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condor_transform_ads - HTCondor Manual

Transform ClassAds according to specified rules, and output the transformed ClassAds.


condor_transform_ads [-help [rules] ]

condor_transform_ads [-rules rules-file] [-jobtransforms name-list] [-jobroute route-name] [-in[:<form>] ** *infile*] [-out[:<form>[, nosort]] ** outfile] [<key>=<value> ] [-long ] [-json ] [-xml ] [-verbose ] [-terse ] [-debug ] [-unit-test ] [-testing ] [-convertoldroutes ] [infile1 ...infileN ]

Note that one or more transforms must be specified in the form of a rules file or a JOB_TRANSFORM_ or JOB_ROUTER_ROUTE_ name and at least one input file must be specified. Transforms will be applied in the order they are given on the command line. If a rules file has a TRANSFORM statement with arguments it must be the last rules file. If no output file is specified, output will be written to stdout.


condor_transform_ads reads ClassAds from a set of input files, transforms them according to rules defined in a rules files or read from configuration, and outputs the resulting transformed ClassAds.

See the classads/transforms:Classad Transforms section for a description of the transform language.


Display usage information and exit. -help rules displays information about the available transformation rules. -help convert displays information about the -convertoldroutes option.
Specifies the file containing definitions of the transformation rules, or configuration that declares a JOB_TRANSFORM_<name> or JOB_ROUTER_ROUTE_<name> variable for use in a subsequent -jobtransforms <name> or -jobroute <name> argument.
A comma-separated list of more transform names. The transform rules will be read from a previous rules file or the configured JOB_TRANSFORM_<name> values
A job route. The transform rules will be read from a previous rules file or the configured JOB_ROUTER_ROUTE_<name> values
Specifies an input file containing ClassAd(s) to be transformed. <form>, if specified, is one of:
  • long: traditional long form (default)
  • xml: XML form
  • json: JSON ClassAd form
  • new: "new" ClassAd form without newlines
  • auto: guess format by reading the input

If - is specified for infile, input is read from stdin.

Specifies an output file to receive the transformed ClassAd(s). <form>, if specified, is one of:
  • long: traditional long form (default)
  • xml: XML form
  • json: JSON ClassAd form
  • new: "new" ClassAd form without newlines
  • auto: use the same format as the first input

ClassAds are storted by attribute unless nosort is specified.

[<key>=<value> ]
Assign key/value pairs before rules file is parsed; can be used to pass arguments to rules. (More detail needed here.)
Use long form for both input and output ClassAd(s). (This is the default.)
Use JSON form for both input and output ClassAd(s).
Use XML form for both input and output ClassAd(s).
Verbose mode, echo to stderr the transform names as they are applied and individual transform rules as they are executed.
Disable the -verbose option.
Causes debugging information to be sent to stderr, based on the value of the configuration variable TOOL_DEBUG.


condor_transform_ads will exit with a status value of 0 (zero) upon success, and it will exit with the value 1 (one) upon failure.


Here's a simple example that transforms the given input ClassAds according to the given rules:

# File: my_input
ResidentSetSize = 500
DiskUsage = 2500000
NumCkpts = 0
TransferrErr = false
Err = "/dev/null"
# File: my_rules
EVALSET MemoryUsage ( ResidentSetSize / 100 )
EVALMACRO WantDisk = ( DiskUsage * 2 )
SET RequestDisk ( $(WantDisk) / 1024 )
RENAME NumCkpts NumCheckPoints
DELETE /(.+)Err/
# Command:
condor_transform_ads -rules my_rules -in my_input
# Output:
DiskUsage = 2500000
Err = "/dev/null"
MemoryUsage = 5
NumCheckPoints = 0
RequestDisk = ( 5000000 / 1024 )
ResidentSetSize = 500


HTCondor Team


1990-2024, Center for High Throughput Computing, Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, US. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

January 10, 2025