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tdom(3tcl) | tdom(3tcl) |
tdom - tdom is an expat parser object extension to create an in-memory DOM tree from the input while parsing.
package require tdom set parser [expat] tdom $parser enable
tdom adds the C handler set "tdom" to an tcl expat parser obj. This handler set builds an in-memory DOM tree out of the input, parsed by the parser. A DOM tree created this way behave exactly like a DOM tree created by the "dom" command (see there). In fact, tdom is only another interface to the same functionality; it uses the code behind the dom code for building the DOM tree.
Adds the tdom C handler set to a Tcl expat parser object. Next time, the parser parses input, the tdom C handler functions create an in-memory DOM tree.
Returns the DOM tree as domDoc (see there) object.
See the method setStoreLineColumn of the dom command.
Removes the tdom C handler set from the parser object.
See the option -keepEmpties of the dom command.
dom, expat
DOM, SAX, C handler set
Tcl |