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mfspatadmin(1) This is part of MooseFS mfspatadmin(1)


mfspatadmin - MooseFS patterns administration tool


mfscreatepattern [-?] [-M MOUNTPOINT] -n pattern [-u uid] [-g gid] [-p priority] [-c storage_class] [-t trash_retention] [-f eattr]

mfsdeletepattern [-?] [-M MOUNTPOINT] -n pattern [-u uid] [-g gid]

mfslistpattern [-?] [-M MOUNTPOINT]


This is a set of tools for managing patterns, which are used to override storage classes, trash retention and/or extra attributes whenever a new file is created or an existing file is renamed.

mfscreatepattern adds new pattern definition, described below.

mfsdeletepattern removes specific pattern definition

mfslistpattern lists all the pattern definitions


-n defines pattern that will be matched against file names. This is simple GLOB format (see below). This option must be defined for add and delete commands

-u defines user id that has to be equal to effective user id of the user that creates or renames a file. If not specified, user id will not be checked on match.

-g defines group id that has to be equal to one of the group ids of the user that creates or renames a file. If not specified, group id will not be checked on match.

-p priority of match. When there are more patterns that match a file name, patterns with higher priority take precedence. Priority can be defined as a value between 0 (lowest) and 255 (highest). If not specified, default value of 128 is used. If two or more patterns with the same priority match a file name (with highest possible priority for that file), only one (unspecified) of them will be used.

-c name of storage class that will be set on match

-t value of trash retention that will be set on match; minimum unit is hours, for value formating see TIME

-f names of flags, separated by commas, that will be set on match. Each flag must be preceded with either '+' or '-' sign, meaning that this flag should be set on or off, respectively. For description of flags refer to mfseattr(1).

-M MooseFS mount point, doesn't need to be specified if a tool is run inside MooseFS mounted directory or MooseFS is mounted in /mnt/mfs/

-? displays short usage message

At least one of the -c, -t, -f options must be defined for add command.


For variables that define time without requiring a single, specific unit, time can be defined as a number of seconds or hours (integer), depending on minimum unit for the variable, or as a time period in one of two possible formats:

first format: #.#T where T is one of: s-seconds, m-minutes, h-hours, d-days or w-weeks; fractions of minimum unit will be rounded

second format: #w#d#h#m#s, any number of definitions can be ommited, but the remaining definitions must be in order (so #d#m is still a valid definition, but #m#d is not); ranges: s,m: 0 to 59, h: 0 to 23, d: 0 t o 6, w is unlimited and the first definition is also always unlimited (i.e. for #d#h#m d will be unlimited)

If a minimum unit of a variable is larger than seconds, units below the minimum one will not be accepted. For example, a variable that has hours as a minimum unit will not accept s and m units.


1.5d is the same as 1d12h, is the same as 36h

2.5w is the same as 2w3d12h, is the same as 420h; 2w84h is not a valid time period (h is not the first definition, so it is bound by range 0 to 23)


Pattern is a string with optional wildcards (similar to UNIX glob). Recognized wildcards:

* - matches any number of any characters including none

? - matches any single character

[abc] - matches one character given in the bracket

[FROM-TO] - matches one character from the range given in the bracket

[!abc] - matches one character that is not given in the bracket

[!FROM-TO] - matches one character that is not from the range given in the bracket

Examples of patterns:

exactname - matches file with name 'exactname' only

*.txt - matches any 'text' file (formally file with name suffix '.txt').

myproject* - matches any file with name prefix 'myproject'.

letter[0-9] - matches files with names 'letter0', 'letter1', 'letter2', ... 'letter9'.

[CB]at - matches files with names 'Cat' and 'Bat'.

[!0-9]* - matches files with names that don't start with a digit


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Copyright (C) 2024 Jakub Kruszona-Zawadzki, Saglabs SA

This file is part of MooseFS.

MooseFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 (only).

MooseFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MooseFS; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301, USA or visit


mfsmount(8), mfstools(1), mfssclass(1), mfseattr(1)

September 2024 MooseFS 4.56.6-1