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kas-menu - kas menu plugin


kas menu [-h] [kconfig]


Provides a configuration menu and triggers the build of the choices.

This plugin implements the kas menu command.

When this command is executed, kas will open a configuration menu as described by a Kconfig file. It processes any pre-existing configuration file with saved settings, stores the final selections and invokes the build plugin if requested by the user.

To make use of this plugin, a Kconfig file has to be provided. The menu can define these types of configuration variables that the plugin will translate into a kas configuration:

  • kas configuration files that will be included when building the generated configuration. Those are picked up from kconfig string variables that have the name prefix KAS_INCLUDE_.
  • bitbake targets that shall be built via the generated configuration. Those are picked up from kconfig string variables that have the name prefix KAS_TARGET_.
  • The build_system that will used. The static kconfig string variable KAS_BUILD_SYSTEM defines this value which must be openembedded, oe or isar is set.
  • bitbake configuration variables that will be added to the local_conf_header section of the generated configuration. All other active kconfig string, integer or hex variables are treated as such.

See for a complete documentation of the Kconfig language.

The menu plugin writes the selected configuration to a .config.yaml file in the kas work directory and also reads previous selection from such a file if it exists. The .config.yaml both contains the selected configuration in the menu_configuration key and also the effective settings that can be used to invoke kas build or other kas commands.


Positional Arguments

Kconfig file


Part of the kas(1) suite.


Daniel Wagner, Jan Kiszka, Claudius Heine


Siemens AG, 2017-2024

February 3, 2025 4.7