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GBBIN(1) | User Commands | GBBIN(1) |
gbbin - A program to bin data
gbbin [options]
Compute binned statistics. Data are read from standard input as records (X,Y1,Y2,...). Equipopulated bins are built with respect to the first field X. Option -O decide which statistics are printed for each bin. With options -x, -y or -c elements in different bins are split in different columns.
- -n
- set the number of equipopulated bins (default 10)
- -w
- min,max set manually the binning window. Ignored with -x,-y and -c
- -O
- set the output with a comma separated list of variables: xmean, xmin, xmax, xstd, xmedian, ymean, yadev, ystd, yvar, yskew, ykurt, ymin, ymax, ymedian, num (default xmean, ymean)
- -c#
- the values in column # are split in different columns; # can be a comma separated list of columns
- -x
- equivalent to -c 1
- -y
- equivalent to -c 2
- -F
- specify the input fields separators (default " \t")
- -v
- verbose mode
- gbbin -n 20 < file
- split the records (line) in 20 bins according to first field. Print the average value of the bin entries for each column. If 'file' has 3 columns, the output has twenty rows and three columns.
- gbbin -O ymedian < file
- bin the records with respect to the first value and print the median value of the other columns in each bin
- gbbin -c 3 < file
- the binned values of the third columns are printed on separate columns. The output has ten columns.
Written by Giulio Bottazzi
Report bugs to <>
Package home page <>
Copyright © 2001-2018 Giulio Bottazzi This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation;
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
December 2018 | gbbin 6.0.beta2 |