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TTDEBUG(1) | General Commands Manual | TTDEBUG(1) |
ttdebug - a TrueType bytecode debugger
ttdebug [options] index size font
ttdebug is an interactive TrueType bytecode debugger working in a terminal. Its spartanic interface faintly resembles debuggers like gdb.
For the specified font, a glyph with the given index and size is loaded, making it possible to trace the bytecode execution step by step.
This program is part of the FreeType demos package.
- -I ver
- Use TrueType interpreter version ver. Available versions are depending on compilation options of FreeType; call ttdebug without an argument to get the actual list.
- -f face_index
- To access member font face_index (default zero) in TTCs.
- -d "axis1 axis2 ..."
- Specify the design coordinates for each variation axis at start-up.
- -v
- Show version.
August 2024 | FreeType 2.13.3 |