table of contents
PSPG(1) | User Commands | PSPG(1) |
pspg - PostgreSQL pager
pspg is a Unix pager designed for table browsing.
- pspg [OPTION] [file]
General options:¶
- --about
- about authors
- --help
- show this help
- -V, --version
- show version
- --info
- show info about libraries and system
- --direct-color
- use direct true colors
- -f, --file=FILE
- open file
- -F, --quit-if-one-screen
- quit if content is one screen
- --clipboard-app=NUM
- specify app used by copy to clipboard (1, 2, 3, 4)
- --esc-delay=NUM
- specify escape delay in ms (-1 inf, 0 not used, )
- --interactive
- force interactive mode
- --ignore_file_suffix
- don't try to deduce format from file suffix
- --ni
- not interactive mode (only for csv and query)
- --no-mouse
- don't use own mouse handling
- --no-progressive-load
- don't use progressive data load
- --no-watch-file
- don't watch inotify event of file without reset searching on sigint (CTRL C)
- --no-sleep
- without waits against flickering
- --no-xterm-mouse-mode
- don't use optional xterm mouse mode
- --only-for-tables
- use std pager when content is not table
- --on-sigint-exit
- exit on sigint(CTRL C or Escape)
- --pgcli-fix
- try to fix some pgcli related issues
- --querystream
- read queries from stream forever
- --quit-on-f3
- exit on F3 like mc viewers
- --rr=ROWNUM
- rows reserved for specific purposes
- --stream
- read input forever
- -X, --reprint-on-exit
- preserve content after exit
Output format options:¶
- -a, --ascii decor
- force ascii
- -b, --blackwhite
- black-white style
- -s, --style=N
- set color style number (0..23)
- --bold-labels
- row, column labels use bold font
- --bold-cursor
- cursor use bold font
- --border
- type of borders (0..2)
- --custom-style=NAME
- name of custom color style
- --double-header
- header separator uses double lines
- --force-uniborder
- replace ascii borders by unicode borders
- --hide-header-line
- hides header line
- --highlight-odd-rec
- use special style for odd records
- --ignore-short-rows
- rows with wrong column numbers are ignored
- --null=STRING
- STRING used instead NULL
Searching options
- -g --hlite-search, -G --HILITE-SEARCH
- don't highlight lines for searches
- -i --ignore-case
- ignore case in searches that do not contain uppercase
- ignore case in all searches
Interface options:¶
- -c, --freezecols=N
- freeze N columns (0..9)
- --less-status-bar
- status bar like less pager
- --line-numbers
- show line number column
- show top bar menu every time
- --no-bars, --no-commandbar, --no-topbar
- don't show bottom, top bar or both
- --no-cursor
- row cursor will be hidden
- --no-last-row-search
- don't use the last pattern when starting a new search
- --no-scrollbar
- don't show scrollbar
- --no-sound
- don't use beep when scroll is not possible
- --tabular-cursor
- cursor is visible only when data has table format
- --vertical-cursor
- show vertical column cursor
Input format options:¶
- --csv
- input stream has csv format
- --csv-separator
- char used as field separator
- --csv-header [on/off]
- specify header line usage
- --skip-columns-like="SPACE SEPARATED STRING LIST"
- columns with substr in name are ignored
- --csv-trim-width=NUM
- trim value after NUM chars
- --csv-trim-rows=NUM
- trim value after NUM rows
- --tsv
- input stream has tsv format
On exit options:¶
- --on-exit-reset
- sends reset terminal sequence "\33c"
- --on-exit-clean
- sends clean terminal sequence "\033[2J"
- --on-exit-erase-line
- sends erase line terminal sequence "\033[2K\r"
- --on-exit-sgr0
- sends sgr0 terminal sequence "\033[0;10m"
Watch mode options:¶
- -q, --query=QUERY
- execute query
- -w, --watch time
- the query (or read file) is repeated every time (sec)
Connection options:¶
- -d, --dbname=DBNAME
- database name
- -h, --host=HOSTNAME
- database server host (default: "local socket")
- -p, --port=PORT
- database server port (default: "5432")
- -U, --username=USERNAME
- database user name
- -W, --password
- force password prompt
Debug options:¶
- --log=FILE
- log debug info to file
- --wait=NUM
- wait NUM seconds to allow attach from a debugger
pspg shares lot of key commands with less pager or vi editor.
September 2024 | pspg 5.8.7 |