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ARGC:(1) User Commands ARGC:(1)


argc: - envisat_dump_data


envisat_dump_data envisat-product outputfile [l0 lN p0 pN]


This program is part of GMTSAR.

argc: 2

where envisat-product is the input filename
is the output filename
is the first azimuth line (starting at 1)
is the last azimuth line
is the first range pixel (starting at 1)
is the last range pixel


envisat_dump_data ASA_IMS_1PNDPA20021025_175208_000000162010_00356_03416_0005.N1 crop.out 0 10 0 100

Usage: envisat_dump_data envisat-product outputfile [l0 lN p0 pN]

where envisat-product is the input filename
is the output filename
is the first azimuth line (starting at 1)
is the last azimuth line
is the first range pixel (starting at 1)
is the last range pixel


envisat_dump_data ASA_IMS_1PNDPA20021025_175208_000000162010_00356_03416_0005.N1 crop.out 0 10 0 100
May 2024 argc: 2