->create_release(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/releases" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $release = $api->update_release(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/releases/:tag_name" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $release = $api->delete_release(

Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/releases/:tag_name" and returns the decoded response content.

See <>.

    my $links = $api->release_links(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/releases/:tag_name/assets/links" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $link = $api->release_link(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/releases/:tag_name/assets/links/:link_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $link = $api->create_release_link(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/releases/:tag_name/assets/links" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $link = $api->update_release_link(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/releases/:tag_name/assets/links/:link_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $link = $api->delete_release_link(

Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/releases/:tag_name/assets/links/:link_id" and returns the decoded response content.

Remote Mirrors

See <>.

    my $mirrors = $api->remote_mirrors(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/remote_mirrors" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $mirror = $api->create_remote_mirror(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/remote_mirrors" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $mirror = $api->edit_remote_mirror(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/remote_mirrors/:mirror_id" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $tree = $api->tree(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/tree" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $blob = $api->blob(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/blobs/:sha" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $raw_blob = $api->raw_blob(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/blobs/:sha/raw" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $archive = $api->archive(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/archive" and returns the raw response content.

    my $comparison = $api->compare(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/compare" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $contributors = $api->contributors(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/contributors" and returns the decoded response content.

Repository files

See <>.

    my $file = $api->file(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/files/:file_path" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $content = $api->raw_file(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/files/:file_path/raw" and returns the raw response content.


Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/files/:file_path".


Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/files/:file_path".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/files/:file_path".


See <>.

    my $runners = $api->runners(

Sends a "GET" request to "runners" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $runners = $api->all_runners(

Sends a "GET" request to "runners/all" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $runner = $api->runner(

Sends a "GET" request to "runners/:runner_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $runner = $api->update_runner(

Sends a "PUT" request to "runners/:runner_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "runners/:runner_id".

    my $jobs = $api->runner_jobs(

Sends a "GET" request to "runners/:runner_id/jobs" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $runners = $api->project_runners(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/runners" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $runner = $api->enable_project_runner(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/runners" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $runner = $api->disable_project_runner(

Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/runners/:runner_id" and returns the decoded response content.

See <>.

    my $results = $api->search(

Sends a "GET" request to "search" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $service = $api->project_service(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/services/:service_name" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/services/:service_name".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/services/:service_name".

Application settings

See <>.

    my $settings = $api->settings();

Sends a "GET" request to "application/settings" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $settings = $api->update_settings(

Sends a "PUT" request to "application/settings" and returns the decoded response content.

Application statistics

See <>.

    my $statistics = $api->statistics();

Sends a "GET" request to "application/statistics" and returns the decoded response content.

Sidekiq Metrics

See <>.

    my $metrics = $api->queue_metrics();

Sends a "GET" request to "sidekiq/queue_metrics" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $metrics = $api->process_metrics();

Sends a "GET" request to "sidekiq/process_metrics" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $stats = $api->job_stats();

Sends a "GET" request to "sidekiq/job_stats" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $metrics = $api->compound_metrics();

Sends a "GET" request to "sidekiq/compound_metrics" and returns the decoded response content.

System hooks

See <>.

    my $hooks = $api->hooks(

Sends a "GET" request to "hooks" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "POST" request to "hooks".

    my $hook = $api->test_hook(

Sends a "GET" request to "hooks/:hook_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "hooks/:hook_id".


See <>.

    my $tags = $api->tags(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/tags" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $tag = $api->tag(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/tags/:tag_name" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $tag = $api->create_tag(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/tags" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/tags/:tag_name".

    my $release = $api->create_tag_release(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/tags/:tag_name/release" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $release = $api->update_tag_release(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/repository/tags/:tag_name/release" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $todos = $api->todos(

Sends a "GET" request to "todos" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $todo = $api->mark_todo_done(

Sends a "POST" request to "todos/:todo_id/mark_as_done" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "POST" request to "todos/mark_as_done".


See <>.

    my $users = $api->users(

Sends a "GET" request to "users" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $user = $api->user(

Sends a "GET" request to "users/:user_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "POST" request to "users".


Sends a "PUT" request to "users/:user_id".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "users/:user_id".

    my $user = $api->current_user();

Sends a "GET" request to "user" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $keys = $api->current_user_ssh_keys(

Sends a "GET" request to "user/keys" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $keys = $api->user_ssh_keys(

Sends a "GET" request to "users/:user_id/keys" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $key = $api->user_ssh_key(

Sends a "GET" request to "user/keys/:key_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "POST" request to "user/keys".


Sends a "POST" request to "users/:user_id/keys".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "user/keys/:key_id".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "users/:user_id/keys/:key_id".

    my $keys = $api->current_user_gpg_keys(

Sends a "GET" request to "user/gpg_keys" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $key = $api->current_user_gpg_key(

Sends a "GET" request to "user/gpg_keys/:key_id" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "POST" request to "user/gpg_keys".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "user/gpg_keys/:key_id".

    my $keys = $api->user_gpg_keys(

Sends a "GET" request to "users/:user_id/gpg_keys" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $key = $api->user_gpg_key(

Sends a "GET" request to "users/:user_id/gpg_keys/:key_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $keys = $api->create_user_gpg_key(

Sends a "POST" request to "users/:user_id/gpg_keys" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "users/:user_id/gpg_keys/:key_id".

    my $emails = $api->current_user_emails(

Sends a "GET" request to "user/emails" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $emails = $api->user_emails(

Sends a "GET" request to "users/:user_id/emails" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $email = $api->current_user_email(

Sends a "GET" request to "user/emails/:email_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $email = $api->create_current_user_email(

Sends a "POST" request to "user/emails" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $email = $api->create_user_email(

Sends a "POST" request to "users/:user_id/emails" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "user/emails/:email_id".


Sends a "DELETE" request to "users/:user_id/emails/:email_id".

    my $success = $api->block_user(

Sends a "POST" request to "users/:user_id/block" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $success = $api->unblock_user(

Sends a "POST" request to "users/:user_id/unblock" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "POST" request to "users/:user_id/approve".


Sends a "POST" request to "users/:user_id/reject".


Sends a "POST" request to "users/:user_id/activate".


Sends a "POST" request to "users/:user_id/deactivate".


Sends a "POST" request to "users/:user_id/ban".


Sends a "POST" request to "users/:user_id/unban".

    my $tokens = $api->user_impersonation_tokens(

Sends a "GET" request to "users/:user_id/impersonation_tokens" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $token = $api->user_impersonation_token(

Sends a "GET" request to "users/:user_id/impersonation_tokens/:impersonation_token_id" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $token = $api->create_user_impersonation_token(

Sends a "POST" request to "users/:user_id/impersonation_tokens" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "users/:user_id/impersonation_tokens/:impersonation_token_id".

    my $activities = $api->all_user_activities(

Sends a "GET" request to "user/activities" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $memberships = $api->user_memberships(

Sends a "GET" request to "users/:user_id/memberships" and returns the decoded response content.

Validate the .gitlab-ci.yml

See <>.

    my $result = $api->lint(

Sends a "POST" request to "lint" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $version = $api->version();

Sends a "GET" request to "version" and returns the decoded response content.


See <>.

    my $pages = $api->wiki_pages(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/wikis" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $pages = $api->wiki_page(

Sends a "GET" request to "projects/:project_id/wikis/:slug" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $page = $api->create_wiki_page(

Sends a "POST" request to "projects/:project_id/wikis" and returns the decoded response content.

    my $page = $api->edit_wiki_page(

Sends a "PUT" request to "projects/:project_id/wikis/:slug" and returns the decoded response content.


Sends a "DELETE" request to "projects/:project_id/wikis/:slug".


This module is auto-generated from a set of YAML files defining the interface of GitLab's API. If you'd like to contribute to this module then please feel free to make a fork on GitHub <> and submit a pull request, just make sure you edit the files in the "authors/" directory instead of "lib/GitLab/API/" directly.

Please see <> for more information.

Alternatively, you can open a ticket <>.


Please submit bugs and feature requests to the GitLab-API-v4 GitHub issue tracker:



    Aran Clary Deltac <>


    Dotan Dimet <>
    Nigel Gregoire <>
    trunov-ms <>
    Marek R. Sotola <>
    Jose Joaquin Atria <>
    Dave Webb <>
    Simon Ruderich <>
    royce55 <>
    gregor herrmann <>
    Luc Didry <>
    Kieren Diment <>
    Dmitry Frolov <>
    Thomas Klausner <>
    Graham Knop <>
    Stig Palmquist <>
    Dan Book <>
    James Wright <>
    Jonathan Taylor <>
    g0t mi1k <>


This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2023-06-13 perl v5.36.0