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dh-clojure-lein(7) Debhelper Clojure tools dh-clojure-lein(7)


dh-clojure-lein - Debhelper support for Leiningen projects


Support for Leiningen projects consists of a Debhelper build system, available via the dh --buildsystem argument, and support for automatic and customizable adjustments to projects.

Currently under development, and should not be considered stable until (at least) the dh-clojure major version is no longer 0 and this notice changes.



The build system is designed to facilitate packaging Leiningen-based Clojure projects for Debian, and can be activated by passing the --buildsystem=leiningen option to dh:

    dh $@ --buildsystem=leiningen

It takes action during these debhelper stages:

Sets up a debian/dh-clojure/tmp/maven-repo symlink pointing to /usr/share/maven-repo for use by lein as a :local-repo.
Creates a debian/dh-clojure/tmp/pom.xml for use in the debian/PACKAGENAME.poms file (which it also creates), and it creates an unversioned symlink in target/ for the jar.
Calls helpers from the maven-repo-helper package to install the built jars into /usr/share/java and poms and jar symlinks in /usr/share/maven-repo and generate the ${maven:Depends} substitution variable.
Runs "lein test".
Runs "lein clean" and cleans up after the previous steps.

Project Adjustment (middleware)

The Leiningen project.clj will be automatically adjusted by the buildsystem (see above). By default, it will set all of the dependency versions in the project to "debian", excepting "org.clojure/clojure", which will be set to "1.x".

The project adjustments may be customized by code in an optional debian/dh-clojure-lein.clj file. That file may define an "dh-clj-adjust-project" function which will be invoked like this:

  (dh-clj-adjust-project get-project when ...)

The first argument is a function that returns the Leiningen project map. The second argument indicates the current point in the project build sequence. At the moment it will be ":before-plugins" or ":after-middleware", but to allow for future changes, unexpected values should be ignored, as should additional arguments. "dh-clj-adjust-project" must return the "(get-project)" map after any adjusments. See EXAMPLES below.

An ":after-middleware" call can assume that the project map has been adjusted by a preceding ":before-plugins" call, and a call for a given keyword may be made more than once, so any actions must be repeatable.

When making dependency adjustments, any changes to ":plugins" should be done during ":before-plugins" invocations, and other dependency changes should normally be made during ":after-middleware" invocations.

Note that all definition names starting with "dh-clj" are reserved by dh-clojure-lein.

In the project map passed to "dh-clj-adjust-project" the values of the dependency-related entries ":dependencies", ":managed-dependencies", and ":plugins" are not dependency vectors (as in project.clj), but are in leiningen's dependency *map* format, which is more suitable for manipulation. For example

  [[org.clojure/clojure "42.x"]]

is represented as

  {{:group-id "org.clojure", :artifact-id "clojure"}
   {:artifact-id "clojure", :group-id "org.clojure", :version "42.x"}}

Though in most cases, this won't be important because the following client functions (defined in "debian.dh-clojure-lein.client") handle the common project manipulations (see the EXAMPLES section below). Note that only the public functions in "client" are part of the stable API. Other functions in dh-clojure-lein should not be invoked via "dh-clojure-lein.clj".

(add-dep DEP-MAP DEP-SPEC)
Adds the dependency specified by DEP-SPEC (the dependency must not be present in the original project).
(del-dep DEP-MAP DEP-KEY)
Removes the dependency specified by DEP-KEY (the dependency must be present in the original project).
Sets the specified FIELD (":version" or ":exclusions") of the dependency specified by DEP-VEC to the given value (the dependency must be present in the original project). Setting ":exclusions" to "nil" will remove all exclusions from the dependency.
(get-dep DEP-MAP DEP-SPEC [default])
Behaves exactly like "clojure.core/get", returning the "{:group-id ...}" map in DEP-MAP, if any.

A DEP-KEY is the subset of a lein project dependency vector that uniquely identifies a dependency, either a symbol like "org.clojure/tools.cli" or a a lein project dependency vector starting with that symbol, optionally followed by a ":classifier", and/or ":extension", for example "[org.clojure/tools.cli :classifier "test"]".

A DEP-SPECs is a lein project dependency vector with the exception that it may omit the version, for example "[org.clojure/tools.cli "1.x"]" or "[org.clojure/tools.cli :classifier "test"]".

Note that unless otherwise specified, the default value for all dependencies will be set to either "debian", or for "org.clojure/clojure", to "1.x".

Some adjustments should only apply when specific profiles are active, for example, removing a dependency in a test profile. The active profile(s) can be investigated via

(active-profiles PROJECT)
Returns a sequence of the active profiles like "(:base :system :user :provided :dev)". So to check whether the ":test" profile is active: "(some #{:test} (active-profiles PROJECT))".

Emacs clojure-mode and paredit (via elpa-clojure-mode and elpa-paredit in Debian) can be quite helpful if you're editing a lot of these files. They provide automatic indentation, highlighting, structural editing, etc.


Project adjustments

See the Clojure API <> for documentation of specific calls like "assoc", "update", and "->".

Remove a plugin:

 (require '[debian.dh-clojure-lein.client :as deb])
 (defn dh-clj-adjust-project [project when & _]
   (if-not (= when :before-plugins)
     (update :plugins deb/del-dep 'lein-pprint)))

Adjust dependency:

 (require '[debian.dh-clojure-lein.client :as deb])
 (defn dh-clj-adjust-project [project when & _]
   (if (= when :after-middleware)
     (update (project) :dependencies deb/set-dep 'y :version "5.x"))

Adjust more dependencies:

 (require '[debian.dh-clojure-lein.client :as deb])
 (defn adjust-deps [deps]
   (-> deps
       (deb/add-dep '[w "1.x"])
       (deb/add-dep 'org.clojure/core.match)
       (deb/del-dep 'murphy)
       (deb/set-dep 'y :version "5.x")
       (deb/set-dep 'y :exclusions nil) ;; delete exclusions
       (deb/set-dep '[x/y :classifier "test"] :version "5.x")))
 (defn dh-clj-adjust-project [project when & _]
   (if (= when :after-middleware)
     (update (project) :dependencies adjust-deps)


 (require '[debian.dh-clojure-lein.client :as deb])
 (defn dh-clj-adjust-project [project when & _]
   (if-not (= when :after-middleware)
     (-> (project)
       (assoc :version "11.x")
       (update :dependencies deb/add-dep '[w "1.x"])
       (update :dependencies deb/add-dep 'org.clojure/core.match)
       (update :dependencies deb/del-dep 'murphy)
       (update :dependencies deb/set-dep 'y :version "5.x")
       (update :dependencies deb/set-dep '[x/y :classifier "test"] :version "5.x"))))

Make profile-specific adjustments:

 (require '[debian.dh-clojure-lein.client :as deb])
 (defn adjust-deps [deps proj]
   (let [test? (some #{:test} (deb/active-profiles proj))
         dev? (some #{:dev} (deb/active-profiles proj))]
     (cond-> deps
       true (deb/add-dep '[w "1.x"])
       dev? (deb/add-dep 'a/b)
       test? (deb/del-dep 'murphy)
       true (deb/set-dep 'x :version "5.x")
       true (deb/set-dep '[x/y :classifier "test"] :version "5.x"))))
 (defn dh-clj-adjust-project [project when & _]
   (let [proj (project)]
     (if (= when :after-middleware)
       (update proj :dependencies adjust-deps proj)


 (require '[debian.dh-clojure-lein.client
            :refer [active-profiles add-dep set-dep]])
 (defn fix-shared [deps]
   (-> %
       (add-dep '[w "1.x"])
       (set-dep 'x :version "5.x")
       (set-dep '[x/y :classifier "test"] :version "5.x")))
 (defn adjust-deps [deps proj]
   (let [test? (some #{:test} (active-profiles proj))
         dev? (some #{:dev} (active-profiles proj)])
       test? (-> deps fix-shared (add-dep 'a/b))
       dev? (-> deps fix-shared (del-dep 'murphy))
       :else (fix-shared deps))))
 (defn dh-clj-adjust-project [project when & _]
   (let [proj (project)]
     (if (= when :after-middleware)
       (update proj :dependencies adjust-deps proj)

Remove a dependency that might not exist:

  (cond-> deps
    (deb/get-dep deps 'x/y) (deb/del-dep 'x/y)

For debugging, you can use Clojure's existing print statements, for example:

  (prn :active (active-profiles))

And for more readable output that can be inserted directly into the threading forms (e.g. "->" and "-><gt">), you can do something like this:

  (require 'clojure.pprint)
  (defn spy> [x tag]
    (binding [*out* *err*] (clojure.pprint/pprint [tag x]))
  (defn spy>> [tag x]
    (binding [*out* *err*] (clojure.pprint/pprint [tag x]))
 (defn fix-shared [deps]
   (-> %
       (add-dep '[w "1.x"])
       (spy> :after-w)
       (set-dep 'x :version "5.x")
       (spy> :after-version)
       (set-dep '[x/y :classifier "test"] :version "5.x")))


If the project is built to generate a "test" jar artifact, setting this environment variable to "true" will instruct dh-clojure to include it in the package
During testing this is set in the environment, and when set, causes the buildsystem to use the value as the command to create the "debian/dh-clojure/tmp/maven-repo". This is used to provide a writable "maven-repo" instead of the normal symlink to "/usr/share/...".
During the build, this is set to "true" in "lein"'s environment, and when that's the case and dh-clojure is installed, Debian's "lein" will invoke "debian.dh-clojure-lein/adjust-project" at various points during the build to allow the calls to "dh-clj-adjust-project" described above.

Since Debian might not package some of the plugins, or might package versions that differ from those specified in project.clj adjustments must be made before Leiningen attempts to find them. That means that they cannot be handled by a dh-clojure-lein middleware (e.g. a plugin).

"LEIN_HOME" is set to "$(pwd)/debian/dh-clojure/tmp/lein-home" in the environment during the build.
During the build, "LEIN_OFFLINE" is set to "true" in the environment to ensure that "lein" doesn't attempt to retrieve any dependencies from the network




dh-clojure(7), dh(1), lein(1), and <>

2024-12-20 0.2.0