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GITSIGN(1) User Commands GITSIGN(1)


gitsign - Keyless Git signing using Sigstore


Keyless Git signing with Sigstore!


gitsign [flags] gitsign [command]

Available Commands:

add attestations to Git objects
Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
Help about any command
Initializes Sigstore root to retrieve trusted certificate and key targets for verification.
Show source predicate information
Verify a commit
print Gitsign version


create ascii armored output
make a detached signature
help for gitsign

--include-certs int -3 is the same as -2, but omits issuer when cert has Authority Information Access extension. -2 includes all certs except root. -1 includes all certs. 0 includes no certs. 1 includes leaf cert. >1 includes n from the leaf. Default -2. (default -2)

use USER-ID to sign
make a signature
write special status strings to the file descriptor n. (default -1)
verify a signature
print Gitsign version

Use "gitsign [command] --help" for more information about a command.

February 2025 gitsign 0.12.0-4