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pthread_atfork(3) Library Functions Manual pthread_atfork(3)


pthread_atfork - регистрирует обработчики ветвления


POSIX threads library (libpthread, -lpthread)


#include <pthread.h>
int pthread_atfork(void (*prepare)(void), void (*parent)(void),
                   void (*child)(void));


The pthread_atfork() function registers fork handlers that are to be executed when fork(2) is called by any thread in a process. The handlers are executed in the context of the thread that calls fork(2).

Можно регистрировать три типа обработчиков:

prepare specifies a handler that is executed in the parent process before fork(2) processing starts.
Типом parent задаётся обработчик, который выполняется в родительском процессе после завершения работы fork(2).
Типом child задаётся обработчик, который выполняется в потомке после завершения работы fork(2).

Любой из трёх аргументов может быть равен NULL, если обработчик не требуется на соответствующем шаге работы fork(2).


On success, pthread_atfork() returns zero. On error, it returns an error number. pthread_atfork() may be called multiple times by a process to register additional handlers. The handlers for each phase are called in a specified order: the prepare handlers are called in reverse order of registration; the parent and child handlers are called in the order of registration.


Could not allocate memory to record the fork handler list entry.






When fork(2) is called in a multithreaded process, only the calling thread is duplicated in the child process. The original intention of pthread_atfork() was to allow the child process to be returned to a consistent state. For example, at the time of the call to fork(2), other threads may have locked mutexes that are visible in the user-space memory duplicated in the child. Such mutexes would never be unlocked, since the threads that placed the locks are not duplicated in the child. The intent of pthread_atfork() was to provide a mechanism whereby the application (or a library) could ensure that mutexes and other process and thread state would be restored to a consistent state. In practice, this task is generally too difficult to be practicable.

В многонитевом процессе fork(2) возвращает управление в потомок; потомок должен вызывать только функции async-signal-safe (смотрите signal-safety(7)) до момента, пока не вызовет execve(2) для выполнения новой программы.

В POSIX.1 указано, что pthread_atfork() не должен завершаться ошибкой EINTR.


fork(2), atexit(3), pthreads(7)


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