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VARNA(1) User Commands VARNA(1)


varna - Assisted drawing of RNA secondary structure


java -cp . [-i InFile|-sequenceDBN XXX -structureDBN YYY] -o OutFile [Options]


VARNA v3.9 Assisted drawing of RNA secondary structure (Command Line version)


Supported formats: {JPEG,PNG,EPS,XFIG,SVG}
Secondary structure file: Supported formats: {BPSEQ,CT,RNAML,DBN}

Main options:

Drawing algorithm, choosen from [naview,line,radiate,circular]
Backbone color (Ex: #334455)
Default value for inner base color (Ex: #334455)
Base outline color (Ex: #334455)
Base pair color (Ex: #334455)
Look and feel for base pairs drawings, choosen from [lw,lwalt,none,simple,rnaviz]
Displays a short description of main options and exits
Periodicity of base-numbering
Displays a detailled description of all options

Advanced options:

A set of textual annotations
Base style application




Adds a list of (possibly non-canonical) base-pairs to those already defined by the main secondary structure (Ex: "(1,10);(2,11);(3,12)"). Custom BP styles c
an be specified (Ex: "(2,11):thickness=4;(3,12):color=#FF0000").
Background color (Ex: #334455)
Residues font color (Ex: #334455)
Base numbers font color (Ex: #334455)
Base style declaration
Border width and height in pixels (Ex: "20x40")
Distance between nested base-pairs (i.e. arcs) in linear representation


Associates a list of numerical values (eg '0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8') with the RNA base s with respect to their natural order, and modifies the color used to fill the se bases according to current color map style.
Sets current color map caption.



Selects a specific color map style. It can be either one of the predefined sty les (eg 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'bw', 'heat', 'energy') or a new one (eg '0:#F FFF00;1:#ffFFFF;6:#FF0000').
Sets number of rows
Activates comparison mode



True if the backbone must be drawn, false otherwise
Shows/hide the outline of bases


Toggles on/off display of non-canonical base-pairs
Toggles on/off display of tertiary interaction, ie pseudoknots
Show errors
Fills or leaves empty the inner portions of bases
In comparison mode, sequence of first RNA
In comparison mode, structure of first RNA
Toggles on/off (true/false) drawing exterior bases on a straight line
Draws a set of exterior helices, identified by the argument string, in clockwi se order (default drawing is counter-clockwise). The argument is a semicolon-s eparated list of helices, each identified by a base or a base-pair (eg. "2;20- 34").
Define and use custom color for gaps bases in comparison mode
Highlight a set of contiguous regions
Allows/prohibits modifications
Define and use custom color for non-standard bases in comparison mode
Sets the general orientation of an RNA, i.e. the deviation of the longest axis (defined by the most distant couple of bases) from the horizontal axis.
Sets quality (non-vector file formats only)
Sets resolution (non-vector file formats only)
Rotates RNA after initial drawing (Ex: '20' for a 20 degree counter-clockwise rotation)
Sets number of columns
In comparison mode, sequence of second RNA
In comparison mode, structure of second RNA
Raw RNA sequence
Sets the space between consecutive bases
RNA structure given in dot bracket notation (DBN)
RNA drawing title
Title color (Ex: #334455)
Title font size
Show warnings
Zoom coefficient
Zoom increment on user interaction
July 2024 varna 3-93+ds