table of contents
ESAMPLE(1) | NCBI Entrez Direct User's Manual | ESAMPLE(1) |
esample - print a sample document for use with NCBI Entrez Direct
esample -docsum|-article|-book|-protein|-gene|-taxon|-blast|-snp|-hgvs|-bioc|-flatfile|-gencode
esample writes a sample document (typically NCBI Entrez XML) from the specified database to standard output.
- -docsum
- Write an NCBI DocumentSummarySet XML document (PMID 6301692).
- -article
- Write an NCBI PubmedArticle XML document (PMID 6301692).
- -book
- Write an NCBI PubmedArticleSet XML document (PMID 21433338).
- -protein
- Write an NCBI INSDSeq XML document (accession AAQ05867.1).
- -gene
- Write an NCBI DocumentSummary XML document (gene IL9R).
- -taxon
- Write an NCBI TaxaSet XML document (for Homo sapiens).
- -blast
- Write an NCBI BlastOutput XML document (for blastx results).
- -snp
- Write an NCBI JSON document (for refsnp_id 1238141906).
- -hgvs
- Write a Human Genome Variation Society entry (for position 5,226,774 on NC_000011.10).
- -bioc
- Write a BioConductor collection XML document (for PMID 6301692).
- -flatfile
- Write a GenBank/GenPept flatfile (accessions U54469.1 and AAC03524.1).
- -gencode
- Summarize the standard genetic code and nucleotide and amino acid abbreviations, and list well-known genetic codes' numbers and names.
2023-01-23 | NCBI |