DS9(1) | General Commands Manual | DS9(1) |
ds9 - image tool for astronomy
ds9 [options]
DS9 DS9 is the modern image tool used by astronomers for visualization of astronomical data. It supports a plethora of command line options, which may be used in a script-like fashion. An instance of the program is entirely controllable from the commandline with the XPA tools.
- -analysis
- histogram save
[red| green| blue]
[channel [red| green| blue] ]
[view [red| green| blue] [yes| no] ]
[system <coordsys> ]
[lock wcs| crop| slice| bin| scale| scalelimits| colorbar| block| smooth [yes| no] ]
[open| close]
[to <value> ]
[open| close]
| client [yes| no] ]
| hub [yes| no] ]
| web hub [yes| no] ]
| connect| disconnect]
[broadcast [image| table] ]
[send [image| table] <application> ]
[hub [start| stop| info] ]
[log exp <value> ]
[datasec yes| no]
[limits <minvalue> <maxvalue> ]
[mode minmax| <value> | zscale| zmax]
[scope local| global]
[match limits]
[lock [yes| no] ]
[lock limits [yes| no] ]
[open| close]
[key <id> [<filename> ] ]
[shmid <id> [<filename> ] ]
[fits [key| shmid] <id> [<filename> ] ]
[mosaicimage [iraf| wcs| wcsa...wcsz| wfpc2] [key| shmid] <id> [<filename> ] ]
[mosaic [iraf| wcs| wcsa...wcsz] [key| shmid] <id> [<filename> ] ]
[rgbcube [key| shmid] <id> [<filename> ] ]
[rgbimage [key| shmid] <id> [<filename> ] ]
[rgbarray [key| shmid] <id> [xdim=<x> , ydim=<y> | dim=<dim> , zdim=3] , bitpix=<b> , [skip=<s> ] ]
[array [key| shmid] <id> [xdim=<x> , ydim=<y> | dim=<dim> ] , bitpix=<b> , [skip=<s> ] ]
[save <filename> ]
[export rdb| tsv <filename> ]
[coordinate <ra> <dec> <coordsys> ]
[current <ref> ]
[name <object> ]
[radius <value> degrees| arcmin| arcsec]
[sky <skyframe> ]
[skyformat <skyformat> ]
[system <coordsys> ]
[<object> ]
[name <object> | clear]
[<ra> <dec> ] # in wcs fk5
[size <width> <height> degrees| arcmin| arcsec]
[pixels <width> <height> ]
[save yes| no]
[frame new| current]
[update frame| crosshair]
[survey <survey> ]
[open| close]
[yes| no]
[function boxcar| tophat| gaussian| elliptic]
[radius <value> ]
[radiusminor <value> ]
[sigma <value> ]
[sigmaminor <value> ]
[angle <value> ]
[lock [yes| no] ]
[open| close]
[yes| no]
[mode grid| column| row]
[grid mode automatic| manual]
[grid direction x| y]
[grid layout <col> <row> ]
[grid gap <pixels> ]
[# x1 y1 x2 y2]
[now # x1 y1 x2 y2]
[multi yes| no]
[keyvalue <string> ]
[info yes| no]
[panner yes| no]
[magnifier yes| no]
[buttons yes| no]
[icons yes| no]
[colorbar yes| no]
[graph horizontal| vertical yes| no]
[filename yes| no]
[object yes| no]
[keyword yes| no]
[minmax yes| no]
[lowhigh yes| no]
[units yes| no]
[image| physical| wcs| wcsa...wcsz yes| no]
[frame yes| no]
[rgb red yes| no]
[rgb green yes| no]
[rgb blue yes| no]
[hls hue yes| no]
[hls lightness yes| no]
[hls saturation yes| no]
[hsv hue yes| no]
[hsv saturation yes| no]
[hsv value yes| no]
[<object> ]
[name <object> | clear]
[<ra> <dec> ] # in wcs fk5
[size <width> <height> degrees| arcmin| arcsec]
[save yes| no]
[frame new| current]
[update frame| crosshair]
[survey first| stripe82]
[open| close]
[<object> ]
[name <object> | clear]
[<ra> <dec> ] # in wcs fk5
[size <width> <height> degrees| arcmin| arcsec]
[save yes| no]
[frame new| current]
[update frame| crosshair]
[open| close]
[server <url> ]
[internal yes| no]
[delay #]
[<url> ]
[connect <url> ]
[disconnect <url> ]
[open| close]
- -mecube
- <filename>
$cat foo.fits | ds9 -mecube -
This is how DS9 determines the min and max data values from the
data. SCAN will scan all data.
-minmax [scan| sample| datamin| irafmin]
[mode scan| sample| datamin| irafmin]
[interval #]
Select the current mode.
[none| region| crosshair| colorbar| pan| zoom| rotate| catalog| examine| 3d]
Load FITS mosaic segment into current frame.
-mosaic [wcs| wcsa...wcsz| iraf] <filename>
$cat foo.fits | ds9 -mosaic -
$cat foo.fits | ds9 -mosaic wcs -
Load FITS mosaic image into current frame.
-mosaicimage [wcs| wcsa...wcsz| iraf| wfpc2] <filename>
$cat foo.fits | ds9 -mosaicimage
$cat foo.fits | ds9 -mosaiimage wcs
Create a movie from snap shots of the DS9 window. A slice movie
cycles though all slices of a cube. A frame movie cycles through all
active frames. A 3d movie cycles through specified viewing angles.
The default action is slice. Movie types are either MPEG or Animated
GIF, with default MPEG. Optional parameters for 3d: number of frames,
azimuth from/to, elevation from/to, slice from/to, oscillate/repeat
-movie [slice| frame] [mpeg| gif <delay> blink| fade] <filename>
-movie 3d [mpeg| gif <delay> ] <filename> [number| az from| az to| el
from| el to| slice from| slice to| zoom from| zoom to| oscillate| repeat
<#> ]
Specify a directory of translation tables to be loaded.
-msg <directory>
Load FITS multiple extension file as multiple images.
- -multiframe
- <filename>
$cat foo.fits | ds9 -multiframe -
Support Name Server functions. Coordinates are in fk5.
-nameserver [<object> ]
[name <object> ]
[skyformat degrees| sexagesimal]
[open| close]
Display Notebook.
- -notes
- [<string> ]
[append <string> ]
[insert <string> ]
[load <filename> ]
[save <filename> ]
[open| close]
Load an NRRD (Nearly Raw Raster Data) file.
-nrrd <filename>
$cat foo.nrrd | xpaset ds9 -nrrd-
Support for NRAO VLA Sky Survey.
-nvss []
[<object> ]
[name <object> | clear]
[<ra> <dec> ] # in wcs fk5
[size <width> <height> degrees| arcmin| arcsec]
[save yes| no]
[frame new| current]
[update frame| crosshair]
[open| close]
Controls the orientation of the current frame.
-orient [none| x| y| xy]
[open| close]
Controls Page Setup options.
-pagesetup [orient portrait| landscape]
[scale <numberic> ]
[size letter| legal| tabloid| poster| a4]
Controls the current image cursor location for the current frame.
-pan [<x> <h> <coordsys> [<skyframe> ] ] # relative
[to <x> <h> <coordsys> [<skyframe> ] ] # absolute
[open| close]
Display/Hide the pixel table.
-pixeltable []
[yes| open]
[no| close]
Display and configure data plots. The last plot created is assumed.
Plot data is assumed to be a pair of coordinates, with optional error
- -plot
- [line| bar [<ref> ] ]
[line| bar [<ref> ] <title> <xaxis label> <yaxis label>
xy| xyex| xyey| xyexey]
# create new plot from data file
plot [line| bar <filename> [<ref> ] xy| xyex| xyey| xyexey]
[line| bar <filename> [<ref> ] <title> <xaxis label> <yaxis label>
xy| xyex| xyey| xyexey]
# existing plot
plot [gui]
[load <filename> xy| xyex| xyey| xyexey]
[save <filename> ]
[current <ref> ]
[layout grid| row| column| strip]
[layout strip scale <percent> ]
[add graph line| bar]
[current graph <graph> ]
[delete graph]
[current dataset <dataset> ]
[delete dataset]
[stats yes| no]
[list yes| no]
[backup <filename> ]
[restore <filename> ]
[pagesetup orient portrait| landscape]
[pagesetup size letter| legal| tabloid| poster| a4]
[print destination printer| file]
[print command <command> ]
[print filename <filename> ]
[print color rgb| gray]
[mode pointer| zoom]
# export
plot [export <filename> ]
[export eps| gif| tiff| jpeg| png <filename> ]
[export jpeg <filename> [int(1-100)] ]
[export tiff <filename> none| jpeg| packbits| deflate] ]
# configure graph
plot [axis x| y grid yes| no]
[axis x| y log yes| no]
[axis x| y flip yes| no]
[axis x| y auto yes| no]
[axis x| y min <value> ]
[axis x| y max <value> ]
[axis x| y format <string> ]
[background <value> ]
[legend yes| no]
[legend position right| left| top| bottom| plotarea]
[font title| labels| numbers font times| helvetica| courier]
[font title| labels| numbers size <value> ]
[font title| labels| numbers weight normal| bold]
[font title| labels| numbers slant roman| italic]
[title <string> ]
[title x| y <string> ]
# dataset
plot [show yes| no]
[name <string> ]
# line dataset
plot [line smooth step| linear| cubic| quadratic| catrom]
[line color <value> ]
[line width <value> ]
[line dash yes| no]
[line fill yes| no]
[line fill color <value> ]
[line shape symbol
none| circle| square| diamond| plus| splus| scross| triangle| arrow]
[line shape size <integer> ]
[line shape color <value> ]
[line shape fill yes| no]
# bar dataset
plot [bar border color <value> ]
[bar border width <value> ]
[bar fill yes| no]
[bar color <value> ]
[bar width <value> ]
# error bar
plot [error yes| no]
[error color <value> ]
[error cap yes| no]
[error width <value> ]
# create new empty plot window
# create new plot from data file
# existing plot
# export plot
# configure graph
# configure current dataset
# line dataset
# bar dataset
[bg color yes| no]
[bg color <color> ]
[nan color <color> ]
[precision <linear> <degree> <hms> <dms> <len linear> <len degree> <len arcmin> <len arcsec> <angle> ]
[theme <theme> ]
[threads <numeric> ]
[irafalign yes| no]
- -preserve
- [pan yes| no]
[regions yes| no]
[command <command> ]
[filename <filename> ]
[color rgb| cmyk| gray]
[level 1| 2| 3]
[resolution72| screen| 96| 144| 150| 225| 300| 600| 1200]
[<filename> ]
[load <filename> ]
[import xml| rdb| tsv <filename> ]
[export xml| rdb| tsv <filename> ]
[current <ref> ]
[ext <int> | <extname> ]
[first| next| prev| last]
[goto <int> ]
[mode newplot| newgraph| overplot]
[histogram <col> <numbins> [<min> <max> ] ]
[plot <colx> <coly> [<colerrx> ] [<colerry> ] xy| xyex| xyey| xyexey]
[load [all] <filename> ]
[save [select] <filename> ]
[list [close| select] ]
[epsilon <integer> ]
[show yes| no]
[showtext yes| no]
[centroid auto yes| no]
[centroid radius <value> | iteration <value> ]
[move front| back]
[select all| none| all| front| back]
[delete [select] ]
[delete load <filename> ]
[format ds9| xml| ciao| saotng| saoimage| pros| xy]
[system image| physical| wcs| wcsa...wcsz]
[sky fk4| fk5| icrs| galactic| ecliptic]
[skyformat degrees| sexagesimal]
[strip yes| no]
[shape <shape> ]
[color <color> ]
[fill yes| no] ;
[width <width> ]
[dash yes| no]
[font times| helvetica| courier]
[fontsize <value> ]
[fontweight normal| bold]
[fontslant roman| italic]
[fixed| edit| rotate| delete yes| no]
[include| exclude| source| background]
[command <marker command> ]
[analysis histogram| panda| plot2d| plot3d| radial| stats [open| close| save] ]
[template <filename> ]
[template <filename> at <ra> <dec> <coordsys> <skyframe> ]
[savetemplate <filename> ]
[group new]
[group <tag> new]
[group <tag> update]
[group <tag> select]
[group <tag> color <color> ]
[group <tag> copy]
[group <tag> delete]
[group <tag> cut]
[group <tag> font <font> ]
[group <tag> move <int> <int> ]
[group <tag> movefront]
[group <tag> moveback]
[group <tag> property <property> yes| no]
[paste image| physical| wcs| wcsa...wcsz]
[open| close]
The complete text of the DS9 manual may be found on Debian systems at /usr/share/doc/saods9/ref/.
DS9 is a product of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
This manual page was generated from the DS9 HTML documentation by a script written by Justin Pryzby and Ole Streicher.
xpaget(1), xpaset(1), xpaaccess(1), xpamb(1), xpainfo(1), xpans(1), xpachanges(7),
03 Jul 2012 |