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httpie(1) HTTPie Manual httpie(1)






Managing interface for the HTTPie itself. <>

Be aware that you might be looking for http/https commands for sending HTTP requests. This command is only available for managing the HTTTPie plugins and the configuration around it.

If you are looking for the man pages of http/https commands, try one of the following:
$ man http
$ man https

httpie cli export-args

Export available options for the CLI

Format to export in.

httpie cli check-updates

Check for updates

httpie cli sessions upgrade

Upgrade the given HTTPie session with the latest layout. A list of changes between different session versions can be found in the official documentation.

The host this session belongs.

The name or the path for the session that will be upgraded.

Bind domainless cookies to the host that session belongs.

httpie cli sessions upgrade-all

Upgrade all named sessions with the latest layout. A list of changes between different session versions can be found in the official documentation.

Bind domainless cookies to the host that session belongs.

httpie cli plugins install

Install the given targets from PyPI or from a local paths.

targets to install

httpie cli plugins upgrade

Upgrade the given plugins

targets to upgrade

httpie cli plugins uninstall

Uninstall the given HTTPie plugins.

targets to install

httpie cli plugins list

List all installed HTTPie plugins.

httpie plugins install

Install the given targets from PyPI or from a local paths.

targets to install

httpie plugins upgrade

Upgrade the given plugins

targets to upgrade

httpie plugins uninstall

Uninstall the given HTTPie plugins.

targets to install

httpie plugins list

List all installed HTTPie plugins.

2024-07-10 HTTPie 3.2.4