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SDL_GetPreferredLocales(3) SDL3 FUNCTIONS SDL_GetPreferredLocales(3)


SDL_GetPreferredLocales - Report the user's preferred locale.


Defined in SDL3/SDL_locale.h


#include "SDL3/SDL.h"
SDL_Locale ** SDL_GetPreferredLocales(int *count);


Returned language strings are in the format xx, where 'xx' is an ISO-639 language specifier (such as "en" for English, "de" for German, etc). Country strings are in the format YY, where "YY" is an ISO-3166 country code (such as "US" for the United States, "CA" for Canada, etc). Country might be NULL if there's no specific guidance on them (so you might get { "en", "US" } for American English, but { "en", NULL } means "English language, generically"). Language strings are never NULL, except to terminate the array.

Please note that not all of these strings are 2 characters; some are three or more.

The returned list of locales are in the order of the user's preference. For example, a German citizen that is fluent in US English and knows enough Japanese to navigate around Tokyo might have a list like: { "de", "en_US", "jp", NULL }. Someone from England might prefer British English (where "color" is spelled "colour", etc), but will settle for anything like it: { "en_GB", "en", NULL }.

This function returns NULL on error, including when the platform does not supply this information at all.

This might be a "slow" call that has to query the operating system. It's best to ask for this once and save the results. However, this list can change, usually because the user has changed a system preference outside of your program; SDL will send an

event in this case, if possible, and you can call this function again to get an updated copy of preferred locales.


a pointer filled in with the number of locales returned, may be NULL.


( SDL_Locale ) Returns a NULL terminated array of locale pointers, or NULL on failure; call SDL_GetError () for more information. This is a single allocation that should be freed with

SDL_free () when it is no longer needed.


This function is available since SDL 3.2.0.

SDL 3.2.0 Simple Directmedia Layer