AMVAULT(8) | System Administration Commands | AMVAULT(8) |
amvault - Copy Amanda dumps from one volume to another
amvault [-o configoption...]
[--dry-run | -n] [--quiet | -q] [--fulls-only] [--latest-fulls]
[--incrs-only] [--exact-match] [--export] [--no-interactivity]
[--src-timestamp src-timestamp]
[--src-storage src-storage]
[--dest-storage dest-storage] [--no-uniq] [--delayed]
[--run-delayed] config
[hostname [ disk [ date [ level [ hostname [dumpspec...] ] ] ] ]]
This application is not yet in its final form, and is subject to major revision in subsequent versions of Amanda. Backward compatibility is not guaranteed.
Behavior change in 3.5.2: Amvault will not vault a dump if there is already a copy of it on the destination storage.
Note that Amanda restore/recover operations will request tertiary media by label when dumpfiles are not found on secondary media, but there is no provision to automatically fetch such media from a different changer
Feedback on and patches to this application are invited and encouraged!
Amvault is conceptually equivalent to "amfetchdump | taper". That is, it reads specified dumps from secondary media and re-writes them on tertiary media.
Amvault Copies dumps selected by the specified filters onto volumes on the storage dest-storage.
Secondary Media¶
The dumps to be read from secondary media can be specified by any combination of dump specifications, --fulls-only, --latest-fulls, --incrs-only, and --src-timestamp. At least one must be specified, lest amvault attempt to vault all dumps in the catalog. See amanda-match(7) for more information on dump specifications.
Note that the datestamp given in the dumpspec is the dump datestamp - the run in which the backup was taken on the Amanda client. The --src-timestamp, on the other hand, is the write timestamp - the run in which the dump was written to secondary media. The latter option facilitates duplicating the results of an entire backup run, including any dumps that might have been flushed from holding disk.
Tertiary Media¶
The amvault-storage is the default destination storage.
If amanda.conf(5) contains the new part-size splitting parameters, then amvault will use them without any additional configuration. However, if the configuration still uses the old splitting parameters (tape_splitsize, split_diskbuffer, and fallback_splitsize), then amvault will need some additional configuration in order to properly split dumps to tertiary media. To do so, specify a new tapetype in amanda.conf(5), say "TERTIARY", and set the part-size and other appropriate parameters there. Then reference that tapetype in the amvault invocation:
amvault -otapetype=TERTIARY ...
--dest-storage dest-storage
If the vault-storage option is specified in amanda.conf(5), amvault will use that storage as the default destination. If not, a destination storage must be specified on the amvault command line.
--dry-run, -n
amdump CONF --no-flush --no-dump --vault -ostorage= -ovault-storage=$dest-storage
--quiet, -q
--src-labelstr labelstr
labelstr is a Perl regular expression, and will be matched as a substring of the volume labels -- it may be necessary to anchor the labelstr with "^" and/or "$" in order to prevent undesired partial matches.
Also note that if a dump is split across multiple volumes and labelstr matches only one of those volumes, amvault will not select that dump for copying. For this reason, it is generally safer to to select dumps directly using other filters, in which case amvault will be able to retrieve parts of split dumps from whatever volume they were originally written to.
--src-storage src-storage
--src-timestamps src-timestamps
-o configoption
Vault all dump written to tape in the latest amdump or amflush run:
$ amvault --src-timestamps latest CONF
Vault all dump written on the run of December 7 2011 12:13:14 :
$ amvault --src-timestamps 20111207121314 CONF
Vault all dump dumped on any run of December 7 2011:
$ amvault CONF \* \* 20111207
amanda(8), amanda-changers(7), amfetchdump(8)
The Amanda Wiki: :
Dustin J. Mitchell <>
01/25/2025 | Amanda 3.5.4 |