Catmandu::Cmd::breaker - Parse Catmandu::Breaker exports
catmandu breaker [<OPTIONS>] <BREAKER.FILE>
$ catmandu convert XML --path book to Breaker --handler xml < t/book.xml > data.breaker
$ catmandu breaker data.breaker
# verbose output
$ catmandu breaker -v data.breaker
# The breaker command needs to know the unique fields in the dataset to build statistics
# By default it will scan the whole file for fields. This can be a very
# time consuming process. With --maxscan one can limit the number of lines
# in the breaker file that can be scanned for unique fields
$ catmandu breaker -v --maxscan 1000000 data.breaker
# Alternatively the fields option can be used to specify the unique fields
$ catmandu breaker -v --fields 245a,022a data.breaker
$ cat data.breaker | cut -f 2 | sort -u > fields.txt
$ catmandu breaker -v --fields fields.txt data.breaker
# Export statistics as CSV. See L<Catmandu::Exporter::Stat> for supported formats.
$ catmandu breaker --as CSV data.breaker