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mapcache_detail(1) mapcache_detail(1)


mapcache_detail - coverage analysis tool for SQLite caches




mapcache_detail is a coverage analysis tool for SQLite caches.


Configuration file (/path/to/mapcache.xml)
Set the value of a dimension: format DIMENSIONNAME=VALUE. Can be used multiple times for multiple dimensions
Tileset to analyze
Grid to analyze
Extent to analyze: format minx,miny,maxx,maxy. Cannot be used with --ogr-datasource
OGR data source to get features from. Cannot be used with --extent.
OGR layer inside OGR data source. Cannot be used with --ogr-sql.
Filter to apply on OGR layer features. Cannot be used with --ogr-sql.
SQL query to filter inside OGR data source. Cannot be used with --ogr-layer or --ogr-where.
Set min and max zoom levels to analyze, separated by a comma, eg: 12,15
Set query for counting tiles in a rectangle. Default value works with default schema of SQLite caches.
Only existing SQLite files are reported, missing SQLite files are still taken into account for level and global coverage.


Analyze tile coverage of tileset osm with the g grid. Default extent is the whole world and default zoom level is 0:

mapcache_detail --config mapcache.xml --tileset osm --grid g

Same as beforehand, with explicit zoom levels 9 to 12 and explicit extent covering Switzerland:

mapcache_detail --config mapcache.xml --tileset osm --grid g --zoom 9,12 --extent 663000,5751230,1167680,6075050
02 August 2024