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git-lfs-config - Configuration options for git-lfs


git-lfs reads its configuration from any file supported by git config -l, including all per-repository, per-user, and per-system Git configuration files.

Additionally, a small number of settings can be specified in a file called .lfsconfig at the root of the repository; see the "LFSCONFIG" section for more details. This configuration file is useful for setting options such as the LFS URL or access type for all users of a repository, especially when these differ from the default. The .lfsconfig file uses the same format as .gitconfig.

If the .lfsconfig file is missing, the index is checked for a version of the file, and that is used instead. If both are missing, HEAD is checked for the file. If the repository is bare, only HEAD is checked. This order may change for checkouts in the future to better match Git’s behavior.

Settings from Git configuration files override the .lfsconfig file. This allows you to override settings like lfs.url in your local environment without having to modify the .lfsconfig file.

Most options regarding git-lfs are contained in the [lfs] section, meaning they are all named or similar, although occasionally an lfs option can be scoped inside the configuration for a remote.


General settings

lfs.url / remote.<remote>.lfsurl

The url used to call the Git LFS remote API. Default blank (derive from clone URL).

lfs.pushurl / remote.<remote>.lfspushurl

The url used to call the Git LFS remote API when pushing. Default blank (derive from either LFS non-push urls or clone url).


The remote used to find the Git LFS remote API. lfs.url and branch.*.remote for the current branch override this setting. If this setting is not specified and there is exactly one remote, that remote is picked; otherwise, the default is origin.


The remote used to find the Git LFS remote API when pushing. lfs.url and branch.*.pushremote for the current branch override this setting. If this setting is not set, remote.pushdefault is used, or if that is not set, the order of selection is used as specified in the remote.lfsdefault above.


This boolean option enables the remote autodetect feaure within Git LFS. LFS tries to derive the corresponding remote from the commit information and, in case of success, ignores the settings defined by remote.lfsdefault and remote.<remote>.lfsurl.


This boolean option enables Git LFS to search all registered remotes to find LFS data. This is a fallback mechanism executed only if the LFS data could not be found via the ordinary heuristics as described in remote.lfsdefault, remote.<remote>.lfsurl and, if enabled, lfs.remote.autodetect.


Sets the maximum time, in seconds, that the HTTP client will wait to initiate a connection. This does not include the time to send a request and wait for a response. Default: 30 seconds


Sets the maximum time, in seconds, that the HTTP client will wait for a TLS handshake. Default: 30 seconds.

lfs.activitytimeout / lfs.https://<host>.activitytimeout

Sets the maximum time, in seconds, that the HTTP client will wait for the next tcp read or write. If < 1, no activity timeout is used at all. Default: 30 seconds


Sets the maximum time, in seconds, for the HTTP client to maintain keepalive connections. Default: 30 minutes.


When using the pure SSH-based protocol, whether to multiplex requests over a single connection when possible. This option requires the use of OpenSSH or a compatible SSH client. Default: false on Windows, otherwise true.


Specifies the number of times Git LFS will attempt to obtain authorization via SSH before aborting. Default: 5.

core.askpass, GIT_ASKPASS

Given as a program and its arguments, this is invoked when authentication is needed against the LFS API. The contents of stdout are interpreted as the password.


Enables in-memory SSH and Git Credential caching for a single 'git lfs' command. Default: enabled.

Allow override LFS storage directory. Non-absolute path is relativized to inside of Git repository directory (usually .git).

Note: you should not run git lfs prune if you have different repositories sharing the same storage directory.

Default: lfs in Git repository directory (usually .git/lfs).


Warn when a file is 4 GiB or larger. Such files will be corrupted when using Windows (unless smudging is disabled) with a Git for Windows version less than 2.34.0 due to a limitation in Git. Default: true if the version is less than 2.34.0, false otherwise.

Upload and download transfer settings

These settings control how the upload and download of LFS content occurs.


The number of concurrent uploads/downloads. Default 8.


If set to true, only basic HTTP upload/download transfers will be used, ignoring any more advanced transfers that the client/server may support. This is primarily to work around bugs or incompatibilities.

The git-lfs client supports basic HTTP downloads, resumable HTTP downloads (using Range headers), and resumable uploads via protocol. Custom transfer methods can be added via lfs.customtransfer (see next section). However setting this value to true limits the client to simple HTTP.


If set to true, this enables resumable uploads of LFS objects through the API. Once this feature is finalized, this setting will be removed, and uploads will be available for all clients.


Allows the specified custom transfer agent to be used directly for transferring files, without asking the server how the transfers should be made. The custom transfer agent has to be defined in a lfs.customtransfer.<name> settings group.


lfs.customtransfer.<name> is a settings group which defines a custom transfer hook which allows you to upload/download via an intermediate process, using any mechanism you like (rather than just HTTP). path should point to the process you wish to invoke. The protocol between the git-lfs client and the custom transfer process is documented at <>

must be a unique identifier that the LFS server understands. When calling the LFS API the client will include a list of supported transfer types. If the server also supports this named transfer type, it will select it and actions returned from the API will be in relation to that transfer type (may not be traditional URLs for example). Only if the server accepts as a transfer it supports will this custom transfer process be invoked.


If the custom transfer process requires any arguments, these can be provided here. This string will be expanded by the shell.


If true (the default), git-lfs will invoke the custom transfer process multiple times in parallel, according to lfs.concurrenttransfers, splitting the transfer workload between the processes.


Specifies which direction the custom transfer process supports, either "download", "upload", or "both". The default if unspecified is "both".


Specifies how many retries LFS will attempt per OID before marking the transfer as failed. Must be an integer which is at least one. If the value is not an integer, is less than one, or is not given, a value of eight will be used instead.


Specifies the maximum time in seconds LFS will wait between each retry attempt. LFS uses exponential backoff for retries, doubling the time between each retry until reaching this limit. If a server requests a delay using the Retry-After header, the header value overrides the exponential delay for that attempt and is not limited by this option.

Must be an integer which is not negative. Use zero to disable delays between retries unless requested by a server. If the value is not an integer, is negative, or is not given, a value of ten will be used instead.


Specifies how many verification requests LFS will attempt per OID before marking the transfer as failed, if the object has a verification action associated with it. Must be an integer which is at least one. If the value is not an integer, is less than one, or is not given, a default value of three will be used instead.


If set to true, this enables rewriting href of LFS objects using url.*.insteadof/pushinsteadof config. pushinsteadof is used only for uploading, and insteadof is used for downloading and for uploading when pushinsteadof is not set.


The number of objects to download/upload sent in a single batch request to the LFS server. Default is 100.

This value should be changed with caution, as it can have a significant impact on the performance of the LFS server and the server is free to return an HTTP 413 status code if this value is too high as the Batch API specification states.

Push settings


When pushing, allow objects to be missing from the local cache without halting a Git push. Default: false.

Fetch settings


When fetching, only download objects which match any entry on this comma-separated list of paths/filenames. Wildcard matching is as per gitignore(5). See git-lfs-fetch(1) for examples.


When fetching, do not download objects which match any item on this comma-separated list of paths/filenames. Wildcard matching is as per gitignore(5). See git-lfs-fetch(1) for examples.


If non-zero, fetches refs which have commits within N days of the current date. Only local refs are included unless lfs.fetchrecentremoterefs is true. Also used as a basis for pruning old files. The default is 7 days.


If true, fetches remote refs (for the remote you’re fetching) as well as local refs in the recent window. This is useful to fetch objects for remote branches you might want to check out later. The default is true; if you set this to false, fetching for those branches will only occur when you either check them out (losing the advantage of fetch --recent), or create a tracking local branch separately then fetch again.


In addition to fetching at refs, also fetches previous changes made within N days of the latest commit on the ref. This is useful if you’re often reviewing recent changes. Also used as a basis for pruning old files. The default is 0 (no previous changes).


Always operate as if --recent was included in a git lfs fetch call. Default false.

Prune settings


The number of days added to the lfs.fetchrecent* settings to determine what can be pruned. Default is 3 days, i.e. that anything fetched at the very oldest edge of the 'recent window' is eligible for pruning 3 days later.


Set the remote that LFS files must have been pushed to in order for them to be considered eligible for local pruning. Also the remote which is called if --verify-remote is enabled.


Always run git lfs prune as if --verify-remote was provided.


Always run git lfs prune as if --verify-unreachable was provided.



Git LFS extensions enable the manipulation of files streams during smudge and clean. name groups the settings for a single extension, and the settings are: clean The command which runs when files are added to the index smudge The command which runs when files are written to the working copy ** priority The order of this extension compared to others

Other settings


Note: this setting is normally set by LFS itself on receiving a 401 response (authentication required), you don’t normally need to set it manually.

If set to "basic" then credentials will be requested before making batch requests to this url, otherwise a public request will initially be attempted.


Determines whether locks are checked before Git pushes. This prevents you from pushing changes to files that other users have locked. The Git LFS pre-push hook varies its behavior based on the value of this config key. null - In the absence of a value, Git LFS will attempt the call, and warn if it returns an error. If the response is valid, Git LFS will set the value to true, and will halt the push if the user attempts to update a file locked by another user. If the server returns a 501 Not Implemented response, Git LFS will set the value to false. true - Git LFS will attempt to verify locks, halting the Git push if there are any server issues, or if the user attempts to update a file locked by another user. ** false - Git LFS will completely skip the lock check in the pre-push hook. You should set this if you’re not using File Locking, or your Git server verifies locked files on pushes automatically.

+ Supports URL config lookup as described in: <>. To set this value per-host: git config --global lfs. [true|false].

lfs.sshtransfer / lfs.<url>.sshtransfer

Configures whether SSH transfers (the pure SSH protocol) are used. By default (or if the value is set to negotiate), the pure SSH protocol is tried first, and then the older hybrid protocol. If always is used, then only the pure SSH protocol is tried. Similarly, if never is used, then only the hybrid protocol is attempted.


Determines whether Git LFS should attempt to detect an appropriate HTTP Content-Type header when uploading using the 'basic' upload adapter. If set to false, the default header of Content-Type: application/octet-stream is chosen instead. Default: 'true'.


Causes Git LFS not to abort the smudge filter when a download error is encountered, which allows actions such as checkout to work when you are unable to download the LFS content. LFS files which could not download will contain pointer content instead.

Note that this will result in git commands which call the smudge filter to report success even in cases when LFS downloads fail, which may affect scripts.

You can also set the environment variable GIT_LFS_SKIP_DOWNLOAD_ERRORS=1 to get the same effect.


This environment variable causes Git LFS to emit progress updates to an absolute file-path on disk when cleaning, smudging, or fetching.

Progress is reported periodically in the form of a new line being appended to the end of the file. Each new line will take the following format:

<direction> <current>/<total files> <downloaded>/<total> <name>

Each field is described below: direction: The direction of transfer, either "checkout", "download", or "upload". current The index of the currently transferring file. total files The estimated count of all files to be transferred. downloaded The number of bytes already downloaded. total The entire size of the file, in bytes. name The name of the file.

GIT_LFS_FORCE_PROGRESS lfs.forceprogress

Controls whether Git LFS will suppress progress status when the standard output stream is not attached to a terminal. The default is false which makes Git LFS detect whether stdout is a terminal and suppress progress when it’s not; you can disable this behaviour and force progress status even when standard output stream is not a terminal by setting either variable to 1, 'yes' or 'true'.


Sets whether or not Git LFS will skip attempting to convert pointers of files tracked into their corresponding objects when checked out into a working copy. If 'true', '1', 'on', or similar, Git LFS will skip the smudge process in both git lfs smudge and git lfs filter-process. If unset, or set to 'false', '0', 'off', or similar, Git LFS will smudge files as normal.


Sets whether or not Git LFS will attempt to upload new Git LFS object in a pre-push hook. If 'true', '1', 'on', or similar, Git LFS will skip the pre-push hook, so no new Git LFS objects will be uploaded. If unset, or set to 'false', '0', 'off', or similar, Git LFS will proceed as normal.

GIT_LFS_SET_LOCKABLE_READONLY lfs.setlockablereadonly

These settings, the first an environment variable and the second a gitconfig setting, control whether files marked as 'lockable' in git lfs track are made read-only in the working copy when not locked by the current user. The default is true; you can disable this behaviour and have all files writeable by setting either variable to 0, 'no' or 'false'.


This setting controls whether Git LFS will set ignored files that match the lockable pattern read only as well as tracked files. The default is false; you can enable this behavior by setting the variable to 1, 'yes', or 'true'.


This setting sets a default token TTL when git-lfs-authenticate does not include the TTL in the JSON response but still enforces it.

Note that this is only necessary for larger repositories hosted on LFS servers that don’t include the TTL.


The .lfsconfig file in a repository is read and interpreted in the same format as the file stored in .git/config. It allows a subset of keys to be used, including and limited to:











The set of keys allowed in this file is restricted for security reasons.


•Configure a custom LFS endpoint for your repository:

git config -f .lfsconfig lfs.url <>


git-config(1), git-lfs-install(1), gitattributes(5), gitignore(5).

Part of the git-lfs(1) suite.
