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SbProjector(3IV)() | SbProjector(3IV)() |
SbProjector — base class for representing projectors
#include <Inventor/projectors/SbProjector.h>
Methods from class SbProjector:
virtual SbVec3f project(const SbVec2f &point)
virtual void setViewVolume(const SbViewVolume
const SbViewVolume & getViewVolume() const
virtual void setWorkingSpace(const SbMatrix
const SbMatrix & getWorkingSpace() const
virtual SbProjector * copy() const
SbProjector is the base class for all projector classes. Projector classes are used to convert from window space (usually based on the mouse location) into a 3D point. This is done by projecting the window coordinate as a 3D vector onto a geometric function in 3-space, and computing the intersection point. Most projectors actually compute incremental changes and produce incremental rotations and translation as needed. Projectors are used to write 3D interactive manipulators and viewers.
virtual SbVec3f project(const SbVec2f
Apply the projector using the given point, returning the point in three
dimensions that it projects to. The point should be normalized (lie in the
range [0.0,1.0]), with (0,0) at the lower-left.
virtual void setViewVolume(const SbViewVolume
const SbViewVolume & getViewVolume() const
Set and get the view volume to use for the projection. This is typically
supplied from SoCamera::getViewVolume().
virtual void setWorkingSpace(const SbMatrix
const SbMatrix & getWorkingSpace() const
Set and get the transform space to work in. This matrix should transform
working space coordinates into world space. The default matrix is identity,
meaning that the default working space is world space.
virtual SbProjector * copy() const
Creates and returns an exact copy of the projector.
SbCylinderProjector, SbCylinderPlaneProjector, SbCylinderSectionProjector, SbCylinderSheetProjector, SbLineProjector, SbPlaneProjector, SbSpherePlaneProjector, SbSphereProjector, SbSphereSectionProjector, SbSphereSheetProjector