table of contents
TUPTIME(1) | General Commands Manual | TUPTIME(1) |
tuptime - Report historical and statistical real time of the system, preserving it between restarts. Total uptime.
tuptime [-h] [-A STARTUP] [-b] [-c] [-d DATETIME_FMT] [-e DECIMALS] [-E STARTUP] [-f FILE] [-g] [-i] [-k] [-l] [-n] [-o TYPE] [-p] [-q] [-r] [-s] [-S STARTUP] [-t] [--tat TIMESTAMP] [--tsince TIMESTAMP] [--tuntil TIMESTAMP] [-U STARTUP] [-v] [-V]
Tuptime reports historical and statistical real time of the system, preserving it between restarts. Indeed, it can:
-h | --help | Show this help message and exit |
-A | --at STARTUP | Limit to this startup number |
-b | --bootid | Show boot identifier |
-c | --csv | Output in csv format |
-d | --date DATETIME_FMT | Datetime/timestamp format output |
-e | --dec DECIMALS | Number of decimals in percentages |
-E | --exclude STARTUP | Startup numbers to exclude |
-f | --file FILE | Database file (file path) |
-g | --graceful | Register a graceful shutdown |
-i | --invert | Startup number in reverse count | swich between longest/shortest on default output |
-k | --kernel | Show kernel version |
-l | --list | Enumerate system life as list |
-n | --noup | Avoid update values into DB |
-o | --order TYPE | Order enumerate by [u|r|s|e|d|k] (u = uptime | r = runtime | s = sleep time | e = end status | d = downtime | k = kernel) |
-p | --power | Show power states run + sleep |
-q | --quiet | Update values into DB without output |
-r | --reverse | Reverse order in listings |
-s | --seconds | Output time in seconds and epoch |
-S | --since STARTUP | Limit from this startup number |
-t | --table | Enumerate system life as table |
--tat TIMESTAMP | Report system status at specific timestamp |
--tsince TIMESTAMP | Limit from this epoch timestamp |
--tuntil TIMESTAMP | Limit until this epoch timestamp |
-U | --until STARTUP | Limit up until this startup number |
-v | --verbose | Verbose output |
-V | --version | Show version |
System startups:
System downtime:
Longest downtime:
Average downtime:
- tuptime
- Default output.
- tuptime -t
- Enumerate system life as table.
- tuptime -l
- Enumerate system life as list.
- tuptime -k
- Add kernel information to the output.
- tuptime --csv
- Report in csv format.
- tuptime -s
- Change default human readable datetime/timestamp style and print times in seconds and datetimes in epoch.
- tuptime -d '%H:%M:%S %m-%d-%Y'
- Change the datetime/timestamp format. By default the output use the configured system locales.
- tuptime --tsince -31557600
- Report since one year ago.
- /etc/cron.d/tuptime
- Scheduled cron file.
- /etc/init.d/tuptime
- Init file.
- /lib/systemd/system/tuptime.service
- Systemd service unit file. Register time values into database.
- /usr/bin/tuptime
- Main and only executable file.
- /usr/share/doc/tuptime/
- Directory with multiple documentation files.
- /lib/systemd/system/tuptime-sync.timer
- Systemd .timer unit for use instead of cron. Only executes tuptime-sync.service.
- /lib/systemd/system/tuptime-sync.service
- Systemd .service unit required by tuptime-sync.timer. Updates time values into database.
- /usr/share/man/man1/tuptime.1
- Manual page.
- /usr/share/doc/tuptime/tuptime-manual.txt.gz
- Detailed documentation.
- Official repository.
Ricardo Fraile <>
Copyright (C) 2024 by Ricardo F. All Rights Reserved.
This product is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT any warranty; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS for a particular purpose.
Jan 2024 | 5.2.4 |