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INFNOISE(8) | System Manager's Manual | INFNOISE(8) |
infnoise - Infinite Noise TRNG driver
infnoise --help
infnoise --version
infnoise --list-devices
infnoise [--debug] [--dev-random] [--raw]
[--multiplier <value>] [--no-output]
[--pidfile <file>] [--daemon] [--serial
infnoise provides access to the Infinite Noise True Random Number Generator and allows the data it generates to be fed into the system's random number generator.
infnoise --help shows a short summary of the options.
infnoise --version displays the program's version information.
infnoise --list-devices lists all the supported TRNG devices present on the system.
infnoise reads random data from a TRNG and outputs filtered random data to its standard output. The various options control the program's behaviour.
- --debug
- measures the quality of the data obtained from the TRNG. It is typically used with --no-output as a sanity test.
- --dev-random
- adds the filtered data to the system's entropy pool instead of sending it to its standard output.
- --raw
- disables output whitening.
- --multiplier<value>
- writes 256 bits × value for every 512 bits written to the Keccak sponge; the default of 0 means to write all the available entropy, without multiplying it.
- --no-output
- disables output of random data.
- --pidfile<file>
- stores the process' identifier in file.
- --daemon
- starts the program as a daemon.
- --serial<serial>
- uses the device matching the specified serial.
June 25 2018 |