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Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC(3pm) |
Color::Library::Dictionary::NBS_ISCC - (NBS/ISCC Centroids) Centroids of the NBS/ISCC catalog
Kenneth L. Kelly and Deanne B. Judd. "Color: Universal Language and Dictionary of Names", National Bureau of Standards, Spec. Publ. 440, Dec. 1976, 189 pages. Color Name Dictionary: NBS/ISCC Centroids
Black black #222222 Blackish Blue blackishblue #202830 Blackish Green blackishgreen #1a2421 Blackish Purple blackishpurple #291e29 Blackish Red blackishred #2e1d21 Bluish Black bluishblack #202428 Bluish Gray bluishgray #81878b Bluish White bluishwhite #e9e9ed Brilliant Blue brilliantblue #4997d0 Brilliant Bluish Green brilliantbluishgreen #00a693 Brilliant Green brilliantgreen #3eb489 Brilliant Greenish Blue brilliantgreenishblue #239eba Brilliant Greenish Yellow brilliantgreenishyellow #e9e450 Brilliant Orange brilliantorange #fd943f Brilliant Orange Yellow brilliantorangeyellow #ffc14f Brilliant Purple brilliantpurple #d399e6 Brilliant Purplish Blue brilliantpurplishblue #6c79b8 Brilliant Purplish Pink brilliantpurplishpink #ffc8d6 Brilliant Violet brilliantviolet #7e73b8 Brilliant Yellow brilliantyellow #fada5e Brilliant Yellow Green brilliantyellowgreen #bdda57 Brilliant Yellowish Green brilliantyellowishgreen #83d37d Brownish Black brownishblack #28201c Brownish Gray brownishgray #5b504f Brownish Orange brownishorange #ae6938 Brownish Pink brownishpink #c2ac99 Dark Blue darkblue #00304e Dark Bluish Gray darkbluishgray #51585e Dark Bluish Green darkbluishgreen #004b49 Dark Brown darkbrown #422518 Dark Gray darkgray #555555 Dark Grayish Blue darkgrayishblue #36454f Dark Grayish Brown darkgrayishbrown #3e322c Dark Grayish Green darkgrayishgreen #3a4b47 Dark Grayish Olive darkgrayisholive #363527 Dark Grayish Olive Green darkgrayisholivegreen #31362b Dark Grayish Purple darkgrayishpurple #50404d Dark Grayish Red darkgrayishred #543d3f Dark Grayish Reddish Brown darkgrayishreddishbrown #43302e Dark Grayish Yellow darkgrayishyellow #a18f60 Dark Grayish Yellowish Brown darkgrayishyellowishbrown #483c32 Dark Green darkgreen #1b4d3e Dark Greenish Blue darkgreenishblue #004958 Dark Greenish Gray darkgreenishgray #4e5755 Dark Greenish Yellow darkgreenishyellow #98943e Dark Olive darkolive #403d21 Dark Olive Brown darkolivebrown #3b3121 Dark Olive Green darkolivegreen #2b3d26 Dark Orange Yellow darkorangeyellow #be8a3d Dark Pink darkpink #c08081 Dark Purple darkpurple #563c5c Dark Purplish Blue darkpurplishblue #252440 Dark Purplish Gray darkpurplishgray #5d555b Dark Purplish Pink darkpurplishpink #c17e91 Dark Purplish Red darkpurplishred #673147 Dark Red darkred #722f37 Dark Reddish Brown darkreddishbrown #3e1d1e Dark Reddish Gray darkreddishgray #5c504f Dark Reddish Orange darkreddishorange #9e4732 Dark Reddish Purple darkreddishpurple #5d3954 Dark Violet darkviolet #2f2140 Dark Yellow darkyellow #ab9144 Dark Yellowish Brown darkyellowishbrown #4b3621 Dark Yellowish Green darkyellowishgreen #355e3b Dark Yellowish Pink darkyellowishpink #c48379 Deep Blue deepblue #00416a Deep Bluish Green deepbluishgreen #00443f Deep Brown deepbrown #593319 Deep Green deepgreen #00543d Deep Greenish Blue deepgreenishblue #2e8495 Deep Greenish Yellow deepgreenishyellow #9b9400 Deep Olive Green deepolivegreen #232f00 Deep Orange deeporange #be6516 Deep Orange Yellow deeporangeyellow #c98500 Deep Pink deeppink #e4717a Deep Purple deeppurple #602f6b Deep Purplish Blue deeppurplishblue #272458 Deep Purplish Pink deeppurplishpink #de6fa1 Deep Purplish Red deeppurplishred #78184a Deep Red deepred #841b2d Deep Reddish Brown deepreddishbrown #56070c Deep Reddish Orange deepreddishorange #aa381e Deep Reddish Purple deepreddishpurple #702963 Deep Violet deepviolet #32174d Deep Yellow deepyellow #af8d13 Deep Yellow Green deepyellowgreen #467129 Deep Yellowish Brown deepyellowishbrown #654522 Deep Yellowish Green deepyellowishgreen #00622d Deep Yellowish Pink deepyellowishpink #e66721 Grayish Blue grayishblue #536878 Grayish Brown grayishbrown #635147 Grayish Green grayishgreen #5e716a Grayish Greenish Yellow grayishgreenishyellow #b9b57d Grayish Olive grayisholive #5b5842 Grayish Olive Green grayisholivegreen #515744 Grayish Pink grayishpink #c4aead Grayish Purple grayishpurple #796878 Grayish Purplish Blue grayishpurplishblue #4c516d Grayish Purplish Pink grayishpurplishpink #c3a6b1 Grayish Purplish Red grayishpurplishred #915f6d Grayish Red grayishred #905d5d Grayish Reddish Brown grayishreddishbrown #674c47 Grayish Reddish Orange grayishreddishorange #b4745e Grayish Reddish Purple grayishreddishpurple #836479 Grayish Violet grayishviolet #554c69 Grayish Yellow grayishyellow #c2b280 Grayish Yellow Green grayishyellowgreen #8f9779 Grayish Yellowish Brown grayishyellowishbrown #7e6d5a Grayish Yellowish Pink grayishyellowishpink #c7ada3 Greenish Black greenishblack #1e2321 Greenish Gray greenishgray #7d8984 Greenish White greenishwhite #dfede8 Light Blue lightblue #70a3cc Light Bluish Gray lightbluishgray #b4bcc0 Light Bluish Green lightbluishgreen #66ada4 Light Brown lightbrown #a67b5b Light Brownish Gray lightbrownishgray #8e8279 Light Gray lightgray #b9b8b5 Light Grayish Brown lightgrayishbrown #958070 Light Grayish Olive lightgrayisholive #8c8767 Light Grayish Purplish Red lightgrayishpurplishred #af868e Light Grayish Red lightgrayishred #ad8884 Light Grayish Reddish Brown lightgrayishreddishbrown #977f73 Light Grayish Yellowish Brown lightgrayishyellowishbrown #ae9b82 Light Green lightgreen #6aab8e Light Greenish Blue lightgreenishblue #66aabc Light Greenish Gray lightgreenishgray #b2beb5 Light Greenish Yellow lightgreenishyellow #eae679 Light Olive lightolive #867e36 Light Olive Brown lightolivebrown #967117 Light Olive Gray lightolivegray #8a8776 Light Orange lightorange #fab57f Light Orange Yellow lightorangeyellow #fbc97f Light Pink lightpink #f9ccca Light Purple lightpurple #b695c0 Light Purplish Blue lightpurplishblue #8791bf Light Purplish Gray lightpurplishgray #bfb9bd Light Purplish Pink lightpurplishpink #efbbcc Light Reddish Brown lightreddishbrown #a87c6d Light Reddish Purple lightreddishpurple #b784a7 Light Violet lightviolet #8c82b6 Light Yellow lightyellow #f8de7e Light Yellow Green lightyellowgreen #c9dc89 Light Yellowish Brown lightyellowishbrown #c19a6b Light Yellowish Green lightyellowishgreen #93c592 Light Yellowish Pink lightyellowishpink #f4c2c2 Medium Gray mediumgray #848482 Moderate Blue moderateblue #436b95 Moderate Bluish Green moderatebluishgreen #317873 Moderate Brown moderatebrown #6f4e37 Moderate Green moderategreen #3b7861 Moderate Greenish Blue moderategreenishblue #367588 Moderate Greenish Yellow moderategreenishyellow #b9b459 Moderate Olive moderateolive #665d1e Moderate Olive Brown moderateolivebrown #6c541e Moderate Olive Green moderateolivegreen #4a5d23 Moderate Orange moderateorange #d99058 Moderate Orange Yellow moderateorangeyellow #e3a857 Moderate Pink moderatepink #dea5a4 Moderate Purple moderatepurple #86608e Moderate Purplish Blue moderatepurplishblue #4e5180 Moderate Purplish Pink moderatepurplishpink #d597ae Moderate Purplish Red moderatepurplishred #a8516e Moderate Red moderatered #ab4e52 Moderate Reddish Brown moderatereddishbrown #79443b Moderate Reddish Orange moderatereddishorange #cb6d51 Moderate Reddish Purple moderatereddishpurple #915c83 Moderate Violet moderateviolet #604e81 Moderate Yellow moderateyellow #c9ae5d Moderate Yellow Green moderateyellowgreen #8a9a5b Moderate Yellowish Brown moderateyellowishbrown #826644 Moderate Yellowish Green moderateyellowishgreen #679267 Moderate Yellowish Pink moderateyellowishpink #d9a6a9 Olive Black oliveblack #25241d Olive Gray olivegray #57554c Pale Blue paleblue #91a3b0 Pale Green palegreen #8da399 Pale Greenish Yellow palegreenishyellow #ebe8a4 Pale Orange Yellow paleorangeyellow #fad6a5 Pale Pink palepink #ead8d7 Pale Purple palepurple #aa98a9 Pale Purplish Blue palepurplishblue #8c92ac Pale Purplish Pink palepurplishpink #e8ccd7 Pale Reddish Purple palereddishpurple #aa8a9e Pale Violet paleviolet #9690ab Pale Yellow paleyellow #f3e5ab Pale Yellow Green paleyellowgreen #dadfb7 Pale Yellowish Pink paleyellowishpink #ecd5c5 Pinkish Gray pinkishgray #c1b6b3 Pinkish White pinkishwhite #eae3e1 Purplish Black purplishblack #242124 Purplish Gray purplishgray #8b8589 Purplish White purplishwhite #e8e3e5 Reddish Black reddishblack #282022 Reddish Gray reddishgray #8f817f Strong Blue strongblue #0067a5 Strong Bluish Green strongbluishgreen #007a74 Strong Brown strongbrown #80461b Strong Green stronggreen #007959 Strong Greenish Blue stronggreenishblue #007791 Strong Greenish Yellow stronggreenishyellow #beb72e Strong Olive Green strongolivegreen #404f00 Strong Orange strongorange #ed872d Strong Orange Yellow strongorangeyellow #eaa221 Strong Pink strongpink #ea9399 Strong Purple strongpurple #875692 Strong Purplish Blue strongpurplishblue #545aa7 Strong Purplish Pink strongpurplishpink #e68fac Strong Purplish Red strongpurplishred #b3446c Strong Red strongred #bc3f4a Strong Reddish Brown strongreddishbrown #882d17 Strong Reddish Orange strongreddishorange #d9603b Strong Reddish Purple strongreddishpurple #9e4f88 Strong Violet strongviolet #604e97 Strong Yellow strongyellow #d4af37 Strong Yellow Green strongyellowgreen #7e9f2e Strong Yellowish Brown strongyellowishbrown #996515 Strong Yellowish Green strongyellowishgreen #44944a Strong Yellowish Pink strongyellowishpink #f99379 Very Dark Bluish Green verydarkbluishgreen #002a29 Very Dark Green verydarkgreen #1c352d Very Dark Greenish Blue verydarkgreenishblue #002e3b Very Dark Purple verydarkpurple #301934 Very Dark Purplish Red verydarkpurplishred #38152c Very Dark Red verydarkred #3f1728 Very Dark Reddish Purple verydarkreddishpurple #341731 Very Dark Yellowish Green verydarkyellowishgreen #173620 Very Deep Purple verydeeppurple #401a4c Very Deep Purplish Red verydeeppurplishred #54133b Very Deep Red verydeepred #5c0923 Very Deep Reddish Purple verydeepreddishpurple #54194e Very Deep Yellowish Green verydeepyellowishgreen #003118 Very Light Blue verylightblue #a1caf1 Very Light Bluish Green verylightbluishgreen #96ded1 Very Light Green verylightgreen #8ed1b2 Very Light Greenish Blue verylightgreenishblue #9cd1dc Very Light Purple verylightpurple #d5badb Very Light Purplish Blue verylightpurplishblue #b3bce2 Very Light Violet verylightviolet #dcd0ff Very Light Yellowish Green verylightyellowishgreen #b6e5af Very Pale Blue verypaleblue #bcd4e6 Very Pale Green verypalegreen #c7e6d7 Very Pale Purple verypalepurple #d6cadd Very Pale Purplish Blue verypalepurplishblue #c0c8e1 Very Pale Violet verypaleviolet #c4c3dd Vivid Blue vividblue #00a1c2 Vivid Bluish Green vividbluishgreen #008882 Vivid Green vividgreen #008856 Vivid Greenish Blue vividgreenishblue #0085a1 Vivid Greenish Yellow vividgreenishyellow #dcd300 Vivid Orange vividorange #f38400 Vivid Orange Yellow vividorangeyellow #f6a600 Vivid Pink vividpink #ffb5ba Vivid Purple vividpurple #9a4eae Vivid Purplish Blue vividpurplishblue #30267a Vivid Purplish Red vividpurplishred #ce4676 Vivid Red vividred #be0032 Vivid Reddish Orange vividreddishorange #e25822 Vivid Reddish Purple vividreddishpurple #870074 Vivid Violet vividviolet #9065ca Vivid Yellow vividyellow #f3c300 Vivid Yellow Green vividyellowgreen #8db600 Vivid Yellowish Green vividyellowishgreen #27a64c Vivid Yellowish Pink vividyellowishpink #ffb7a5 White white #f2f3f4 Yellowish Gray yellowishgray #bfb8a5 Yellowish White yellowishwhite #f0ead6
2022-11-27 | perl v5.36.0 |