opentracker.conf(5) | File Formats Manual | opentracker.conf(5) |
configuration file for opentracker
The configuration file specifies various options for configuring the behavior of the opentracker program.
Lines starting with '#' are comments and are ignored. Options are specified as 'keyword value' pairs.
The following options are available:
- listen.tcp_udp address
- Specifies an address opentracker will listen on for both TCP and UDP connections. If none are specified, opentracker listens on by default. Can be added more than once.
- listen.tcp address
- Specifies the address opentracker will listen on for TCP connections. Can be added more than once.
- listen.udp address
- Specifies the address opentracker will listen on for UDP connections. Can be added more than once.
- listen.udp.workers threads
- Specifies how many threads will be spawned to handle UDP connections. Defaults to 4.
- access.whitelist path/to/whitelist
- Specifies the path to the whitelist file containing all torrent hashes that opentracker will serve. Use this option if opentracker runs in a non-open mode.
- access.blacklist path/to/blacklist
- Specifies the path to the blacklist file containing all torrent hashes that opentracker will not serve. Use this option if opentracker was compiled to allow blacklisting.
- access.fifo_add path/to/adder.fifo
- Specifies the path to the FIFO (named pipe) used for dynamic changesets to accesslists. Info hashes written to this FIFO will be added to the main accesslist file.
- access.fifo_delete path/to/deleter.fifo
- Specifies the path to the FIFO (named pipe) used for dynamic changesets to accesslists. Info hashes written to this FIFO will be removed from the main accesslist file.
- access.stats ip_address_or_network
- Specifies the IP address or network in CIDR notation allowed to fetch stats from opentracker.
- access.stats_path path
- Specifies the path to the stats location. You can configure opentracker to appear anywhere on your tracker. Defaults to /stats.
- access.proxy ip_address_or_network
- Specifies the IP address or network of the reverse proxies. Opentracker will take the X-Forwarded-For address instead of the source IP address. Can be added more than once.
- livesync.cluster.listen ip_address:port
- Specifies the IP address and port opentracker will listen on for incoming live sync packets to keep a cluster of opentrackers synchronized.
- livesync.cluster.node_ip ip_address
- Specifies one trusted IP address for sync between trackers running in a cluster. Can be added more than once.
- batchsync.cluster.admin_ip ip_address
- Specifies the admin IP address for old-style (HTTP-based) asynchronous tracker syncing.
- tracker.rootdir path
- Specifies the directory opentracker will chroot/chdir to. All black/white list files must be located in this directory.
- tracker.user username
- Specifies the user opentracker will setuid to after binding to potentially privileged ports.
- tracker.redirect_url URL
- Specifies the URL opentracker will redirect to in response to a "GET / HTTP" request.
To specify the address opentracker will listen on for both TCP and UDP connections:
To specify the address opentracker will listen on for TCP connections:
To specify the address opentracker will listen on for UDP connections:
Dirk Engling <>
2024-04-18 | Unix |