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Build_path_prefix_map(3o) OCaml library Build_path_prefix_map(3o)


Build_path_prefix_map - Rewrite paths for reproducible builds


Module Build_path_prefix_map


Module Build_path_prefix_map
: sig end

Rewrite paths for reproducible builds

Warning: this module is unstable and part of Compiler_libs .


type path = string

type path_prefix = string

type error_message = string

val encode_prefix : path_prefix -> string

val decode_prefix : string -> (path_prefix, error_message) result

type pair = {
target : path_prefix ;
source : path_prefix ;

val encode_pair : pair -> string

val decode_pair : string -> (pair, error_message) result

type map = pair option list

val encode_map : map -> string

val decode_map : string -> (map, error_message) result

val rewrite_first : map -> path -> path option

rewrite_first map path tries to find a source in map that is a prefix of the input path . If it succeeds, it replaces this prefix with the corresponding target. If it fails, it just returns None .

val rewrite_all : map -> path -> path list

rewrite_all map path finds all sources in map that are a prefix of the input path . For each matching source, in priority order, it replaces this prefix with the corresponding target and adds the result to the returned list. If there are no matches, it just returns [] .

val rewrite : map -> path -> path

rewrite path uses rewrite_first to try to find a mapping for path. If found, it returns that, otherwise it just returns path .

2024-08-29 OCamldoc