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Types::Attean(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Types::Attean(3pm)


Types::Attean - Type constraints for dealing with Attean classes



  package IRI::Counter {
    use Moo;  # or Moose
    use Types::Attean qw( AtteanIRI );
    has iri => (
      is => "ro",
      isa => AtteanIRI,
      required => 1,
    sub count_uses_in_document { ... }


Types::Attean is a type constraint library suitable for use with Moo/Moose attributes, Kavorka sub signatures, and so forth. It builds on Types::URI.


A class type for Attean::IRI.

Can coerce from URI, IRI, URI::Namespace, RDF::Trine::Node::Resource, RDF::Trine::Namespace, XML::Namespace and strings.

Additionally, a "ScalarRef" can be coerced into a "data" URI.

A role type for Attean::API::Blank.
A role type for Attean::API::Literal.
A role type for a term that can be used as a subject in a triple or quad (i.e., Attean::API::BlankOrIRI).
A role type for a term that can be used as a predicate in a triple or quad (i.e., Attean::API::IRI).
A role type for a term that can be used as an object in a triple or quad (i.e., Attean::API::Term).
A role type for a term that can be used as a graph in a quad (i.e., Attean::API::BlankOrIRI).
A role type for Attean::API::Triple.
A role type for Attean::API::Quad.


This library can also coerce from "Attean::IRI" to the "Namespace" type defined in URI::Namespace.

2025-01-26 perl v5.40.0