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hut(1) General Commands Manual hut(1)


hut - A CLI tool for


hut [commands...] [options...]


hut is a CLI companion utility to interact with

Resources (such as build jobs, todo tickets, lists patchsets, git repositories, and so on) can be specified in multiple forms: name, owner and name, or full URL. For instance, the repository hut owned by ~emersion on can be referred to via:

Additionally, mailing lists can be referred to by their email address.

hut commands that read input, like hut graphql or hut builds user-webhook create read input depending on whether their stdin is on a terminal or not:

If stdin is not on a terminal, for example, because stdin is redirected from a file or from a pipe, hut reads input from stdin.

Otherwise, if option --stdin is specified to the command, hut reads input from stdin.

Otherwise, hut assumes to run in a terminal and starts the command provided by environment variable $EDITOR to read input.


-h, --help

Show help message and quit. Can be used after a command to get more information it.


Explicitly select a configuration file that should be used over the default configuration.


Prints the command's underlying GraphQL request to stderr.


Select which instance from the config file should be used. By default the first one will be selected.


help <command>

Help about any command.

graphql <service>

Write a GraphQL query and execute it. The JSON response is written to stdout. service is the service to execute the query on (for instance "meta" or "builds").

A tool like jq(1) can be used to prettify the output and process the data. Example:

hut graphql meta <<EOF | jq '.me'
query {
	me { canonicalName }

Options are:

--file <key>=<value>

Set a file variable.


Read query from stdin.

-v, --var <key>=<value>

Set a raw variable. Example:

hut graphql meta -v username=emersion <<'EOF'
query($username: String!) {
	userByName(username: $username) {


Initialize hut's configuration file.

export <directory> [resource|service...]

Export account data.

By default, all data of the current user will be exported. Alternatively, an explicit list of instance services (e.g. "") or resources (e.g. "") can be specified.

import <directory...>

Import account data.


artifacts <ID>

List artifacts.

cancel <IDs...>

Cancel jobs.

list [owner]

List jobs.

resubmit <ID>

Resubmit a build.

Options are:

-e, --edit

Edit manifest with $EDITOR.

-f, --follow

Follow build logs.

-n, --note <string>

Provide a short job description.

-v, --visibility <string>

Visibility to use (public, unlisted, private). Defaults to the same visibility used by the original build job.

secret list

List secrets.

secret share <secret>

Share a secret.

Options are:

-u, --user

User with whom to share the secret (required).

show [ID] [options...]

Show job status.

If no ID is specified, the latest build will be printed.

Options are:

-f, --follow

Follow job status.

ssh <ID>

Connect with SSH to a job.

submit [manifest...] [options...]

Submit a build manifest.

If no build manifest is specified, build manifests are discovered at .build.yml and .builds/*.yml.

Options are:

-e, --edit

Edit manifest with $EDITOR.

-f, --follow

Follow build logs.

-n, --note <string>

Provide a short job description.

-t, --tags <string>

Slash separated tags (e.g. "hut/test").

-v, --visibility <string>

Visibility to use (public, unlisted, private). Defaults to unlisted.

user-webhook create [options...]

Create a user webhook.

Options are:

-e, --events <strings...>

List of events that should trigger the webhook (JOB_CREATED). Required.


Read query from stdin.

-u, --url <URL>

The payload URL which receives the POST request. Required.

user-webhook delete <ID>

Delete a user webhook.

user-webhook list

List user webhooks.


Options are:

-r, --repo <string>
Name of repository.

acl delete <ID>

Delete an ACL entry.

acl list [repo]

List ACL entries of a repo. Defaults to current repo.

acl update <user> [options...]

Update or add an ACL entry for user.

Options are:

-m, --mode <string>

Access mode to set (RW, RO).

artifact delete <ID>

Delete an artifact.

artifact list [options...]

List artifacts.

artifact upload <filename...> [options...]

Upload artifacts.

Options are:

--rev <string>

Revision tag. Defaults to the last Git tag.

clone <URL>

This will clone the repository to CWD and try to configure it for git send-email if possible.

create <name> [options...]

Create a repository. If --clone is not used, the remote URL will be printed to stdout.

Options are:

-c, --clone

Clone repository to CWD.

-d, --description <string>

Description of the repository.

--import-url <url>

Import the repository from the given URL.

-v, --visibility <string>

Visibility to use (public, unlisted, private). Defaults to public.

delete [repo] [options...]

Delete a repository. By default the current repo will be deleted.

Options are:

-y, --yes

Confirm deletion without prompt.

list [owner]

List repositories.

show [repo]

Display information about a repository.

update [repo] [options...]

Update a repository. By default the current repo will be updated.

Options are:

-b, --default-branch <branch>

Set the default branch.

-d, --description <description>

Set one-line repository description.

--readme <file>

Update the custom README settings. You can read the HTML from a file or pass "-" as the filename to read from stdin. To clear the custom README use an empty string "".

-v, --visibility <string>

Visibility to use (public, unlisted, private).

user-webhook create [options...]

Create a user webhook.

Options are:

-e, --events <strings...>

List of events that should trigger the webhook (REPO_CREATED, REPO_UPDATE, REPO_DELETED). Required.


Read query from stdin.

-u, --url <URL>

The payload URL which receives the POST request. Required.

user-webhook delete <ID>

Delete a user webhook.

user-webhook list

List user webhooks.


Options are:

-r, --repo <string>
Name of repository.

acl delete <ID>

Delete an ACL entry.

acl list [repo]

List ACL entries of a repo. Defaults to current repo.

acl update <user> [options...]

Update or add an ACL entry for user.

Options are:

-m, --mode <string>

Access mode to set (RW, RO).

create <name> [options...]

Create a repository. If --clone is not used, the remote URL will be printed to stdout.

Options are:

-c, --clone

Clone repository to CWD.

-d, --description <string>

Description of the repository.

-v, --visibility <string>

Visibility to use (public, unlisted, private). Defaults to public.

delete [repo] [options...]

Delete a repository. By default the current repo will be deleted.

Options are:

-y, --yes

Confirm deletion without prompt.

list [owner]

List repositories.

update [repo] [options...]

Update a repository. By default the current repo will be updated.

Options are:

-d, --description <description>

Set one-line repository description.

--non-publishing <boolean>

Controls whether this repository is a non-publishing repository.

--readme <file>

Update the custom README settings. You can read the HTML from a file or pass "-" as the filename to read from stdin. To clear the custom README use an empty string "".

-v, --visibility <string>

Visibility to use (public, unlisted, private).

user-webhook create [options...]

Create a user webhook.

Options are:

-e, --events <strings...>

List of events that should trigger the webhook (REPO_CREATED, REPO_UPDATE, REPO_DELETED). Required.


Read query from stdin.

-u, --url <URL>

The payload URL which receives the POST request. Required.

user-webhook delete <ID>

Delete a user webhook.

user-webhook list

List user webhooks.


Options are:

-l, --mailing-list <name>
Select a mailing list.

By default, the mailing list configured for the current Git repository will be selected.

acl delete <ID>

Delete an ACL entry.

acl list [list]

List ACL entries of a mailing list.

archive [list] [options...]

Download a mailing list archive as an mbox file to stdout.

Options are:

-d, --days <int>

Number of last days for which the archive should be downloaded. By default the entire archive will be selected.

create <name> [options...]

Create a mailing list.

Options are:


Read description from stdin.

-v, --visibility <string>

Visibility to use (public, unlisted, private). Defaults to public.

delete [list] [options...]

Delete a mailing list.

Options are:

-y, --yes

Confirm deletion without prompt.

list [owner]

List mailing lists.

patchset apply <ID>

Apply a patchset.

patchset list [list] [options...]

List patchsets in list.

Options are:

-u, --user

List patchsets by user instead of by list.

patchset show <ID>

Show a patchset.

patchset update <ID>

Update a patchset.

Options are:

-s, --status <string>

Patchset status to set (required).

subscribe [list]

Subscribe to a mailing list.


List mailing list subscriptions.

unsubscribe [list]

Unsubscribe from a mailing list.

update [list] [options...]

Update a mailing list.

Options are:


Edit description.

-v, --visibility <string>

Visibility to use (public, unlisted, private).

user-webhook create [options...]

Create a user webhook.

Options are:

-e, --events <strings...>

List of events that should trigger the webhook (LIST_CREATED, LIST_UPDATED, LIST_DELETED, EMAIL_RECEIVED, PATCHSET_RECEIVED). Required.


Read query from stdin.

-u, --url <URL>

The payload URL which receives the POST request. Required.

user-webhook delete <ID>

Delete a user webhook.

user-webhook list

List user webhooks.

webhook create [list] [options...]

Create a mailing list webhook.

Options are:

-e, --events <strings...>

List of events that should trigger the webhook (LIST_UPDATED, LIST_DELETED, EMAIL_RECEIVED, PATCHSET_RECEIVED). Required.


Read query from stdin.

-u, --url <URL>

The payload URL which receives the POST request. Required.

webhook delete <ID>

Delete a tracker webhook.

webhook list [list]

List mailing list webhooks.



Display your audit log.

oauth tokens

List personal access tokens.

pgp-key create [path]

Upload a PGP public key and associate it with your account.

The public key must be in the armored format.

If path is not specified, the default public key from the local GPG keyring is used.

pgp-key delete <ID>

Delete a PGP key from your account.

pgp-key list [username] [options...]

List PGP public keys.

Options are:

-r, --raw

Only print raw public key

show [username]

Show a user's profile.

If username is not specified, your profile is displayed.

ssh-key create [path]

Upload an SSH public key and associate it with your account.

If path is not specified, the default SSH public key is used.

ssh-key delete <ID>

Delete an SSH public key from your account.

ssh-key list [username] [options...]

List SSH public keys.

Options are:

-r, --raw

Only print raw public key

update [options...]

Update account.

Options are:


Edit biography.

--email <string>

Set Email address.

--location <string>

Set location.

--url <string>

Set URL.

user-webhook create [options...]

Create a user webhook.

Options are:

-e, --events <strings...>

List of events that should trigger the webhook (PROFILE_UPDATE, PGP_KEY_ADDED, PGP_KEY_REMOVED, SSH_KEY_ADDED, SSH_KEY_REMOVED). Required.


Read query from stdin.

-u, --url <URL>

The payload URL which receives the POST request. Required.

user-webhook delete <ID>

Delete a user webhook.

user-webhook list

List user webhooks.



List registered sites.

publish [file] [options...]

Publish a website.

The input file can be either a gzip tarball or a directory. If file is not specified, standard input is used.

Options are:

-d, --domain <string>

Fully qualified domain name.

-p, --protocol <string>

Protocol to use (either HTTPS or GEMINI; defaults to HTTPS)

--site-config <string>

Path to site configuration file (for e.g. cache-control).

-s, --subdirectory <string>

If specified, only this subdirectory is updated, the rest of the site is left untouched.

unpublish [options...]

Unpublish a website.

Options are:

-d, --domain <string>

Fully qualified domain name.

-p, --protocol <string>

Protocol to use (either HTTPS or GEMINI; defaults to HTTPS)

user-webhook create [options...]

Create a user webhook.

Options are:

-e, --events <strings...>

List of events that should trigger the webhook (SITE_PUBLISHED, SITE_UNPUBLISHED). Required.


Read query from stdin.

-u, --url <URL>

The payload URL which receives the POST request. Required.

user-webhook delete <ID>

Delete a user webhook.

user-webhook list

List user webhooks.


create <filenames...>

Create a new paste.

Options are:

-v, --visibility <string>

Visibility to use (public, unlisted, private). Defaults to unlisted.

-n, --name <string>

Name of the created paste. Only valid when reading from stdin.

delete <IDs...>

Delete pastes.


List pastes.

show <ID>

Display a paste.

update <ID> [options...]

Update a paste's visibility.

Options are:

-v, --visibility <string>

Visibility to use (public, unlisted, private)

user-webhook create [options...]

Create a user webhook.

Options are:

-e, --events <strings...>

List of events that should trigger the webhook (PASTE_CREATED, PASTE_UPDATED, PASTE_DELETED). Required.


Read query from stdin.

-u, --url <URL>

The payload URL which receives the POST request. Required.

user-webhook delete <ID>

Delete a user webhook.

user-webhook list

List user webhooks.


Options are:

-t, --tracker <string>
Name of tracker.

acl delete <ID>

Delete an ACL entry.

acl list [tracker]

List ACL entries of a tracker.

create <name> [options...]

Create a tracker.

Options are:


Read description from stdin.

-v, --visibility <string>

Visibility to use (public, unlisted, private). Defaults to public.

delete [tracker] [options...]

Delete a tracker.

Options are:

-y, --yes

Confirm deletion without prompt.

label create <name> [options...]

Create a label.

Options are:

-b, --background

Background color in hex format (required).

-f, --foreground

Foreground color in hex format. If omitted either black or white will be selected for an optimized contrast.

label delete <name>

Delete a label.

label list

List labels.

label update <name> [options...]

Update a label.

Options are:

-b, --background

Background color in hex format.

-f, --foreground

Foreground color in hex format.

-n, --name

New label name.

list [owner]

List trackers.

subscribe [tracker]

Subscribe to a tracker.

ticket assign <ID> [options...]

Assign a user to a ticket.

Options are:

-u, --user

Username of the new assignee (required).

ticket comment <ID> [options...]

Comment on a ticket.

Options are:

-r, --resolution

Resolution for resolved tickets. If status is omitted, it will be set to RESOLVED.

-s, --status

New ticket status. If set to RESOLVED, resolution will default to CLOSED.


Read comment from stdin.

ticket create [options...]

Create a new ticket.

Options are:


Read ticket from stdin.

ticket delete <ID> [options...]

Delete a ticket.

Options are:

-y, --yes

Confirm deletion without prompt.

ticket edit <ID>

Edit a ticket.

ticket label <ID> [options...]

Add a label to a ticket.

Options are:

-l, --label <name>

Name of the label (required).

ticket list [options...]

List tickets.

Options are:

-s, --status <string>

Filter by ticket status.

ticket show <ID>

Display a ticket.

ticket subscribe <ID>

Subscribe to a ticket.

ticket unassign <ID> [options...]

Unassign a user from a ticket.

Options are:

-u, --user

Username of the assignee (required).

ticket unlabel <ID> [options...]

Remove a label from a ticket.

Options are:

-l, --label <name>

Name of the label (required).

ticket unsubscribe <ID>

Unsubscribe from a ticket.

ticket update-status <ID> [options...]

Update status of a ticket.

Options are:

-r, --resolution

Resolution for resolved tickets (required if status RESOLVED is used). If status is omitted, it will be set to RESOLVED.

-s, --status

New ticket status.

ticket webhook create <ID> [options...]

Create a ticket webhook.

Options are:

-e, --events <strings...>

List of events that should trigger the webhook (EVENT_CREATED, TICKET_UPDATE, TICKET_DELETED). Required.


Read query from stdin.

-u, --url <URL>

The payload URL which receives the POST request. Required.

ticket webhook delete <ID>

Delete a ticket webhook.

ticket webhook list <ID>

List ticket webhooks.

unsubscribe [tracker]

Unsubscribe from a tracker.

update [tracker] [options...]

Update a tracker.

Options are:


Edit description.

-v, --visibility <string>

Visibility to use (public, unlisted, private).

user-webhook create [options...]

Create a user webhook.

Options are:

-e, --events <strings...>

List of events that should trigger the webhook (TRACKER_CREATED, TRACKER_UPDATE, TRACKER_DELETED, TICKET_CREATED). Required.


Read query from stdin.

-u, --url <URL>

The payload URL which receives the POST request. Required.

user-webhook delete <ID>

Delete a user webhook.

user-webhook list

List user webhooks.

webhook create [tracker] [options...]

Create a tracker webhook.

Options are:

-e, --events <strings...>



Read query from stdin.

-u, --url <URL>

The payload URL which receives the POST request. Required.

webhook delete <ID>

Delete a tracker webhook.

webhook list [tracker]

List tracker webhooks.


Generate a new OAuth2 access token on

On startup hut will look for a file at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/hut/config. If unset, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaults to ~/.config/.

instance "" {
	access-token "<token>"
	# As an alternative you can specify a command whose first line of output
	# will be parsed as the token
	access-token-cmd pass token
	meta {
		# You can set the origin for each service. As fallback hut will
		# construct the origin from the instance name and the service.
		origin ""

Project configuration file

The project configuration file is a top-level file called .hut.scfg in a repository, where the assosciated tracker and development mailing list can be specified. These resources will be used whenever a command is called which needs a tracker/mailing list and none is explicitly set. Furthermore it is possible to configure that patches should contain the repository name in their prefix. The hut git clone command will configure a freshly cloned repository to make contributing easier.

development-mailing-list ~xenrox/
patch-prefix false


Originally written by Simon Ser <>. Currently maintained by Thorben Günther <>, who is assisted by other open-source contributors. For more information about hut development, see <>.
