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PHASE2TOPO(1) User Commands PHASE2TOPO(1)


phase2topo - phase2topo


phase2topo master.PRM topo_in.grd res_phase.grd topo_out.grd


This program is part of GMTSAR.

phase2topo [GMTSAR] - Compute residual topography
- master PRM files used for mapping
- name of input topography in the radar co-ordinates of the master.
res_phase.grd - name of input phase per unit baseline topo_out.grd - name of output corrected topography in the radar co-ordinates of the master.
Note the residual phase should be scaled by the perpendicular baseline (see bperp).
phase2topo [GMTSAR] - Compute residual topography

Usage: phase2topo master.PRM topo_in.grd res_phase.grd topo_out.grd

- master PRM files used for mapping
- name of input topography in the radar co-ordinates of the master.
res_phase.grd - name of input phase per unit baseline topo_out.grd - name of output corrected topography in the radar co-ordinates of the master.
Note the residual phase should be scaled by the perpendicular baseline (see bperp).
May 2024 phase2topo