IOX-ROUDI(1) | Eclipse Iceoryx | IOX-ROUDI(1) |
iox-roudi - Iceoryx shared memory management daemon
iox-roudi |
[-uID][-mMODE][-lLEVEL][-xCOMPAT][-kDELAY][-cFILE] |
iox-roudiis the shared memory management daemon that enables processes to participatein the local Iceoryx data exchange.
- -u ID, --unique-roudi-id ID
- set the unique RouDi id.
- -m MODE, --monitoring-mode MODE
- set process alive monitoring mode toon (default)oroff.
- -l LEVEL, --log-level LEVEL
- set the log level to one ofoff, fatal, error, warning, info, debug, or verbose.
- -x COMPAT, --compatibility COMPAT
- check the compatibility between runtime libraries and RouDi. Valid values areoff, major, minor, patch, commitId, or buildDate.
- -k DELAY, --kill-delay DELAY
- set the delay in seconds until RouDi sendsSIGKILLif a process did not respond toSIGTERM.
- -c FILE, --config-file FILE
- Load the configuration fileFILE.By default, RouDi will look for a valid configuration in/etc/iceoryx/roudi_config.tomland fall back to hard-coded settings otherwise.
This manual page was written for Debian by Timo Röhling and maybe used without restriction.
2.0.6+dfsg |